“What is going on in the United States?” “What is happening to this once-sane nation?” “Where did this craziness come from?” These are some of the musings being publicly voiced by people who are wondering, as one foreigner recently voiced on national television: “America: What happened to you?” This is THE ultimate question in need of THE ultimate answer which can be learned from THE ultimate source. What has happened to this once-blessed, once-great, once-Godly nation is found in only one place–GOD’S HOLY BIBLE.
The short answer to the question on everyone’s mind is: AMERICA HAS REJECTED GOD AND HAS SEPARATED HERSELF FROM HIM (ISA. 59:2). When an individual or nation continues to sin, God removes His Holy Spirit from that individual or nation, leaving a spiritual void which, like a vacuum, “begs to be filled.” America has been gradually moving God out of her individual and collective life for many generations. For example, the early Puritans observed God’s blessed, sanctified seventh day Sabbath. They refused to honor the sabbath observed by sun worshipers on their sun god’s sabbath–Sun day–“the venerable (holy) day of the sun.” These sun worshipers had been forced into the Catholic Church by the Roman Empire. The Puritans also rejected other pagan holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, New Years Day and Halloween. Read the series on those days using those words as keys. When the so-called Protestants (protesters) left Catholicism they took with them many of her Babylonian beliefs and customs. See the website homepage. The Puritans who established what would become the United States of America knew the truth and rejected those Babylonian beliefs and practices. Then, as he did in the Garden of Eden, Satan attacked God’s people who had brought Biblical Christianity to the New World. The rest is history.
For many years God has been afflicting America with increasingly more painful curses in an attempt to draw her back to Himself. He has used such things as wars, epidemics, floods, droughts, financial problems, crime problems, so-called “acts of nature,” etc. in an attempt to get the nation’s attention, but to no avail. As He did to ancient Israel, he has done to their descendants–He has turned Satan and his devils (fallen angels) loose on them. What people are openly wondering about is the result of Satan’s attacks on the churched and the non-churched. His will and mindset now fill the minds of an increasing number of people. No one is exempt from the attacks of Satan and his fallen angels, known Biblically as “devils.” We who deal with them call them “demons.” Only a few true believers understand what is happening and have the spiritual power to repel the “fiery darts” (temptations) of Satan and his spiritual helpers (Eph. 6:16).
Unfortunately, those with the spiritual power to cast evil spirits out of people are unable to do so because they (God’s chosen ministers) are rejected by both the world and the church. These are the Lord’s Law-keeping saints. Their detractors, being Law-rejecters and therefore separated from God, are at the mercy of the “angel of light” and his “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:13-15). Satan is Biblically described as “the prince of the powers of the air” (Eph. 2:2). His spirits (devils/demons–powers) are described as “principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness of this world.” These are the purveyors of “spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12).
These unseen, totally vile spiritual warriors attack their human targets in their hearts (minds). Not having the power of the Holy Spirit needed to ward off their temptations, their victims are low-hanging fruit for Satan’s human helpers– pastors, teachers, evangelists and missionaries. These deceived “hirelings” (Jn. 10:12,13) preach and teach Satan’s perverted versions of God’s Gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). These are the “truths” concocted by “another Jesus” who dictates what each denomination, faith, etc. wants to hear. As a result, those congregations receive the “smooth things, lies and deceits” that match their theology. This problem is as old as mankind. Adam and Eve and ancient Israel were afflicted with the same spiritual–tell me what I want to hear–disease that has destroyed the modern church (Gen. 3:4/ Isa. 30:10). And just as God destroyed the nation that chose Satan over Him in the past, He will destroy their descendants, including the United States of America–who are guilty of the same sins.
I believe that God will give America one final opportunity to repent, turn from her wicked ways and obey Him. I believe that, as did Israel, America will have a “revival” and will temporarily “get religion.” But her “conversion” will be short-lived. I believe that God will use Donald Trump to put the nation back on the right political and economic track. But that will not be enough. In order to be returned to her God-blessed status, America must do a 180 degree spiritual turn and continue on that trajectory. In my opinion, should she embrace the Lord, she will not stay with Him. I believe that Satan has too much of a hold on her for that to happen. In my opinion, America will eventually fall from the weight of sin that has become so much a part of both her individual and corporate life. My heart breaks for my beloved nation. As was the case in Eden and in the Promised Land, America will fail in her mission because she will not submit to the rule of God. She will “get religion” to a degree, then sink back down into the sewer known globally as Christianity. She will sign her own death warrant by rejecting the rulership of the God Who created her–she will continue to reject His Law. Being true to His Word, God will have no choice but to bring about military defeat and enslavement in the lands of her new owners. This will sound familiar to Bible students, FOR IT IS EXACTLY WHAT HE DID TO ANCIENT ISRAEL, AND FOR THE SAME REASON.
Satan and his demons have filled the void created by the departure of the Lord from the life of the supposed “Nation Under God.” As the daily news reveals, those demonic powers are now in charge of the nation. They own and operate the White House, Senate and House of Representatives. They own and operate state and local political bodies. They own and operate the nation’s educational systems. With the exception of a minutely few true believers (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14), Satan (“the god of this world”–2 Cor. 4:4), his fallen angels rule the nation. With the help of their human assistants, they also rule the world’s religions, including so-called “Christianity.” Truly, “the devil has deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9).
During the Vietnam War when armaments were headed toward American soldiers, the word “incoming” could be heard in all quarters. In the spiritual realm, “incoming” is a constant problem as Satan’s angels constantly bombard people with temptations to sin. The difference between physical war and spiritual war is that religious people do not know they are at war. Though people like me are continually warning the world about spiritual “incoming,” the reaction is totally different, for two reasons. Unlike their military counterparts, the civilians are unaware of what is headed their way. Our guys with guns fought fire with more fire. However, our civilians are tip-toeing through the tulips, totally oblivious to what is happening to them. As a result, …. Turn on the news to see the result.
The solution to the problem of both individual and national Satanic possession is a return to the Lord God of the universe. With that return would come individual deliverance from Satan’s individual control. This would lead to national deliverance from Satan’s national bondage. Will this happen? Only time will tell. L.J.
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