The purpose of this series of postings is to show how God uses individuals and nations of every character type to bring about the fulfillment of His will. In the case of Moses and the Egyptians, He used the most vile man on earth at the time to make His name known to the most vile nation on earth, to show them that He and He alone was Supreme, that pharaoh was less than nothing in comparison to Him.
But the Lord was teaching an even more important lesson through the Moses-pharaoh incident. Through it He reveals to the entire world that He and He alone is the great I Am and will always be so. Proof of this is found in the fact that there is no nation on earth today in which the story of baby Moses, the plagues, the Israelites’ escape and the Egyptian army’s death in the Red Sea are not known. Even those who do not believe in the Biblical God know the story. A good example of this is found in Joshua 2:9-11. Here we find that Joshua has sent men to scout out the city of Jericho in preparation for invasion. While there they met Rahab who hid them from the authorities. Why did she risk her life to save their lives? Fear. She confessed to them that she knew the Lord had given Israel the Land of Canaan, that the people of the land were terrified of them because they had heard how the Lord had parted the Red Sea for them to escape from Egypt, and that they had later defeated the mighty Amorite nation. She then voiced her fear of “… the Lord your God, He is God of heaven above and on earth beneath.” The people of Jericho were terrified of Israel because of what God had done for them 40 YEARS EARLIER.
The Lord used this heathen woman to save the lives of two of His people and to prepare the city for destruction. Why did He use Rahab? He could have brought about their escape in a variety of ways. For example, He could have made them invisible to the people of Jericho. But He chose to use the ungodly to fulfill His agenda.
Having answered the question voiced in the title of these postings concerning WHAT God does, the next question concerns WHY He so often chooses to use the ungodly to perform His will. We are not given the answer to this question. I theorize that it is a matter of numbers. There being so few true saints on earth at any given time, God is forced to use the unsaintly out of necessity. Many, if not most of the people He uses in these last days claim to be Christians. And in that approximately 75 percent of Americans make the same claim, it is important that He use people who are accepted by the 300,000,000 or so who claim Him as their Savior.
Cases in point involve television and radio personalities who do good works among the population by warning them about what is taking place in the social, political, moral and economic realm and telling them what will be the outcome of the nation’s behavioral choices. The more popular of them do so under the guise of Christianity. These are “watchmen on the wall,” set in place by God to do what they do–warn the people. Winston Churchill was such a watchman. Though not a Christian, he was used mightily by the Lord to save Western Civilization. But for Churchill, we would be speaking German today. Many of today’s watchmen claim to be children of God, believing that because they are involved in a religious organization carrying the name of “Christian,” extol the Lord and quote His Word, that they are in fact His people. Some of the more popular media personalities try to rally church people around “Christian” principles, believing that should they do so, the Lord will hear their prayers and save the nation from total collapse. They tell us that in order for the nation to be rescued we must “do what the Lord would have us do.” Not knowing what God would have us do because of ignorance or rejection of the Bible, they tell us to follow the doctrines of the church in which we are individually involved. After all, they tell us, all are God’s churches and all put forth His truth. Wrong on both counts. Not one of the hundreds of religious entities found in Churchdom belongs to and is obedient to God; not one teaches His Word; not one believes His Word. All declare loudly and often that His Word is a lie. This website has used that Word to condemn all self-defined “churches” as counterfeit, Satan-empowered and man-directed. We are told from church pulpits, television and radio studios, movies, books, pamphlets and on street corners that the religious monstrosity known as “the church” will save the nation if everyone will obey its doctrines, practice its customs and pray. And Satan laughs, knowing that if someone should show the purveyors of this theory what God actually said in His Word they would be rejected. I can tell you from experience that this is true.
In spite of God’s guarantee that their efforts will be rejected, those whom God has called are commanded to: “Preach the Word. Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when men will not endure sound doctrine (the Word) but will … turn away their ears from the Truth (the Word) and be turned aside unto fables (church doctrine)” (2 Tim. 4:3,4), which God calls “doctrines of devils” spoken by “seducing spirits” (1 Tim. 4:1). That time has arrived. “The Word” God was referring to is His Bible. Those “men” He was referring to are churchmen who reject God’s “sound doctrine” in favor of Satan’s “fables.” These bastions of the church have “turned their ears away from the Truth,” preferring Satan’s feel-good, any-way-you-want-it version of Christianity. However, as He tells us in His Word, the Lord often uses such people to perform His will. To be continued. L.J.
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