As has been shown, Satan has successfully taken a natural, God-given human drive and turned it into a perversion that is repeatedly condemned by God in His Word. The devil’s next undertaking was to legitimize the perversion in the minds of both the secular and religious worlds. Having accomplished these goals, he then enticed mankind to legalize the perversion by creating a category of crime that makes it illegal to think negative thoughts about it. “Hate Crime” is considered far more serious than other crimes. Satan has sent the “thought police” among us to make sure we view such things as homosexuality in a positive light. He is just getting started. One day homosexual, as well as other, acts will be performed publicly along with sex with animals, etc. These performances will become so natural that young people will wonder why they were ever viewed negatively.
Question: how would you and your religious organization react to each of the following scenarios? Use them to test yourself relative to Satan’s Love, Inclusion and Tolerance (Religious Correctness) agenda. Someone comes into your church and announces that he is a thief, has always been a thief and under no circumstances will stop being a thief. Then he asks to join your church. Would your church accept him? Most churches would reject him. Then someone comes before your church, admits to being a homosexual and vows never, under any circumstances to change. That person then asks for membership in your church. Would your church accept him? Most churches would embrace him with open arms. This in spite of the fact that God has more condemnatory words to say about homosexuality than about theft, as this series of postings will bring to light. When it comes to sex perversion, the operative word is COMPROMISE, which God calls HYPOCRISY. As was the case with heathenism in its various forms, the Institutional Church is ever eager to bow to Satan. As a result, America has gone the way of the Roman Empire–she is morally decaying, sexual perversion being Satan’s current agent of destruction. Like a single cancer cell, this religious disease will spread until it consumes its host. In sum: America is rotting from within. The church, rather than leading the afflicted to the light, has herself embraced the darkness to the point that she now is darkness.
As this study will show, sexual perversion has gone mainstream among both the churched and the unchurched. Sex sin is not everything; in today’s world it is the only thing. Anyone who disagrees with the current trend is labeled a “hater. One will notice that no other type of deviance–lying, stealing, etc.–enjoys the social, religious and political glow in which sexual perversion basks. Truly, Satan has won the heart of America. Before anyone labels me a hater, let me enlighten you. I have several homosexual friends whom I have welcomed into my home where they have eaten at my table, slept in my bed and enjoyed the company of my family. To my knowledge, each considers himself a Christian. One of these souls flew to Italy where he met the pope.
Like most other types of behaviors, there is a hierarchy within the sex perversion category of sin. Homosexuality has come to occupy a position above all others. What is today an “alternative lifestyle” enjoyed by society’s creme de la creme was once a depraved, disgusting activity engaged in by moral degenerates. What was once a God-condemned activity that resulted in eternal death has become a God-embraced activity that results in eternal life. What happened? Answers come in a variety of forms: God changed; God saw the light; social evolution forced Him to alter His thinking; the Bible isn’t to be taken literally; etc. With 61% of Americans–many of them professing Christians–now viewing homosexuality as morally acceptable, a time is soon coming when a citizen will be considered deviant by the masses unless he vows support of, if not a preference for homosexuality. How did this happen? How did a shameful, God-condemned act punishable by death become the “in thing”–the wave of the future in the churches of the Western World? Bible students know that sin among those who call themselves God’s people is not a new phenomenon.
The Apostle Peter warned the church of his day about “… untaught and unstable men” who would wrest (twist) Scriptures to make them say what they and itching-eared parishioners wanted them to say (2 Pet. 3:16). Quoting Scriptures and sounding super-religious, these “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:15) ravaged the flock, leading many away from God and into Satan’s abyss, all the while assuring them that they were “in the will of God.” A good example of this tactic was televised recently as the new pastor of the nation’s largest homosexual church assured his flock that all was well their souls. In his sermon he stressed the importance of FULFILLING THE WILL OF GOD BY RIGHTEOUSLY LIVING THE HOMOSEXUAL LIFESTYLE. This news story enjoyed INTERNATIONAL COVERAGE. One could almost hear “amen” resounding from all corners of the earth. Those of us who know and obey the Lord spiritually heard Satan hiss: “Thou shalt not surely die.” And what was this righteous leader’s rationale for the change in God’s attitude? He explained that, due to societal evolution relative to right and wrong, the church must go with the moral flow in order to remain relevant to the masses. This false prophet simply voiced the global church’s attitude–God and His Word are no longer relevant; the church now decides what is right and wrong. Not only that, but if Jesus were here in the flesh, He would agree. To be continued. L.J.
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