What is a Jew in terms of the New Covenant Church established by Jesus Christ on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D? As the following will show, the kind of Jew a true Christian must become is spiritual in nature. Simply put, spiritual Jewishness has nothing to do with being a biological Jew or biological Gentile. Both biological Jews and Gentiles must become spiritual Jews in order to be converted and made eligible for salvation.at the return of Jesus to earth. The Apostle Paul explains this Biblical Truth beginning in Romans 2:17. We will return there to pick up the narrative relative to the “what is a Jew” question.
In verse 17 Paul is saying to the Gentile church in Rome: “You are CALLED a Jew.” He then hints at what is to follow by referring to God’s LAW which, if believed and obeyed, makes one His child. In verses 18-21 the apostle points out the characteristics manifested by a spiritual Jew. I will list them in the order in which he presents them: A spiritual Jew knows the will of God and agrees with Him that all that is excellent is found in His Law. A spiritual Jew is a guide to the spiritually blind, a light to those in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of spiritual babes who has knowledge of the spiritual Truths found in the Law. Note the emphasis Paul places on God’s LAW, which He has condensed into the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. Read The God of the Old Testament. Key word–Testament. There one will learn that the God that wrote the Ten Commandments in stone on Mt. Sinai was the Word–the One Who later came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth (Jn. 1:1-4,14).
Paul’s statement (vss 18-21) identifies what a spiritual Jew is in reality. Note that not one word is mentioned about the characteristics of a biological Jew. Instead, beginning with verse 21, Paul points out the results of a PROFESSING spiritual Jew (Christian) failing to practice the spiritual characteristics of spiritual Jewishness. For example, he says that one who speaks against theft should not steal; a man who speaks against adultery should not commit adultery; and a man who speaks against idolatry should not worship idols and commit sacrilege.
Obviously, there were people in the church, while claiming to be spiritual Jews (see vss 18-20), were doing what they condemned others for doing. In verse 23 Paul says to them: “You boast that you revere and obey the Law while breaking the Law and dishonoring God.” Then in verse 24 he speaks a message to the false Jews (Christians) in the Rome church as well as to those in the modern day church, saying to those of both eras that by breaking the Law they blaspheme the name of God among those they are trying to convert, teach, etc.
In verses 25 through 29 Paul explains the difference between a spiritual Jew (a true Christian) and one who claims to be a spiritual Jew (a fake Christian). Here he uses the words “circumcision” and “uncircumcision” in reference to both the real and the counterfeit Jews. As previously noted, Paul’s words are not easily understood. Bear with me as I write them in Texan. We will approach the verses in order. Both separately and jointly they speak about God’s Law and His command to obey it.
Verse 25: CIRCUMCISION (BEING A BIOLOGICAL JEW) IS PROFITABLE IF ONE KEEPS (OBEYS) THE LAW. Being a biological Jew (being circumcised) means nothing if one does not obey God’s Law in that it makes one the same as a (uncircumcised) Gentile (heathen).
Verse 26: If a Gentile (being uncircumcised) keeps THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE LAW, his uncircumcision counts as circumcision–his Gentileness becomes Jewishness in the sight of God.
Verse 27: If the Gentile obeys the Law by nature (without being taught the Law) he will judge the Jew who transgresses the Law he has been taught.
Verses 28 and 29: This verse identifies a spiritual Jew (a true Christian whether Jew or Gentile). “For he is not a (spiritual) Jew who is physically circumcised, but he is a true Christian (spiritual Jew) whose circumcision is of the heart (mind)–in one’s spirit.” His circumcision results in getting rid of all that is not necessary in his life by killing the “old (sinful) man” and allowing God to create the “new (holy) man” who, by taking on the characteristics of God, becomes God in human form, Jesus being the prime example. Such a transition is the result of obeying God’s Law by the power of the Holy Spirit. Such obedience enables God to create within the obedient one His righteousness and holiness, the END RESULT of which is the salvation of the soul. Study Romans 5:21 and 6:22 and all of First John chapter three. Study them carefully and allow the Holy Spirit to “speak” through them. Bear in mind that, “They who are LED by the Holy Spirit, they are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14)–spiritual Jews.
As is the case of everyone who seeks eternal life, EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO THE WORD/LAW/LIGHT/GOSPEL OF GOD. Jesus said that heaven and earth would pass away, BUT NOT ONE WORD OF GOD, NOT ONE JOT OR TITTLE WOULD PASS AWAY. The earthly “walk” one must take in order to receive salvation and rebirth at the return of Jesus Christ is a matter of prioritizing. The salvation seeker must determine what is important in this life. With God it is all or nothing. If you want to spend eternity with Father and Son, get rid of that idiot box you carry around; turn off the television; put down that book or magazine; turn of that radio and immerse yourself in God’s Holy Word. Be in the world but not of the world. Saints are “called out ones,” meaning called out of the world spiritually. Nothing else in this world counts relative to our relationship with the Almighty who gave His son, Who in turn gave His life so that we could spend eternity with Them in paradise. Considering what Father and Son sacrificed, is it too much for Them to demand that we spend our time in this life separated from Satan’s world and emersed in Their World? This is what They require of us. Let us be about meeting Their requirements. Let us reject those “only believe,” “all grace and no Law,” “just show up, ‘fess up, pay up and get ready to go up,” “come as you are, stay as you are, Jesus loves you just the way you are,” “it’s all good,” “the fix is in” preachers that fill the world’s pulpits. LET US STUDY, LEARN, BELIEVE AND OBEY THE WORDS OF ALMIGHTY GOD. L.J.
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