Does history repeat itself? Could the atrosities of the past once again raise their ugly heads? Could the deadly pogroms that took place on a limited scale in the past be resurrected on a global scale in the future? Let us suppose that, in the name of global unity, all religious books, including the Bible and the Koran, were destroyed because they bring division among the world’s populations. To the Biblically astute mind, statements made by recent popes assuring us that all religions worship the same god, that all people must come to Catholicism in order to be saved, and that Catholicism is the only religion that can unite mankind carry a note of finality and inevitability. What we are told in the Books Daniel, Matthew and Revelation, historical evidence of the Inquisition, the fact that popes of late have enjoyed ever-increasing world-wide popularity, when combined, form an unmistakable harbinger of things to come–things that carry the deadly stench of things that have already taken place.
Under the guise of unifying mankind, we could do away with all religious writings, thereby eliminating the religions they perpetuate, thereby drawing the entire world into one universal church. How convenient is it that we already have a world-wide religious body that calls itself the “Universal Church?” As George Santana said, “Those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it.” Let us review the past and apply what we find to the future.
Without written documentation, all religious doctrines could be determined and enforced by the leaders of that church. Sound familiar? Remember that in the early days of Catholicism, owning a Bible, or even reading one was punishable by death. Religious matters were the domain of local religious leaders who were backed by the government. Only priests had access to Bibles, which were printed in Latin–a language only they knew. Sermons were preached in Latin so that the congregations could not understand what they were being told. Any deviation from the dictates of the church/government consortium was dealt with swiftly and harshly. WE MUST REMEMBER. Remember the millions who died for daring to go against the ruling powers. Remember the Nazi book burnings. Remember the witch trials. Remember Waco. Remember Ruby Ridge. Remember Jim Jones, Father Divine, Reverend Moon and Rasputin. Remember John Wycliffe, John Huss, William Tyndale, Hugh Latimer, Dietrich Bonhoffer and the millions of unnamed others who were persecuted, tortured and put to death, many of whom were burned alive. Such is the power of religion which, when combined with total governmental power, can be deadly. Check out ISIS if you have any doubt as to the power of religion when it enjoys total power.
As a reminder of what can happen when men gain total power over all areas of social life, let us revisit the story of Patrick Henry who, in 1775 as he was passing through Culpepper, Virginia, witnessed a man being beaten in public. When he asked why the man was being so savagely beaten, Henry was told that he was a local preacher who had failed to obtain written permission to preach from King George of England. The man, along with eleven others, was beaten to death. Recall that during the Inquisition a minimum of 50,000,000 people were martyred. The “Christian” organization that brought us those murders is still alive, still well and still led by the spirit of Antichrist. Only now she has been joined by her once wayward daughters who have spiritually reunited with their mother.
During the coming Great Tribulation men will be forced to either stand against the ruling church/governmental power, or submit to it. Men and women will be forced to choose between the God of the Scriptures, which will result in immediate death, or the god of the moment which will allow them to live a while longer.
Let us recognize the legacy of Simon the Sorcerer for what it is–ground zero in Satan’s “Christian” consortium (Catholicism/Protestantism). Let us, like the noble Bereans, prove all things by the Word of God, not by the various theological renderings of Satan’s false prophets. Let us adhere to the one, indivisible religion of the true church fathers: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the prophets, Jesus of Nazareth and the apostles. Let us reject the perverted gospels of religious hucksters who have created the Catholic and Protestant denominations, non-denominations, cults, sects, churches, faiths, orders, etc. designed by Satan to scratch any and all ear-itches of religious man.
Let us return to the pure religion of the early church headed by the apostles and directed by Jesus Christ through the agency of His Holy Spirit. Let us be true to Him at all cost, knowing that there will be costs. Let us walk the strait and narrow way of Christ which few choose to walk; let us flee the wide and broad way of Satan the masses have chosen to trod. Let us come out from among them and be separate. Let us resist the ecumenical movement instituted by the Antichrist spirit that permeates the Institutional Church. Let us stand, alone if necessary, which it usually is. Though all around us fall for Satan’s fake love, tolerance, inclusion program, let us stand for the Lord. Let us love Him enough to obey Him. Let us put our hand to the plow and not look back. Only those who do so will be allowed to enter the coming Kingdom of God where eternal life awaits. L.J.
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