Throughout the history of this website I have used God’s Word to expose numerous church beliefs, doctrines and practices that are Satanic in origin and heathen in practice. As each error was brought to light, corresponding Scriptures were provided in order to reveal God’s Truth on the matter. This was done in order for the reader to determine his standing with God in that one’s standing depends on belief in and obedience to His Word (Jn. 12:48-50). Here we find Jesus saying: “He who REJECTS ME and (who) RECEIVES NOT MY WORDS, has one that judges him–THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN– the same (Word) shall judge him on that (judgment) day.” He goes on to say that His Words have been given Him by the Father, meaning that to reject His Words is to reject both Him and the Father. In that “All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God ….” (2 Tim. 3:16), to change or reject any part of the Holy Bible is to reject both Father and Son.
Over the past 18 months I have assumed that those reading the website were following the example set by the “noble Bereans” who, “with all readiness of mind, searched the Scriptures daily (to see) whether those things (Paul had been teaching them) were true” (Acts 17:11). Paul assumed that when the Bereans found that the Scriptures said what he said they said, that they would take his words to be God’s Truth. It is my assumption that readers of this website are doing the same thing relative to what they are reading (searching the Scriptures), and for the same reason (to see if what they are reading is God’s Truth). In John 17:17 Jesus said of the Father: “Thy Word is Truth.” I also assume that the reader knows that in order to be accepted by (to be a friend of) Jesus Christ, he/she must know the Scriptures, believe and obey them.
In order to be assured of one’s standing with God it is necessary to occasionally ask oneself: Am I a friend of Jesus Christ? Am I His spiritual brother? Am I justified? Am I a son of God? Do I qualify for eternal life according to His Word? Those who believe His Word know that salvation is not a one-time happening, but rather a life-long process that will end at the second coming of Jesus Christ. Only those who “endure (in righteousness in spite of persecution) until the end shall (then) be saved” (Mat. 10:22). See Hope and Salvation. Note that in Matthew 10:16-21 Jesus warns His people that they are like sheep in the midst of wolves. We all know how wolves treat sheep. Jesus culminates His warning with these words: “And you shall be hated by all men ….” George Orwell once observed that “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” This is especially true in the spiritual sense. No one hates speakers of God’s Truth more than church people. See Persecution. Note that in the Matthew 10 statement it is not promised that one who obeys God “might be” hated. IF YOU OBEY GOD YOU WILL BE HATED BY THOSE WHO CLAIM TO OBEY HIM. As Jesus said, your (spiritual) enemies will include those of your own family (vs 21,36). There are no exceptions to these statements.
In John 3:16,17 we are told that God loves the world, and for that reason He sent Jesus to die so that whoever believes in Him MIGHT BE (not “are” or “will be”) saved. The problem with this passage is that religious man stops reading at this point, believes in Jesus, declares himself saved, joins with others who have be saved, etc. without going further in God’s word to determine if he and the others are what they believed themselves to be. Did God say through John that one is saved because he believes in Jesus Christ, is baptized, joins a church, etc? Exactly what does “believe on (in) Jesus” mean? Who is a friend of Jesus Christ? To be continued. L.J.
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