When an entity, be it a nation, a group or an individual, refuses to obey the laws of the governing body, it is that entity’s WILL that dictates its/his/her life. What we see in today’s world, specifically in the U.S.A., is a rapid rush toward lawless- ness. On the Biblical level it is called “INIQUITY.” I will refrain from entering into the political arena and will concentrate solely on the spiritual aspect of the effects of religious man’s rejection of God’s moral Ten Commandment Law. I will, however, refer to a politician who told the world exactly how he would cause millions of people 1) to reject both the law of the land and the law of rational thought and 2) to follow him into unheard-of degeneracy on a massive scale.
Speaking to the WILL VS LAW conflict, Adolf Hitler said that if one repeats a big lie often enough the masses will eventually believe it no matter how unreasonable or irrational it may be: “What you tell people in the mass, in a receptive state of fanatic devotion, will remain like words RECEIVED UNDER A HYPNOTIC INFLUENCE, ineradicable and impervious to every reasonable explanation.” This is the spiritual/intellectual prism through which those of Catholicism/Protestantism view “the church”–their Golden Calf–whose doctrines (wills) are in many, if not most cases diametrically opposed to the expressed WILL OF GOD. Their “fanatic devotion” to their religious institution blinds them to the reality of God’s Biblical message. Hitler continued: “A new age of magic interpretation of the world is coming, of interpretation in terms of the WILL and not of the intelligence.” The same magical interpretation of God’s Word according to one’s will is what prompts most religious of people, when exposed to God’s Truth (Jn. 17:17–His Word), to reject the very One whom they claim has saved them (Jn. 12:47-50). In the John 12 passage Jesus said that He was the earthly extension of the Father, that what He said (the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation) was given to Him by the Father, and that to reject what He said is to reject both Himself and His Father. Question: Why does professing Christendom reject god’s Word (His Will) and obey her own word (man’s will)? Answer: False prophets, using the same “hypnotic influence” that Adolf Hitler used to sway the masses, long ago drew the modern day church’s ancestors away from the Lord and to themselves, thereby creating what is today known as “the church.” Their wills having overcome god’s voice (the Bible), they created Catholicism/Protestantism which has spread its deadly influence globally. God, through Paul, addresses the subject of WILL WORSHIP (REJECTION OF GOD’S WORD) in Colossians 2:18,19,23 where He warns that angels (demons) will lead men to follow their own wills while drawing people to themselves by claiming to be God’s ministers. This is the process by which the myriad of religious organizations comprising professing Christendom came into being. In that Satan himself–the provider of the influence–demonstrated his persuasive powers in the Garden of Eden by destroying God’s first church, it is no surprise that, using that same power, Satan was able to destroy God’s New Covenant Church. With one tiny exception–His remnant of true believers who refuse to succumb to the devil’s hypnotic powers. These are they of the strait gate-narrow way group (Mat. 7:13,14).
In Revelation 13 God warns of a future leader (the First Beast–the Antichrist) who will draw all people, including the church, into his global religious system ruled by the False Prophet (the Second Beast–a miracle-working religious leader). This will usher in the final three and one/half years of the Great Tribulation. During the first two and a half years of the holocaust Satan will be free to torture Truth-rejecting mankind. This period will be followed by “the Day of the Lord”–a one year period during which God will rain down his wrath on the same people. As is written, there will be much “… wailing and gnashing of teeth” as church people bemoan the fact that they rejected God’s Truth and embraced Satan’s WILL WORSHIP. Today, many are being called out of the Truth-denying Counterfeit Church by God in order to live a life of obedience to His Truth. Few, He laments, are being chosen for having answered His call. Have comments or questions? Contact me at LPJ4142@gmail.com or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751 U.S.A. or (903) 677-5642. English only.
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