Peter’s instructions to the “devout Jews” who had gathered in Jerusalem that they were to return to their homes in “every nation under the sun” and to tell “your children” and “all (Israelites) who are afar off” that their Messiah had come (Acts 2) was carried out. Those of the globally-dispersed Lost Sheep of the House of Israel who heard, believed and obeyed the returning Jews began to live as He commanded them. Later the apostles would travel throughout the known world further spreading the gospel–the good news of the coming Kingdom of God–and telling about the Messiah Who would make entrance into the kingdom possible for both Israelites and Gentiles. This was in fulfillment of Micah 5:7,8 where God declared that He would scatter Israel among the Gentiles as dew on grass. Then following their return to Him, they would become His lights to those among whom they lived–biological Gentiles. This process began on the Day of Pentecost, 31 A.D. This is proved in Acts 15:13-18 where God declared that He would one day rebuild the Tabernacle (house) of David and His people would return to it. Today some of the physical descendants of the first converts, along with a Gentile contingent, comprise the New Covenant Church of God. This will be proven by God’s Words by which He compares Israel to the New Covenant Church. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will readily acknowledge that the Israel of God and the Church of God are one in the same (Gal. 6:16).
ISRAEL: Isaiah 43:1–I created, FORMED/REDEEMED/CALLED you; 44:22–I REDEEMED you; FORMED you. THE CHURCH: First Peter 1:18,19–You are REDEEMED with the blood of Jesus Christ; LK. 1:68,69–The Lord of ISRAEL has visited and REDEEMED HIS PEOPLE and brought salva- tion to the HOUSE OF DAVID; Romans 8:28,29–Those He CALLED, He FOREKNEW; Ephesians 1:11– We are PREDESTINED according to His purpose (CALLING). ISRAEL: Isaiah 43:3–I am the Holy One of Israel, your (Israel’s) SAVIOR. THE CHURCH: The words “OUR SAVIOR” are found 10 times in the New Testament relative to the New Covenant Church. ISRAEL: Isaiah 43:10,20,21–You are my WITNESSES/SERVANTS/CHOSEN; Exodus 44:1–Israel, My CHOSEN; 45:4–Israel is My SERVANT; 19:6–You are a CHOSEN people, a HOLY NATION, a NATION OF PRIESTS. THE CHURCH: First Peter 2:9–You are a CHOSEN race, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION; Acts 22:15–Paul was called as God’s WITNESS; Matthew 24:14–The gospel would go forth as a WITNESS to all nations; Luke 1:54–God has helped His SERVANT ISRAEL; 2 Thessalonians 2:13–God CHOSE you from the begin- ning (foreknew-Rom. 8:28,29/predestined-Eph. 1:11). ISRAEL: Exodus 45:2–Israel, My ELECT; Isaiah 45:3,4–I am the God of Israel, My ELECT (found four times in Isaiah). THE CHURCH: Romans 11:5–Even now there is a remnant according to ELECTION; 11:26–The ELECTION (Israel) are beloved for the fathers’ (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) sake; 1 Thessalonians 1:4–Knowing, my beloved brethren, your ELECTION by God; 1 Peter 1:1-5–ELECT according to the foreknowledge of God; 2 Peter 1:10– Make your ELECTION sure; Matthew 24:31–God will gather His ELECT; Colossians 3:12–As the ELECT of God, holy and beloved of God (whom He chose from the beginning for salvation=”you”==the church-2 Thes. 2:13). ISRAEL: Isaiah 43:14;44:23–I am the REDEEMER of Israel; Exodus 44:22– Return to Me, for I have REDEEMED you. THE CHURCH: 1 Peter 1:18,19–You are REDEEMED by the blood of the Lamb; Luke 24:21–Jesus was the One Who would REDEEM ISRAEL. ISRAEL: Exodus 47:6–Israel, My INHERITANCE; 63:17–The tribes of Your INHERITANCE; Deuteronomy 9:26,29–Your INHERITANCE, Your people. THE CHURCH: 1 Peter 1:3,4–God has begotten “us” “again” to an INHERITANCE; Ephesians 5:5,6–No sinner has an INHERITANCE in the Kingdom of God. ISRAEL: Isaiah 1:9–God has left us a REMNANT of Israel; 10:21–The REMNANT of Jacob will return to God; 46:3,4–the REMNANT of Israel He will carry, bear and deliver; Jeremiah 3:14–Israel would return to God one of a city, two of a family. THE CHURCH: Romans 9:27–(Paul quoting Isaiah) Here Paul applies what Isaiah said about Israel to the church; 11:5–Even now there is a REMNANT according to ELECTION.
The following passage is used world-wide to refer to God’s relationship with the Institutional Church (Catholicism/Protestantism). Note, however, to whom and about whom it was written, Who would come to earth in the future and for whom He would die–ISRAEL.
Isaiah 53:1-8–He (Christ) will grow up before God in perfection. The following verses refer to Christ’s redemptive work on behalf of ISRAEL. Note the use of the terms “our,” “us,” “My,” and “we”–each of which refer to ISRAEL. “WE hid our faces from Him; WE esteemed Him stricken; He was wounded for OUR transgressions; He was wounded for OUR transgressions; He was bruised for OUR iniquities; He bore OUR sorrows; by His stripes WE are healed; WE have all gone astray; the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of US all; for the transgressions of MY people He was stricken.”
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