All Scripture is Truth (Jn. 17:17). Those who have spent their lives in the Institutional Church have never heard God’s Truth because Satan has not allowed it to be preached or taught within his system of religion. He does everything in his power to assure that God-seekers do not hear His Truth. As a last resort he employs his Bait and Switch tactic (see the posting by that name) to prevent his parishioners from knowing that they are being taught “smooth things, lies and deceits.” This tactic is not new; he has been hiding God’s expressed will from religious people since the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve faced him one-on-one. Later, the Old Testament prophets dealt with his false prophets (Isa. 30:10), as did the New Testament apostles (Gal. 1:6-9). For approximately a century the apostles managed to keep the devil somewhat at bay. Since their deaths Satan has exercised total control of the traditional church system. God’s end time messengers are in a continuous battle with Satan over the Truth. “Hiding” the Truth in plain sight is one of his most successful tactics. Causing church people to peruse the Bible instead of studying it–paper in place, pen in hand–has proved to be a most powerful weapon, to the point that “I didn’t know that was in the Bible” has become a oft-repeated mantra for church people who are confronted with the true Word of God. One of the passages the devil has caused Bible readers to slide over is John 15:9-14. Those who do pause to absorb what the Lord said are quickly assured by their religious leaders, family, etc. that He did not mean what He said. Let us examine this most important passage that must be known, believed and obeyed in order to have any chance for eternal life. What you are about to read–God’s “light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet” is indeed life or death information. Approach it accordingly.
In John 15:9-14 Jesus is speaking to His disciples: “As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you; continue in My love (for you). If you keep My commandments you will abide in My love, even as I have kept My father’s commandments and abide in His love. Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for His friends. You are My friends if you do whatsoever I command you.” At this point let us do one of the things we are commanded to do–carefully study what the Lord says to us in His Word in order to be approved by Him (2 Thes. 2:15). Let us follow God’s command to “Let this Word abide in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Let us do this with the understanding that only those who study, believe and obey that Word with faith in Him will inherit eternal life in His Father’s kingdom. We will begin with Word one and continue through the John 15 passage, bearing in mind that in every instance the choice relative to obedience or disobedience lies with man.
God loves Jesus Christ. Jesus loves His true saints with that same love. His saints must CONTINUE IN THAT LOVE. IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS we will abide (remain/continue) in HIS love. Jesus remains in God’s love BECAUSE HE OBEYS HIM. Jesus laid down His life for His FRIENDS. We are His friends IF WE OBEY HIS WORDS, not just those we agree with, that are convenient, that keep us in good standing with our fellow churchmates, etc. Speaking to the Father, Jesus said: “I have given them Your Words” (Jn. 17:8). Two verses earlier He had said that the disciples belonged to the Father BECAUSE “… THEY HAVE KEPT (OBEYED) YOUR WORD.” Note that Christ’s hand-picked disciples belonged to God ONLY IF/BECAUSE THEY OBEYED HIS WORD. In John 17:9 Jesus said that He prayed for them, but “… not for the world.” “The world” is anyone who does not believe and obey His Word. But did not He die for the world? A simple explanation–I can provide food for ten starving people. If only one eats of it, the other nine will starve to death. I provided for all; but not all partook of my offering. The food stays in place; the people must come to it. The nine can sit at the table and see the food, smell it and watch the one eat it. They can leave, then return later to partake of it. The food, which is for all, saves only the ones who CHOOSE to partake of it. Note that the prodigal son CHOOSE to return to his father. Having been “dead,” he was now “alive.” Having been “lost,” he was now “found.” Jesus prayed only for those who believed and obey Him–His friends. Nothing has changed; only those who believe and obey Him are His friends. To receive eternal life at His return it is absolutely necessary to believe and obey God’s Word until that time (Mat. 10:22). In Isaiah 59:2 we are warned that sin separates us from God. In 1 John 3:4 sin is defined as the breaking of the Law (the 10 Commandments–including #4). In John 2:10,14-26 the Lord warns that to break even one of the 10 Commandments is to break the entire Law, making one a “worker of iniquity” and unfit for salvation (Mat. 7:21-23). Hebrews 10:38: Man must live by faith in order to inherit salvation. Romans 10:17: Faith is believing the Word of God. Is faith necessary for salvation? If so, is faith all we need? To be continued. L.J.
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