How did so much of the world become infected with the SDS–Sex Derangement Syndrome (my term)? Like all other sins, SDS had a beginning time and place. And like all other sins, that time and place was at the beginning of creation in the Garden of Eden. God defines all sin as the “transgression (breaking) of the Law” (1 Jn. 3:4). The first Biblical reference to sin involved the actions of one-third of His angels who followed Lucifer in rebellion against His Law. The second reference to sin is mentioned in the third chapter of Genesis where Satan convinces Eve that he is the fountain of truth and that God is a liar. In short order, the Creator’s first church rebelled against His Law and the rest is history as later generations of church people followed in the spiritual footsteps of their original parents who comprised God’s first church.
So how did Satan (the serpent) manage to afflict billions of people with the same spiritual disease which I call the GAILS–the God Is A Liar Syndrome. The truth is that the devil has millions, possibly billions of helpers which are Biblically known as “devils,” though normally called “demons” after the Greek word “demonia.” Just as the early church evolved into a Satan-controlled religious sewer that came to be known as Catholicism, later church systems, known as Protestant denominations, embraced the religions of the heathens with whom they associated. Read Simon of Samaria: the Legacy. Key word–Legacy for a historical view of the development of what is today called “the church,” “Christianity,” “the faith,” among other titles.
Lucifer, who came to be known as Satan, “the prince,” sent out his demons–the “powers of the air” (Eph. 6:12)–to work their way into the minds of the humans who were multiplying throughout the world. What they found was low hanging spiritual fruit. In short order the inhabitors of the earth, with the exception of eight people, were infected with Adam and Eve’s disease. The entire world had become so steeped in sin that God said this about them: “… the wickedness of man was great on the earth and every thought of his heart is only evil continually.” The Lord had no choice but to destroy everyone on earth except a holy man named Noah and his family who became the parents of mankind (Gen. 6:5-8).
Over time man drew closer to God by denying Satan’s ever-present angels entrance into their hearts (minds). But that closeness did not last. Satan and his demons eventually convinced man that what was missing in his life was self-direction and self-determination. As usual, Satan was there to help. The history of Israel traces the people of God through many generations, relating how the Israelites would rise and fall time and time again as they would obey God for a while, then rebel against Him. He would save them from themselves, only to have them reject Him again as Satan and his demons would reclaim what they had lost. Each time Israel rejected God they would get further away from Him. Finally, His patience worn thin, He raised up the Assyrians and the Babylonians to defeat, slaughter and enslave first the northern tribes (called “Israel”), then the southern tribes (called “Jews”). Eventually all twelve tribes were scattered throughout the world. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Who.
Today we find that God has been rejected by the people of the world which have forced Him out of their everyday lives. Some, calling themselves “Christians,” continue to give Him lip service (Mat. 15:8) while rejecting His Law and serving Satan by honoring his rules of behavior. These, like their spiritual comrades outside the church, continue to serve as hosts for Satan and his demons (fallen spirits) while remaining oblivious to what is happening to them.
Which brings us to the abominations that we see taking place during Pride Month. Demonic influence is taking over more and more people’s lives, creating more and more slaves who unwittingly place themselves under Satan’s control. As bad as things are, what we are witnessing now is merely “the beginning of sorrows” that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:8. Today, sexual deviants temporarily have the upper hand. A time is coming when they and their supporters will be THE DOMINATING HAND. God’s people must surround themselves with His protection and power in order to resist and remain pure during the hell on earth that is coming. We must stand strong against evil until He takes us to the place He has prepared for us just before the Great Tribulation begins.
As stated in the previous series, I believe that He will give us one final opportunity to get right with Him. As He said, few will. Won’t you be one of the few? L.J.
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