ROMANS 8:37-39: This famous statement from the Apostle Paul is one of the primary passages church people use to prove that they are members in good standing in God’s church. Here Paul states that “WE” are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Note that “WE” referred to those who were on the same spiritual level as Paul, who received his Gospel directly “by revelation from Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit” (Gal. 1:12). Therefore, only those on his spiritual level can honestly say that about themselves. Jesus makes a statement to that effect in Revelation 3:21 where He states that only those who “… overcome (Satan’s temptations to sin) even as I overcame (them)” will sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God. Notice that Jesus commands that the believer overcome the temptation to sin “EVEN AS I (JESUS) OVERCAME” IT. Did Jesus sin? Though He was tempted as are all people, He overcame every temptation (Heb. 4:15). He, and He alone, is our example. Paul goes on to say that nothing can separate “US” (“WE”–those like him) from the love of God. But notice that everything he lists is outside of the person himself. Is God’s Love Conditional? Key word–Conditional. Individually, man himself has the final say as to whom he obeys, worships and serves. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14 and 22:14, many are called to meet His standard of divine acceptance, but few choose to answer His call. He sets the standard for acceptance in Revelation 3:21. However, salvation seekers reject His standard and embrace Satan’s church-determined standard which requires only belief in Jesus in order to qualify for salvation, which man awards himself upon “taking Jesus as his savior” as the salvation whores proclaim every Sunday morning.
Romans 6:6,7 supposedly offers Scriptural “proof” that church people are indeed God’s people. Here Paul states that our old man of sin was crucified along with Jesus so that, being dead to sin, the believer is freed from the effects of sin (spiritual death and separation from God–Isa. 59:2). However, verses 11-18 paint a totally different picture. Here Paul tell us that freedom from the effects of sin is not automatic. Christ’s death gives true believers the Holy Spirit power to RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO SIN, NOT TO SIN AND GET AWAY WITH IT. The Holy Spirit is received upon true conversion that follows justification (forgiveness of all PAST SINS–Rom. 3:25). Following Justification and true conversion, the Holy Spirit is given so as to empower the believer to do what Jesus did using that same Spirit–RESIST TEMPTATION TO SIN. The true convert must keep himself free from sin using the Holy Spirit AS DID THE MAN JESUS OF NAZARETH. In other words, we must “walk even as he walked” (1 Jn. 2:6). In verse 13 we are commanded to YIELD OURSELVES to righteousness, not to unrighteousness. THE CHOICE RELATIVE TO WHOM WE YIELD OURSELVES TO OBEY IS OURS. Verses 16-18 makes it clear to church people that the one (God or Satan) we choose to obey is the one we serve. If we obey Satan we die; if we obey God we live. If we obey the doctrines that have been delivered to us (the Holy Bible), we will live with God and Christ forever. If we obey and serve Satan we will be burned to ash. Verse 18 has been used often to “prove” one’s salvation status. Here it is written that we have been made “free from sin” and are now “servants of righteousness.” Church people are told that being “free from sin” actually means freedom from the “effects of sin” that we must commit due to Adam’s sin gene transferal. Therefore, by accepting Christ as our Savior He becomes righteous in our place and awards righteousness to us simply for believing in Him. In effect, He becomes our sin enabler. However, in verses 17 and 18 we are told that WE MUST OBEY THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINES GIVEN TO US WHICH WILL KEEP US FREE FROM SIN. WE MUST HAVE THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ORDER TO OBEY THOSE DOCTRINES. OBEDIENCE MAKES US HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS, THE END RESULT OF WHICH IS SALVATION (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). Faith is taking God at His Word (Rom. 10:19). As proved in part one, faith in Jesus without works of obedience to His Word Him is dead faith which accomplishes nothing.
In Ephesians 1:4 Paul tells us that we were chosen by God to be “in Him (Christ)” to be “HOLY AND WITHOUT BLAME BEFORE GOD.” We were chosen to live without sin (DARKNESS). This is also brought out in Colossians 1:13 where it is stated that “God delivered us FROM the power of darkness and INTO His marvelous light.” Note that He took us OUT OF SIN. HE DID NOT, AS WE AE TOLD REPEATEDLY, ENABLE US TO CONTINUE TO SIN AS LONG AS WE REPENT REGULARLY. Doing this makes the believer like the sow that, after being washed, returns to the mire and the dog that, having vomited out his problem, then laps it up (2 Pet. 2:22).
In Ephesians 5:8-17 we are commanded to walk (live) in God’s light, in goodness, righteousness and Truth (His Word-Jn. 17:17). We are told that we must CHOOSE to do only that which is acceptable to God (as detailed in the Holy Scriptures). We must reject church darkness that poses as light and remain separate from that darkness. We must not be fools as they are who follow the church’s doctrinal darkness (see the home page). We must be wise and do the will of God which is found ONLY in His Holy Bible.
In so doing we will be as the Apostle Peter describes in First Peter 2:9.10. Here he identifies those who obey God as: “His chosen generation, His royal priesthood, His holy nation, His peculiar people whom He has called out of darkness and into His marvelous light.” These, and only these, are “the people of God.” Notice that there are no “sinners saved by grace” on that list.
What man calls Bible proof of his saved condition is what I call God’s “headlines.” These statements are true, but must be combined with His “fine print” in order for them to affect the believer’s life. Read God’s rules for Bible Study found in Isaiah 28:9-13. Here one will discover God’s instructions relative to His “fine print.” This ministry is “fine print” focused. Obviously, I am sorely lacking in popularity within the church community. A good case of spiritual irony is the fact that I have been writing and speaking God’s “fine print” messages in Athens, Texas for approximately 35 years and I have yet to be invited to speak to a local church. Why? Because the church hates God’s light. And the Prince of Darkness smiles. L.J.
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