What is wrong with the United States of America? Why are other supposedly civilized nations trying duplicate her self-inflicted wounds? If there is a solution to her deadly rush to self-destruction, what is it? Each question has a one-word answer. We will spend only a short time listing America’s and the rest of the Western World’s problems as they are evident to anyone who has access to a radio, newspaper, television, computer, cell phone, etc. We will focus on America because she leads the world toward the cliff at the bottom of which lies spiritual and physical annihilation.
Why are people in America killing, maiming, hating, cheating, deceiving, robbing each other? Why are her leaders doing everything they can legally and illegally do to make sure that the guilty parties are not punished for their crimes? Why are those in positions of political power working so feverishly to fill the nation with criminals and others whose skills lag a century behind those of Americans? Why are they trying to take America–God’s light to the modern world–back to the dark ages materially, economically, socially, politically, and of most importance–spiritually? And more importantly, who or what is behind those actions over which America’s citizens have no control, actions that are physically destroying the nation? Again, the answer is found in a single word–GOD. As He tells us time and again in His Holy Scriptures, He, the God that created her, is punishing her. Read the previous series. Which brings up the ultimate question: WHY? Why is God pouring out His wrath on the “One Nation Under God” in whose God she claims to “Trust?” Why is America being hit with wave after wave of so-called “acts of nature” such as hurricanes, floods, landslides, tornados, earthquakes, temperature extremes, fires, freezes, etc? For example, recently, SOUTH TEXAS WAS HIT WITH A TWO-WEEK-LONG FREEZE THAT KILLED SEVERAL PEOPLE. SOUTH TEXAS–FREEZING TEMPERATURES??? We know what is going on. The question is: WHY?
From day one the focus of this ministry has been not WHAT is happening to mankind. The focus has always been WHY destruction and death have become daily happenings to the once greatly-blessed nation whose ancestors were the ancient Israelites–God’s chosen people-whom He so richly blessed in every way? The “WHY” question can be answered with one word–SIN. Beginning in the Garden of Eden and continuing to this day, those whom God has so richly blessed have, with extremely rare exception, turned away from Him, openly rebelled against Him and fervently embraced His arch-enemy, Satan.
An irony unique to the Christian community is that, generation after generation, billions of salvation seekers have separated themselves from the God of the Holy Scriptures, all the while believing that they are walking hand-in-hand with Him. They are totally unaware of the Biblical fact that their spiritual ancestors fell into Satan’s “sin and win” trap some 1900 years ago, and that they, their religious descendants who remain trapped in the modern-day church, remain in that same spiritual condition to this day.
We are living at the end of the final (Laodicean) church age, the generation that will witness the return of Jesus Christ to earth to establish His Father’s Kingdom. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. Jesus describes those in this church era as people who are living in a religious stupor who have unknowingly fallen away from the God they believe has saved them. Again, how could so many be deceived so completely when God’s Word is so available? The one-word answer is: IGNORANCE. The Lord warned about this in Hosea 4:6 when He said: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Notice that He did not say that the fix was in for His people, rather that they were spiritually dead because of ignorance of His Law of Life. For Christ’s description of the modern church read Revelation 3:14-18. If you are involved in that religious system His description will ring a bell. And because the Lord’s Handbook for Life is the most purchased, most stolen book of all time, the cause of the church’s mental paralysis is obviously self-inflicted.
The Holy Scriptures tell us time and again how “the church” came to be in the deadly free-fall in which she is no longer racing toward Satan’s religious sewer–SHE HAS ARRIVED. TODAY SHE IS HIS GLOBE-ENCIRCLING SPIRITUAL DEATH TRAP KNOWN AS “CHRISTIANITY.” What is the solution to her deadly infirmity? Time and time again the Almighty roars out His single word answer–OBEDIENCE. “Obedience” is second only to the word “If” on religious man’s most-hated-words list.
Which brings up the obvious question: obedience to what? Again the answer consists of one Word: TRUTH. Which begs the next question: what is Truth? This time we will allow Jesus to provide the answer as He prayed to the Father. Here we find Him asking the Father to sanctify His disciples with His Truth, ending with: “THY WORD IS TRUTH.” Notice that He included all of God’s Words, even the ones involving “obedience” and “if.” Read the first 13 and 14 verses respectively in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Notice how many times the word “if” is written. Then read the rest of those two chapters which graphically explain why America and other “Christian” nations are rotting from within.
A reader was filled with consternation that I actually believed that my salvation depended on my obedience to God’s Word/Law/Truth, meaning my personal holiness. Did I not know that it is impossible to obey God? And that, because Jesus knew that “truth,” He died in obedience to God so that I did not need to obey Him, even if I could, which I can’t due to Adam’s sin gene transferal miracle. I was told by a local pastor that, because I believed God’s Word, I had “fallen from grace.” These church people speak for the great majority within the global church community. Which is why Jesus warned us that only a few would FIND their way into His true church and would walk His NARROW way to the Kingdom of God (Matthew 7:13,14; 22:14).
In the following segment we will fill our minds with God’s answers to the questions asked above. The answers will be new to many, if not most believers because they (the answers) have been cast into the dustbin of church history over generations of false teachings proclaimed by Satan’s false prophets, which includes 99% of church ministers. It is for that reason that God has, in these last days of the world as we know it, raised up those who will stand before humanity and declare as God’s Truth that which professing Christendom has rejected. L.J.
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