As important as knowing the type of man Catholic leaders vote into pope status is knowing what they say about him in their own writings. The following characterizations have been written about church pontiffs in their own publications. “The pope has power to CHANGE TIMES and to REPEAL LAWS, EVEN THE LAWS OF CHRIST.” “ALL NAMES which are ATTRIBUTED TO CHRIST IN SCRIPTURE relative to His supremacy over the church are ALSO ATTRIBUTED TO THE POPE, TO WHOM ALL MUST BE SUBSERVIENT IN ALL THINGS RELATIVE TO SALVATION.” Over the years various popes have been characterized as the VICAR (SUBSTITUTE) FOR CHRIST,” “THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH,” “THE LORD OUR GOD,” “THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE,” “THE FATHER OF KINGS,” “THE LIGHT OF THE EARTH WHO… CANNOT ERR, CANNOT BE DECEIVED AND WHO KNOWS ALL THINGS.” When so-called “church leaders” praised the late pontiff their words amounted to nothing less than heresy. Only true Deity can be characterized in such ways.
America’s infatuation with the papacy was never more evidenced than when John Paul II came to the U.S. for the Catholic-sponsored World Youth Day. During the love fest many “Christian” dignitaries expressed their admiration for the Mary-worshiper, among whom were Michael W. Smith, DC Talk, Boyz to Men, Demargo, Key, Amy Grant and Kathy Trocolli. But what about John Paul II’s replacement? What are his thoughts concerning the state of world religion?
In his November 11, 2010 exhortation called “Verbum Domini” (“The Word of the Lord”), he criticized fundamentalists and literalists for not following the Catholic Church’s “… symbolic and spiritual interpretation techniques used by the ancient fathers of the (Catholic) Church. Any authentic interpretation of the Bible must always be in harmony with the faith of the Catholic Church.” He went on to say that the Catholic Church is the only true church and that only those interpretations produced by her have relevance. Because the current pope has an open arms reception wherever he goes in the world there can be no doubt that the world is headed toward a one-world religion that will absorb all other religions. And who will be better qualified to head that great Counterfeit Church than the reigning pope. This man God calls the False Prophet. The title fits now, why not later on?
Evidence of a coming together of the world’s religions are seen in recent religious activities. Fifty churches in 26 states joined together in a series of prayer and reading services to “… reject religious bigotry and demonization of any religion” and to “… promote respect for Islam.” During these meetings passages from the Q’uran, the Bible and the Torah or Talmud were read. In another effort to promote “Chrislam,” ministers from so-called Christian churches and Muslim mosques minister together. During the services both the Bible and the Q’uran are placed on the backs of church seats. Interfaith organizations such as Faith Shared: Uniting in Prayer and Understanding as well as Interfaith Alliance and Human Rights First are working toward a greater acceptance of the Muslim religion. Some 500 leaders from Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam meet in what was billed as the Parliament of World’s Religions in 2004 in Barcelona, Spain. The World Council of Churches, another interfaith-pushing organization has 340 churches in 100 countries. Other organizations pushing for the amalgamation of religious are: Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM) led by Richard Foster; Southern Baptist minister Dallas Willard; the Emergent Church and Brian McLaren; Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church; the Christal Cathedral along with other prominent “Christian” leaders such as Tony Campolo, Tony Jones and Doug Pagitt.
Is it any wonder that God will send forth His wrath on all the so-called “Christian nations” scattered throughout the Western world? The die is cast: we can only await the expression of the Lord’s anger toward our beloved nations. Only individually will we be able to weather the coming storm and enter His Kingdom upon His return. L.J.
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