The essence of Biblical (not church) conversion is voiced in this statement found in 2 Corinthians 5:21: JESUS BECAME OUR SINS SO THAT WE COULD BECOME HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Let that sink in. THE REASON HE TOOK OUR PAST SINS IS SO THAT WE COULD SPEND THE REMAINDER OF OUR LIVES MANIFESTING HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Having received the Holy Spirit at conversion, we are empowered to “… overcome (Satan) as I (Jesus) overcame (him)” and EARN the right to “… sit with Me (Jesus) on My throne” in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21). To do this we must “walk as He walked” while He was on this earth (1 Jn. 2:6). He walked in strict obedience to God’s Law. We must “become the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13) and obey His command to “… be holy for I am holy” (Lev. 11:44/ 1 Pet. 1:15,16). In so doing we become “a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people” NOW–DURING THIS LIFETIME (1 Pet. 2 5,9).
Contrary to universal opinion, justification (the forgiveness of all PAST sins by the grace of God–Rom. 3:25) is followed by conversion, not salvation–which will be awarded at the return of Jesus Christ. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. Conversion involves much more than merely having ones’ past sins symbolically washed away through baptism by emersion. As the following will reveal, the removal of past sins followed by a maturing process must result in true conversion from darkness to light, from obeying Satan to obeying God. True conversion must be proven by one’s “walk” (lifestyle–thoughts, words and deeds). True conversion results in the total and permanent death of the “old man” and the total and permanent life of a “new man” (2 Cor. 5:17) who is “created in the righteousness and true holiness of God” (Eph. 4:24). One is then a new creation in which ALL old things have passed away and ALL things are made new.
To fully understand this essential process let us examine the three Biblical baptisms, one of which is known as “John’s baptism” which symbolically washes away one’s sins but does nothing concerning future holiness which is required for true conversion to take place. Christian baptism involves the Holy Spirit as John told his followers in Mark 1:8: “I indeed baptize you with water, but He (the One who is coming) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” John’s baptism is discussed in Acts 19:1-7 where the Apostle Paul, having arrived in Ephesus, has found a group of “disciples.” Learning that they had not received the Holy Spirit since they believed, he asked them with what baptism had they been baptized. They replied: “unto John’s baptism.” Paul explained that John’s baptism was for removal of past sins only, that they needed to receive the Holy Spirit and to believe on Jesus Christ, which entailed believing and obeying His Words (James 2:10,14,17,18,29,24,26). Upon laying his hands on them they received (were baptized in) the Holy Spirit which gave them power to resist Satan’s temptations to sin. This is the baptism that had been experienced by the 120 in the upper room in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. This is the baptism which all who will spend eternity with the Godhead must receive in order to overcome Satan in this life so that they can “walk as He (Jesus) walked” which is required for all who will join Him in the Kingdom of God.
The third type of baptism is the “baptism of fire” which all who embrace Jesus and live as He lived His earthly life will endure. This “fire” consists of the “fiery darts” of temptation, trial and testing of everyone who embraces Him must undergo until the end of their lives: “All who will live godly in Christ Jesus (true converts) WILL SUFFER PERSECUTION” (2 Tim. 3:12). Those who claim to have been saved but are not rejected and ostracized by professing Christendom “for righteousness’ sake” (Mat. 5:10/ 1 Pet. 3:14) are not His spiritual brethren. They are CINOs–Christians In Name Only. If one is not persecuted by the Institutional Church, including one’s family (Mat. 10:36) for righteousness’s sake, one is not a true Christian. Read Persecution by that name for an in-depth study of the subject.
For true conversion to have occurred the convert must manifest the Biblically-defined characteristics of true Holy Spirit baptism. Holy Spirit baptism does not save the soul. However, the results of such a baptism must be manifested by the recipient ways. One’s life must mirror the life (character) of Jesus of Nazareth. His death provided the means for accomplishing this–the Holy Spirit of power and righteousness (Acts 1:8/ Rom. 15:19). As this posting will reveal, true Christian baptism is symbolic of a true life-reversal. Let us examine the true meaning of “baptism” as it is presented in the Holy Scriptures in order to learn the true meaning of the word.
Among the people of the Middle East in Biblical times the word “baptize” (baptizo) was used in the wool-dying process. Sheep’s wool is unique in that the texture allows the material to be totally changed (dyed) through and through. What appears on the outside of wool is true on the inside. Baptism in dye results in a total change in both the outward appearance of the wool as well as the inward condition of the wool.
Many years ago while touring Israel I was privileged to speak at a baptismal service that took place in the Jordan River near Jericho. Some of the people on the tour wanted to be baptized in the same river in which Jesus Himself had been baptized. In the message I explained what true Christian baptism meant in terms of the conversion experience and the lifestyle God requires as a result of the experience–A TOTAL LIFE-CHANGE.
When wool is dyed a certain color by “baptism” it remains that color as long as the fabric exists. The dye literally penetrates the material and forever changes its color through and through. The change is total and everlasting. This is symbolic of the change that is commanded by God as the result of the conversion experience. Like the convert’s wool counterpart, the change in the person must be total and eternal. The two “colors” (lifestyles before and after baptism) represent two totally different people. The convert’s original (sin) “color ” is changed to a different (holiness) “color” and which must be maintained as long as he/she lives in order to be saved (Mat. 10:22). As Jesus said, only those who endure to the end of life in holiness shall be (at His return) be saved. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. Spiritually speaking, the original “color” represents sin, degradation, unholiness, unrighteousness and impurity. The new, totally different “color” represents holiness, righteousness, godliness and purity. This is possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit received at the moment of true conversion. Without the infilling of the Holy Spirit, one has only received John’s baptism.
IN ORDER TO OBEY THE FATHER JESUS NEEDED THE HOLY SPIRIT AS DOES ALL OTHER PEOPLE. Like all other men, He “learn obedience (to the Father) by the things (temptations) He suffered” (Heb. 5:8). Like all true saints, He was tempted, tested and tried continuously. At times when under great stress “He offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears” to the Father and He was heard because He feared” to fail His Father (vs 7). He qualified to be our Savior by not sinning. We qualify to join Him in glory by following His example. In order to join Him in paradise one must have that same fear of God and live the same life as He lived (1 Jn. 2:6/ Rev. 3:21).
Relative to the dying of wool, total emersion is necessary in order for the dye to completely saturate the material. The effect of the process is a total and permanent change. Such is the effect of the spiritual baptism of a true convert which symbolized by total emersion in water. Because those within the Institutional Church reject the Holy Spirit’s involvement in the conversion process they receive only John’s baptism which is not life-changing, involves no spiritual power and is temporary in nature. Not having received the Holy Spirit, the supposed “saved” soul soon finds himself giving in to temptations applied by Satan and his demons. To legitimize his failings churchman has embraced Satan’s “Original Sin” theory, thereby placing the blame for his continuous sins on Adam. The church’s sin problem is “solved” by Satan’s false prophets who tell their unwitting followers that they need only to repent following each inevitable sin in order to stay in His good graces. This practice is what I refer to as “serial repentance” which is designed to follow and clean up the mess caused by serial sinning. Once “forgiven,” the sinner is free to sin again, and again, and again, provided each sin is followed by repentance. The sin-repent cycle is performed repeatedly until the death of the sinning and repenting “sinner saved by grace” whom Jesus supposedly cleanses one last time as he/she is whisked up to heaven. And Satan smiles. L.J.
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