The question on so many lips today is: “Why is America losing her collective mind?” Why are there riots, crime sprees in every sector of social life, political decay, cities burning, invasion by heathen masses, the American flag burning, heathen cultures exalted and Biblical values rejected, churches burning, etc? In every case, regardless of where one looks, the nation grows darker and more negative each day in every sector of American life? Again, WHY?
To find the answers we must consult the Book that contains the Truth (Jn. 17:17)–THE HOLY BIBLE. Unfortunately, many Americans own a Bible but only a minutely few study it, and only a minutely few of those believe what they find there. Less than one percent of those actually obey its dictates. The WHY question is answered initially in two books and two chapters of the Old Testament–Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Here God addresses ancient Israel and modern Israel, of which America is a vital part. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Today. Note in the two chapters noted above that there are two sections. The first 13 or 14 verses contain God’s promise to those who obey Him. The remainder of the chapters is His warning as to what those who disobey Him can expect. A look at the American scene today tells us which group she not only belongs to, but leads. America has sown the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices.
Leading America today is what is commonly called “the church.” As goes the church, so goes the nation. The primary reason for the chaos and turmoil in the once-blessed, once rightly deemed “light of the modern world” is the apostasy of the once-saintly, once-obedient church. Read the series on the apostasy (falling away) of the church using the key word Apostasy. The church, by following their man-selected, Satan-provided false prophets, for 1900 years has drawn salvation seekers away from the Biblical God and to the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) who “blinded them and convinced them to not believe God’s Word so that His light could not shine on them.” The blind lead the blind. And when the blind lead the blind, “… both fall into the ditch” (Lk. 6:39). “The ditch” refers to the modern church.
As the Almighty did for our spiritual ancestors, I believe that He will give America one LAST CHANCE to turn from her wicked, vile, God-rejecting, Satan-following ways and embrace the Lord by obeying HIS LAW by which HE RULES those who are truly OBEDIENT TO HIM. These are the few TRUE SAINTS who will rise to meet Him in the air upon His return to earth to establish the Kingdom of God. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. I believe the Lord will use Donald Trump–a sinner of sinners–to once again put America on the right track economically, politically and militarily as he did during his first term.
It will be up to the American people to decide which way they will go spiritually. If they refuse to turn from their wicked ways, they will travel the path of their Israelite ancestors, a path that led to military defeat, mass slaughter and the enslavement of the few who survive. Based on Biblical prophecy, I believe that, following a brief time of so-called “revival,” this is exactly what will happen. This will take place during the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Read about that soon-coming time using the key word Tribulation. Only time will tell what America will do. Though I would like to be positive, I fear the worst will prove to be the reality that will befall my beloved nation, my beloved family and my beloved friends.
I believe America will follow in Israel’s spiritual footsteps. I believe she will, following Trump’s election, become superficially religious. There will be a time of “revival” during which many people will return to the religious system that led us to where we are today. Religion will once again be at the forefront of social thought and action, but only temporarily and only superficially. The Catholic/Protestant lie will once again raise its ugly head and the church masses will flock into the church’s deadly web. Why? BECAUSE GOD IS NOT IN THE CHURCH, WHICH IS WHY HE COMMANDS TRUTH SEEKERS TO “COME OUT OF HER AND TOUCH NOT THAT UNCLEAN THING” (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1).
I believe that, following a time of “revival,” Americans who had been “revived” will once again fall away. Then the Lord will send the heathen to defeat, destroy and enslave the survivors. Only His Very Elect will be saved from the terror of that coming Tribulation Period. Those who want to be in that group are commanded to obey God’s commands found in Second Corinthians 6. Following that essential act, they must obey His Law as this ministry continually tells salvation seekers to do and instructs them on how to do it.
Sadly, I do not believe Americans have the spiritual will to obey their Creator. They have been fed so much leaven for so long that they are incapable of conversion. As Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13,14 and 22:14, only a few will find His strait gate, enter it and walk His narrow way to the Kingdom of God. The many will enter Satan’s wide Catholic/Protestant gate and walk his wide path to destruction. I try to be positive relative to America’s future. However, I must base the future on the past as it is presented in the pages of the Holy Bible. L.J.
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