As I have admitted previously, I once destroyed a Bible. In a rage I ripped it apart and threw the pieces in a trash can. I was frustrated with Paul’s letter to the church at Rome because he was, in my unlearned opinion, speaking double-talk. He was saying that we must obey the Law AND that we must not obey the Law. I had been “saved” in my early teens and, in my 30’s became an evangelist in my denomination. But I still did not understand the Book of Romans or the Book of Revelation. All the while, from my youth through my mid 60’s I preached, wrote, was on radio in several states and on television locally. But there was still so much I did not understand about the Bible that I knew was God’s Truth. I never doubted what was in that Holy Tome, I simply did not understand much of it. Some of it simply did not make sense, not even spiritual sense. The Books of Romans and Revelation headed the list.
For years I had been hearing God’s “voice” telling me to stop teaching and go into His ministry full-time. It took a car wreck and a concussion for me to obey Him. It was at that point that He had my total attention and could show me that the “truths” I had believed, preached and wrote about over all those years were nothing more than ear-scratching, ego-soothing lies whose author was Satan. I had to unlearn approximately 90% of what I had learned, which enabled me to see the Scriptures through God’s eyes. The view was totally different. Now I was seeing the Holy Word with the aid of the Holy Spirit that lived, and still lives, within me. The end result of that spiritual transformation was this website which has garnered over three billion downloads of the hundreds of series which cover the same number of subjects. So what had kept me from understanding what God had been saying to me all those years? My problem was (and is) shared by several billion church people today. The church world’s basic problem is A LACK OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Hopefully, this series, along with hundreds of others, will show church people what God has shown me relative to that Truth.
An interesting fact about what we believe can be summed up in a simple illustration. Place 100 scientists in a room and they would probably agree on what is written in a science book. Place 100 historians in a room and they would probably agree on what was written in a history book. They not only agree on the information provided in the texts, but would not hesitate to tell thousands of science and history students that the information in the books is undeniable fact.
However, we could place a Bible scholar from each of the hundreds of different “churches” (faiths, denominations, etc.) in a room and they would have the same number of opinions relative to what is written in the Holy Text. Why is there so much disagreement and misunderstanding relative to God’s inspired Word today? BECAUSE CHURCH PEOPLE REFUSE TO TAKE GOD’S INSPIRED WORD AT FACE VALUE. EACH CHURCH HAS ITS OWN VERSION OF GOD’S TRUTH. And if the Bible is indeed God’s Truth, not one of them comes close to the Truth proclaimed between its covers.
The ultimate irony is that those same church people will, without hesitation, take the word of science and history authors, but will not believe the God who created both the authors and everything in their science and history books. Church people will take the word of godless men who never hear God’s voice, but will summarily reject “holy men of old who spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by God’s Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21). Ten science books written by ten different people about ten different scientific subjects would be approved by 100 scientists. Ten history books written by ten people about ten different historical subjects would be approved by 100 historians. But ten Bible scholars would not agree on what is written in one Book. Again, why? The answer involves the authors.
Science and history books written by men under their own inspiration using their own mental skills most definitely GOT IT RIGHT. Scientists and historians agree that man always gets it right. However, according to those who call themselves His people, who whole-heartedly agree with the scientists and historians, declare loud and long that GOD GOT IT WRONG. Having identified His mistakes, religious man has taken it upon himself to correct His mistakes. The irony is that each group corrects God in a different way. The existence of hundreds of denominations, faiths, churches, assemblies, etc. prove that God did not merely get it wrong, He got it wrong in hundreds of different ways. According to religious man, if he had not corrected God’s mistakes, REAL BIBLE TRUTH would not exist in written form. The consensus among church people is that only one group has the correct rendering of what God Is trying to has tried, BUT FAILED to tell salvation seekers for thousands of years. That unique, special and deeply spiritual group is the ______________ (fill in the blank) church. I know because I spent almost half of my life in the “real church.”
In spite of the fact that God declared that the holy Scriptures are of “no private (personal) interpretation,” (2 Pet. 1:20) there are literally hundreds of groups which have concocted hundreds of different interpretations about hundreds of different statements found in the Bible. Incredibly, each of them is “right” even though each disagrees with all of the other “right” churches. Only Satan could concoct such a convoluted religious mess and sell it to billions of people as “the Word, way and will of God.” As I have stated before, if not for trees and buildings I could see three church buildings from my back yard, each of which has a different sign out front and each of which is THE TRUE CHURCH–THE ONLY CHURCH PROCLAIMING THE ONLY TRUTH OF GOD. But did not the Lord, through the Apostle Paul, say that there was only one Truth, one faith, one church, etc. (Eph. 4:4,5). The billions of parishioners, all of whom own the same Bible, agree on one thing: GOD MADE NUMEROUS MISTAKES AND IT IS THEIR JOB TO CORRECT THOSE MISTAKES. Again, only one church system corrected His mistakes and now has it right. That church is the ____________ Church. L.J.
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