One of Satan’s most effective tools of deception is to quote one of God’s prophets or apostles, then change the message by twisting it, adding to it, removing from it or taking it out of context. Jesus speaks to true believers about this Satanic ruse in Matthew 24:4,5 where He warns us that the devil raises up his prophets (pastors, evangelists, missionaries, etc.) within the Catholic/Protestant Religious System (“the church”) whose assignment is to cause the laity to “believe a lie” which consists of numerous lies which make up his “perverted gospel.” The Apostle Paul warns about such “scriptural switches” in Galatians 1:6-9. As he points out, the church’s habit of creating “subjective truths” is not new. And it does not involve new gospels. Rather, it is a smooth, slick, any-way-you-want-it, man-pleasing, all-grace, no-Law method of receiving salvation which varies from church-to-church. No two sets of church “gospel truths” are alike. They are in reality perverted versions of God’s one true Gospel. I know all about the inner workings of professing Christendom because I was once one of her so-called “saved and born again” souls. I praise God that He took me out her and put me to work exposing her heathen beliefs and customs which constitute SATAN’S SUBSTITUTE GOSPEL. You can find a list of some of his “truths” on the home page of this website. Not only are his “plans of salvation” much more man-centered than God’s singular version, they take less time to complete than the Lord’s. Read The Process of Salvation. Key word–Process. I am amazed at the turn-around time required for preachers, etc. to transition a hell-bound sinner to heaven-bound saint. Church history reveals that this instant spiritual evolution has been going for almost 2000 years. I find it strange that I can find no such transition mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.
On several occasions I have seen two famous salvation salesmen advertising their religious wares on television. I timed them relative to how long it takes each one to take their television audience from hopelessly lost to joyously saved One of them took all of ten seconds to snatch no telling how many sinners out of the jaws of the devil. The other fellow was even more efficient, beating his competitor by an entire second. No doubt thousands of people were supposedly “saved” and “born again” by these supposed “ministers of God.” Read “I Never Sent Them.” Key word–Sent. According to these two purveyors of Satan’s “You-want-it-you-got-it” salvation, Paul’s “race of life” is “run” by merely “taking Jesus as one’s savior.” Such salvation seekers are given eternal life for crossing the finish line without having to leave the starting line. If Paul and the other apostles were alive they would vomit. I spiritually do so when I listen to Satan’s words slither out of the mouths of these heaven hucksters. Read Born Again and Is There Life After Death? Key words–Born and After in order to learn the Bible Truth relative to salvation and what happens following death.
Long-time readers of my 2700+ postings have graciously endured my habit of straying off the heading-declared path. This is one of those times. I will assign blame to the Lord, for normally I know only the general direction that the Lord is leading me when I sit down at the computer. I feel somewhat like Abraham must have felt when God told to leave his home country, that he was to head in a certain direction, and that He would let him know when he had arrived at his appointed destination. Like Abraham, I know that God knows more about the subject than I do. I am betting my eternity that He does. I am merely the glove; He is the Hand in the glove. The glove moves only when the Hand moves. The divine Hand is leading me in yet another direction at this time. Stay with me and we will eventually get to the subject of this series which is taken from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. In my defense, this method of teaching the Bible falls within the parameters of God’s directions for studying His Holy Scriptures found in Isaiah 28: 9-13. I will do you a favor and present His study commands at this time. In this passage He commands that the Truth seeker study His Holy Scriptures “precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” He then repeats His instructions verbatim. You will now be led relative to those instruction onto yet another Truth path.
Before (finally) getting to the subject of this series which concerns justification and salvation, we will visit Paul’s second letter to the church at Thessalonica where he tells us how so many people get the justification versus salvation situation not just wrong, but totally wrong. The explanation will shock new readers of this website. The next posting will show a side of the Almighty that very few salvation seekers ever hear preached or read about in God’s Holy Word. In accordance with Isaiah’s Scriptural study guide, that we are commanded to “STUDY to show yourself approved of God” (2 Tim. 2:15). Here Paul is writing to the Apostle Timothy–one of the Lord’s most effective evangelists. If Timothy needed to study in order to prove his worth to God, is it not reasonable that we also must study with pen and paper in hand and with His study instructions in mind. It is essential that we keep our minds prayerfully open and totally closed to what we have been taught in church. Only he who has an ear to hear God’s Truth, who hungers and thirsts for the righteousness it builds within him will “hear” what the Holy Spirit says to him.
In the following posting we will take one more side path as we journey through the Lord’s Holy Words in search of His Holy Truth. This is the Truth which Jesus equated to His Word in John 17:17. It is only through our study of, belief in and obedience to that Truth that salvation can be attained upon the return of God’s Messiah. At that time He will gather His Very Elect remnant (His “firstfruits”) to Himself in the clouds, descend with them to the Mount of Olives and enter Jerusalem where He will establish the Kingdom of God from which He and His true saints will rule the earth for 1000 years. Afterwards they will rule the universe forever. Read The Three Resurrections, The Kingdom of God and The Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key words–Three, Kingdom and Caretakers respectively. L.J.
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