Satan. As this series of postings will prove, this world is run by him. For proof let us go to the last Book in the Bible to chapter 12 where God warned those with ears to hear and eyes to see that in these final days before the return of His Christ, Satan and his angels (demons) would be cast down to earth. This was prophesied to happen just before the beginning of the Great Tribulation, the first 2 1/2 years of which will reveal Satan’s wrath on hapless humanity. This time period would be followed by The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord during which God would pour out His wrath on sinning mankind for one year. Now let us return to the time before the creation of all that exists to see how the universe came into being in an explosion of beauty and godliness, and how it is ending in a whimper of ugliness and Satanic rulership. Thank God there is a new day coming when Jesus will clean up the mess man has created and set the earth on its proper course. Those who believe and obey Him will help Him administer His and His Father’s government–the Kingdom of God–not only on the earth, but throughout the universe.
In Ezekiel 26 and 27 we find the Lord speaking to Lucifer, now called “Satan,” referring first to “Tyrus,” a city dominated by him, warning her of her future destruction. In chapter 28 He addresses the “Prince of Tyrus”–Satan himself. Here God reminds him of his creation and former position as ruler of the earth. The Lord goes into exquisite detail describing Lucifer’s throne that was located in the midst of the Garden of Eden. And the ruler of the earth was not alone.
In Revelation 12:4 the Bible suggests that one third of the angels created by the Lord had been assigned to work under Lucifer (“light bearer”) whom God had made governor over the earth. Apparently, earth was a proving ground for greater assignments later on for both Lucifer and the angels assigned to him. We do not know how many angels God created, possibly billions. However many were created, one third of them apparently worked directly beneath Lucifer. In spite of his exalted beauty and power, Lucifer was not satisfied. He developed an attitude of lust–a need to “… be like the Most High”–to exalt his throne above God’s throne–to rule in His stead. As the Lord said to him, “Sin was found in you.” Having decided on his course of action, Lucifer recruited the angels under his control to follow him in rebellion against their Maker.
By refusing to obey God’s commands, Lucifer and his angels (now called “demons”) became His adversaries (enemies), which is exactly what happens when his human followers (the Counterfeit Church and all other worldly religions) reject any part of God’s Word–they, like Satan and his demons, become His enemies. The only difference is that Satan and the demons know where they stand with God. The devil is in a fit of wrath (Rev. 12:12) and the demons tremble (Jam. 2:19). The “church,” knowing less about God’s Word and believing less of what she knows, believes herself to be in the center of God’s will (Rev. 3:14-17). Satan and his demons are not hypocritical in that they do not pretend to believe and obey God. The Institutional Church, however, pretends both. And recall that the Serpent of Eden (Satan) did not reject the Lord’s Words. He knew they were Truth (Jn. 17:17). Adam and Eve, however, rejected God’s Truth and embraced Satan’s “truth.” Which begs the question: Who is the worst sinner? Satan or them. Does this say anything about professing Christendom? which, as this website has pointed out repeatedly, rejects most of God’s Truth.
Today Lucifer (“brilliant star”) is the leader of God’s adversaries, both spiritual and physical. His name, however, has been changed to “Satan,” the devil–the enemy. With his fall from the exalted position assigned him by God he became the Prince and Ruler of demons (Mat. 12:24), ruling mankind from the heavens (all space above ground level). It must be understood that his power did not diminish with his fall from heaven to earth. Every Biblical reference to him speaks of his power and authority in the present tense. But his control of man did not come automatically with his fall; he had to win control over the earth and the people on it. This he did by persuading Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden tree. Since that time human beings have been subject to the devil’s persuasive powers. The power of choice remains in man’s control. At any time in man’s life he can decide to reject Satan’s shrill, loud call and answer the still, quiet voice of his Maker. Adam and Eve’s second child answered God’s call, earning him the title of “righteous Abel” (Mat. 23:35) as described by the Lord Jesus Himself. As had his parents, Cain chose the way of Satan. The whole of humanity has deliberately followed his example. In the same way that Satan personally controlled Cain following his self-willed fall, he now controls the affairs of the whole of mankind using his demons. Throughout man’s history only a few, God tells us, have refused to submit to the devil’s wiles (Mat. 7:13,14). Scripturally, these people are called the “Church of God”–His “tiny flock” (Lk. 12:32). The many (Mat. 7:13,14) follow Satan. Among these seven billion plus God- rejecters, some two billion call themselves “the (fill in the blank) church.” To be continued. L.J.
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