The “fact” that only God can perform signs, wonders and miracles is one of the tricks Satan plays on the church masses who feel no need to test the spirit/fruit of those who perform such acts in their presence. The devil banks on her “I’m saved; I know all I need to know” mind-set by which he leads them through the wide gate and along the broad path to destruction (Mat. 7:13,14). At the head of the pack joyously strolling along that path are the false prophets who, having believed Satan’s lies, have sold the masses those lies. Another method he utilizes to keep people away from God involves religious tunnel vision.
In Isaiah 28:9,10 God characterizes those whom He can teach His Ways as those who are “… weaned from milk and taken from the breast,” who study His Word “… precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” For emphasis He repeats the statement in verse 13. Here He clearly commands that the Truth-seeker study all pertinent passages of Scripture and not focus in on one statement, then formulate a theological principle based on it. The church’s tunnel vision allows her to zero in on one passage, or one word which Satan has carefully isolated and emphasized to that particular group. Other groups (denominations, churches, faiths, etc.) have other favorite passages around which they form a theological principle. Remember that Adam and Eve were taken in by ONE WORD–“not.” Hearing what they wanted to hear, they “joined that (Satan’s) church.” Does this sound familiar?
All is well in the Institutional Church–the principle/doctrine/custom, etc. remains untouched–until a messenger sent by God dares to reveal all of what God said about the subject. This causes the church to go into prevent mode in which she stops up her spiritual ears (the Stephen Syndrome), refutes God’s Word and labels His messenger a heretic. Being wittingly or unwittingly ignorant of His Truth, she then finds herself labeling as a heretic the very God Who wrote the Scriptures and sent the messenger. A prime example of tunnel vision which reveals the church’s total immersion into heathenism can be seen in her celebration of the resurrection of her messiah.
In 5:1-4 John, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, states that only those who believe that the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ/Messiah of God are born (begotten) of Him, and that to not believe in His Sonship is to not love either member of the Godhead, thereby proving that the church member is not a child of God. John also states that we prove our love for God by keeping His (Ten) Commandments (including #four). In verse four we are told that he who is born of Him (vs. 1) “OVERCOMES THE WORLD”–the world inside and outside the church. We are told that we overcome the world “THROUGH OUR FAITH.” Godly faith comes from God’s Word: “Faith comes by hearing … THE WORD OF GOD (Rom. 10:17), not church doctrine which produces counterfeit faith. There is much faith in the Counterfeit Church, but it is not based on God’s Word. Rather, it is based on the teachings of church founders who found “a better way” than God’s Way. Again, Adam, Eve, Satan and Eden all come to mind. The devil has been using his false prophets to duplicate that trick ever since. This is where Catholicism and the myriad of Protestant sects had their beginnings.
Though the church refuses to admit it, GOD ALWAYS BASES HIS PROGRAM ON HIS WORD in which He stated 13 times that His Son would be in the grave THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS, unlike the church’s savior–Tammuz–who was, by her own mathematical calculations, in the grave only one day and two nights (“Good” Friday night-Saturday-Saturday night). The church prefers the heathen model, thereby proving that she is not born of God, is worldly and operates under the spirit of Antichrist. As I stated in an earlier posting, Satan has convinced her to also pay homage to the mother of Tammuz whom different heathen groups have historically called by names such as Astarte, Ashtoreth, Isis, Ishtar–later Anglicized into “Easter.” This in spite of God’s command to observe Passover (1 Cor. 5:7,8).
By now those of you who compare what I write to what God says in His Word have found that the Institutional Church is God’s church in name only. I have a request for those readers who are trying to hack into the website in order to destroy it: Would you set up your own websites where you can openly refute what I write? In this way people world-wide can determine who is bearing witness to God’s gospel and who puts forth a perverted gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). To be continued. L.J.
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