In the Holy Scriptures are recorded numerous situations in which Jesus encountered evil spirits which were afflicting human beings. He was continually confronting them and casting them out, Matthew. 4:24; 8:16/ Mark 1:32,34,39/ Luke 4:41 describe a few of those encounters. Not only did the Lord deal with and control demons, He gave His disciples authority to do as He did, Matthew 10:8/ Mark 3:15; 6:13; 16:13/ Luke 10:17 describe their actions as they did what Jesus commanded them to do.
The Book of Acts is filled with situations in which the apostles confronted and took authority over demons. We are living in a Book of Acts atmosphere today, though most people living today do not know that they are being afflicted and manipulated by Satan and his fallen angels (devils/demons). Their personal problems which, in the past were considered as abnormal, are now accepted as normal. Or, as is becoming the case more often, those whom the devils control are exalted to high social status and are described as “special.” Queers, transsexuals, cross-dressers, bysexuals, pansexuals, multiple-personality proponents, animal-people, Satan worshipers, etc. are put forward as people to be admired and encouraged in their abominations. They and their admirers demand that the rest of us to view them as our equals. God views them as abominations who need deliverance. They are not alone in their abominable spiritual conditions.
Others in need of deliverance are the churchites, abortionists, the family wreckers, whores and prostitutes, whore mongers, mass shooters, mass robbers, building burners, thieves, muggers and “knockout game” players, adulterers, liars, cheaters, haters, gossipers, Sabbath-breakers, Law-breakers, coveters, deceivers, the spiteful, proud, atheists, etc., etc. The Almighty places them all in the same category–sinners. Such people are controlled by demons operating under the leadership of the god of this world–Satan (2 Cor. 4:4).
Spiritual corruption has infect the entire world society. Recently a man in Canada was arrested and charged for saying that men and women are different. Law officials are turning criminals out on the street to prey on innocent people. What government officials would pass and enforce such laws? Demon possessed officials. Today we have an entire segment of people who are totally controlled by demons. They are known by a single word–“woke.”
If one wants to know what a world controlled by the devil looks like, visit a woke-led city. Question: how did a once-sane American society change it into an insane society? Answer: a change in leadership. God’s church once set the moral standard for America. Of late a new god’s church has taken over the nation’s moral reins. As I have noted many times, “As goes the church, so goes the nation.” An examination of the Institutional Church reveals what has happened to the world, specifically the leader of the world–America–the One Nation Under God, the God she supposedly Trusts. Americas is under the control of a god; he is just not the right one. The founding, history and end of Garden of Eden was a microcosm of the United States of America and her ancient predecessor–the nation of Israel.
As God has been driven farther and farther from the hearts of the masses, demon spirits feel embolden to exhibit their characteristics in those whom they control. What was rarely seen, heard and read in secret a few years ago is now being flaunted publicly, loudly and repeatedly. Due to the advent of real-time public information services, a deviant act is seen by millions within minutes and exalted by the liberal “news” media during the following news cycle. Joe Biden publicly stated that one of the characteristics he wanted in a federal appointee is that he/she be either a homosexual or a lesbian. He has appointed three of them that I know of.
In an attempt to out-woke each other, state and local political organizations have followed suit. For example, it has been reported that Norway’s government plans to remove all social and verbal distinctions relative to male and female. Several nations no longer allow sex distinction to be noted on birth certificates. So woke are those in political power that if you desire a political appointment in a Democrat run state or city, being queer will put you at the top of the list. A queer trans will just about guarantee a good position, regardless of one’s qualifications. Satan and his crew are alive, well and flexing their spiritual muscles around the world, especially in America.
Sin, regardless of the type, has as its source a spiritual problem. An obvious irony is that in ancient times people knew this and came to God’s ministers for help. Modern people, supposedly being of much higher intellect, have no clue as to the source of their peculiarities. There is no problem that the power of the Holy Spirit cannot solve. Truly, “Satan has deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). His most cherished victory involves the church over which he exercises total control.
There is a level of demon activity that is less public and less publicized than the Satanic activities what seen on t.v. daily and read about in print. Having dealt with such demons in private gatherings I can attest to the power they have over the lives of people who, being religious, do not recognize the spiritual beings that affect their lives. Some time ago I was in a home meeting when a young woman casually noted that she regularly used a fortune-telling “game” to predict the future. She was unwittingly involved in witchcraft. I explained the truth to the young woman cast out the demon. Suddenly she began to spin around rapidly and eventually collapsed on the floor. I once received a phone call asking for spiritual help. The caller did not identify the source of the problem. Immediately the Lord showed me that the caller was a user of tarot cards to predict the future. I cast out the demon as Jesus tells all of His servants to do. In an earlier posting I told about casting out demons over the phone. I once cast out a demon of drunkenness with a thought. That devil “heard” my command and had no choice but to obey it.
Much of what demons do falls under the heading of witchcraft, which is a modern version of ancient heathenism. Witchcraft, also known as voodoo, is in reality the worship of demons. Generally speaking, sin is the worship of and obedience to Satan. Today the Wiccan witchcraft religion is on the rise in America. A 1990 survey revealed that approximately 8000 Americans identified themselves as Wiccans. A 2014 survey noted that almost a million and a half Americans had joined the Wiccan ranks. The entertainment/information media has taken the Bible’s place in the lives of the masses. This includes the church masses. Satan uses man’s insatiable appetite for entertainment gain and maintain control over most of mankind.
Pagan religions of all types are on the rise and becoming more open with their beliefs and practices. More than 60 percent of American adults claim to hold at least one “new age” pagan belief. The “psychic services industry,” which includes astrology, aura reading, mediumship, tarot-card reading, palmistry and other types of paganism brings in some two billion dollars annually. These heathen forms of witchcraft are popular among the world’s most popular movie stars and musicians who are not shy when talking about their personal lives which millions of people find fascinating. People who can tell you who played in what movie and who sings what song do not know who Judas was. The false god has filled the void that was left when the true God was discarded.
Movies and video games involving demonic themes have been around for years. In the past such things were only viewed in secret. That is no longer the case. Children’s books and cartoons are now being written around sexual themes such as transgendering, homosexuality, lesbianism, demonism, etc. The Disney organization let it be known that their goal was to “queer the children” of the world. Children in elementary schools are being lured into the demonic world where communing with demons is “normal.” Devil worship is gaining popularity among teenagers. Being “demon possessed” is now a parlor game. As stated earlier, Satan clubs are being formed in the public schools and are increasing in popularity as God plays an ever-decreasing part in the lives of the world’s population.
Satan, demon possession and control by spiritual forces are subjects that go far beyond the mental scope of the normal human mind. Not having been taught and warned about these entities, the normal human does not know about them and is therefore easy pickings for the evil spirits that enter and control them. The churches, who should have been the world’s leading supplier of information about the spirit world, have been derelict in their duties in this regard. Being selectively ignorant of that world, they have failed to lead their parishioners in the knowledge of Satan and his demons.
There will come a time when certain people will publicly confront these demonic powers as in days of old. Using the world-wide web, God is going to show mankind Who is the true power in the universe and will do so in such a way that no one will be able to deny the Truth of His Word. And still the masses will reject Him. Thus says the Lord. L.J.
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