Can something be so terrible, so incredibly bad that the majority of people simply cannot believe that it exists? Could a spiritual virus be so horrible and so deadly that it defies the imagination, yet the vast majority of people have it, watch it and live in it without recognizing it? The answer to both question is YES. The unrecognized and accounted for virus that affects individuals, and by association corporations is CORRUPTION. What nation has the worst, most contagious, most deadly degree of that virus? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Corruption in America is so deep, so entrenched and so well hidden that the majority of Americans simply refuse to believe that their once-God fearing, Scripture-based, law-regulated nation leads the world in the extent to which the virus controls the national character.
America is afflicted with and, at the same time, using the afore-mentioned virus to the ultimate degree. The Holy Scriptures reveal that all nations their share of ultimately wicked people who, knowing the truth about the virus, take advantage of the fact that such deceit is inconceivable to the minds of the vast majority. Corruption in America is so pervasive and entrenched so deeply that most people refuse to believe it. There are those within her who are so vile that they not only use the virus, but work hard to make it even more deadly. And they are very successful not only in applying the virus for their benefit, but are also successful in persuading others to join them. Know this truth: the internal rot eating away at the moral foundations of Americans did not develop by accident, but was planted decades ago then nurtured deliberately by those who want the entire nation to be afflicted. The virus first came to light in the 1960’s with the “sexual revolution” and has only grown in power. Since then the movement has spread throughout all areas of American life. Her moral foundation has been greatly damaged and continues to be morally fertilized through deliberate lies, lawlessness and corruption on both the individual and corporate levels.
When the current national administration was elected three years ago I bombarded heaven with prayer, begging the Lord to expose the sin and corruption of the left wing, Marxist/Communist regime that had cheated, lied and stolen its way into national power. I asked the Almighty to not only expose the sins and deliberate nation-weakening policies of the politicians on all levels, but also their media lapdogs who serve as the propaganda wing of the party who do the party’s bidding like string-controlled puppets. I assume that I was (am) not the only one calling on God to expose the cancer that is the Democrat Party, therefore I will not claim credit for the fact that God is doing exactly what I asked. All I am interested in are the results. The fact that the Lord is doing such a wonderful job of exposing the nation’s internal enemies is evident to those who pay attention to what is going on from the statehouse to the White House. If my prayers are fully answered, ALL America-haters within the political, entertainment, television, internet, sports, music, educational, military, medical, newspaper, magazine AND RELIGIOUS woke- obsessed entities will be exposed for the Satan-serving slaves they are. In summary, the inner rot within these entities is being exposed for public viewing on a few sources who are not controlled by the governmental powers that be.
The evidence of moral sickness has become so obvious that even the mainstream media are being forced to (grudgingly) acknowledge the evil within the above-listed entities, including their own networks. Whistleblowers are coming forth bearing personally-observed facts. I prayed that people from within the belly of the various beasts that corrupt this society would speak out because they know where the skeletons are buried and who did what, when, how and why. Such people are now coming forth. And if my prayers are answered fully, there is much more to come. And yet half of the nation believes that what is coming forth publicly is nothing more than a “right wing conspiracy.” This once again proves that we must never underestimate the power that Satan wields over all areas of societal life.
The underlying falsity that serves as the foundation of the masses’ attitude toward their fellow man is the belief that “people are basically good,” and that incidences of human badness are always the result of unusual situations in people’s lives. For example, while viewing a gang of young people robbing a store someone behind the camera opined that they were robbing the store because they were hungry. Some contend that such people steal out of need, not out of greed. Then why do they steal clothing, shoes, cigarettes, etc? I have yet to see anyone eating a shirt sandwich or a cigarette salad.
Others (Democrat politicians) are talking about giving people money so that they will not steal. I contend that this would not stop the criminal behavior. There is evil in the land and it has a central source. His name is Satan. The sickness that has overtaken mankind is the result of his efforts as he, through his devils (demons–fallen angels), entices man to DO THAT WHICH MAN WANTS TO DO. As Jesus pointed out in Matthew 8:33, Satan is intent on giving man what he (man) wants, even if he has to sin to get it. The resulting human sickness is so deeply ingrained that it can and does control man’s thought processes. For example, some criminal justice leaders believe that it is a good idea to put criminals back out on the streets and to permit rioters to burn down inner cities while destroying the livelihoods of strangers. And they are doing this. One such mental retardate is now our vice president who is a heartbeat away from being the most powerful human being on earth. The moral reversal being discussed here is rapidly gaining adherents while destroying what is left of the society. All of this falls under the heading of “HUMAN NATURE.”
Incredibly, this societal sickness is so deep that man commits to a mental deep dive in order to believe that man can, by using his intellect, understand, solve the problems facing America, as well as the rest of the world. It is remarkable that people from all walks of life, all races, all religions, all political persuasions share one common characteristic: the craving for SELF-SATISFACTION. As Jesus told Satan, “You care not for the things of God, but FOR THE THINGS OF MAN.” This tells us where all self-centeredness originates–in the heart of Satan. It has entered into the heart of God-less, unregenerated, unconverted man. It begins in childhood and, unless corrected, remains with man throughout life. Selfishness is a powerful force which only true conversion can eliminate. Jesus said few would go to the effort to eliminate it.
The masses of salvation seekers, Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14; 22:14, would not make the effort. Why? Because Satan’s false prophets convince them that they need not do so in order to gain eternal life. They need only believe. Which is exactly what the Serpent of Eden told Eve. This was the first recorded incidence in which human beings were told that it was good to do bad things because bad is easier and the payoff is the same. That theology on one occasion cost the entire human race except eight people their lives. Lesson taught–lesson ignored. Nothing has changed. The problem is that man takes on Satan’s nature immediately in life as did Adam and Eve and everyone after them until Noah. The only exception was “righteous Abel.” And because there is no human counteraction to Satan’s takeover of the human mind, he wins the soul. Read “My Brother’s Keeper.” Key word–Keeper. Today all that stands between the child and Satan’s eventual control of him is true Christianity. The problem is that the vast majority of salvation seekers never come into contact with a true Christian. Satan deceives them into accepting his unholy substitutes whose words they believe. Jesus warned about this in Matthew 24:4,5.
The Institutional Church, being part of the problem, aids Satan in his effort to deceive God seekers. The power to resist the devil comes only through the Holy Spirit, which the church rejects because she does not need God’s Spirit. Why fight temptation when one need only give in to it, repent and receive forgiveness, thereby enabling the perpetual penitent to repeat the sin-repent process again, and again, and again while “knowing” that heaven awaits his/her arrival? Why resist the devil when one can receive the same reward for giving in to him. This is the religious version of what is known in the work culture as “quiet quitting.” This refers to those who, though on the job, do only what is absolutely necessary to keep the job and draw a paycheck. On the religious level, “quiet quitting” consists of showing up, paying up and ‘fessing” up. Going up is supposedly automatic.
The effects of embracing and obeying Satan’s “truths” are all around us. What we are seeing on a daily basis reminds me of the Old Testament stories about ancient Israel slipped ever deeper into apostasy as she grew ever farther away from her God. The apex of her degradation came when King Solomon marred hundreds of heathen women and led the nation to embrace their gods, religious beliefs and practices. The culmination of rottenness came when the people began sacrificing their children to a heathen god named Baal who had been introduced by one of the king’s wives. Today the spiritual descendants of that queen continue to sacrifice children to the god of self. A poll taken among “evangelical Christians”–the hard-core, conservative, traditional church people–revealed that 54% believed in abortion. If over half of the religion’s population see nothing wrong with murdering one’s unborn child, we need not wonder how the other people feel about it. This is human nature at its very worst. L.J.
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