As stated earlier, some information God provides for mankind has both time and choice elements, meaning that there was a set time when He broke the spiritual seals and began to reveal to those who believe Him what had been hidden from mankind for many generations. Recall that He told Daniel to “seal up the book” in which he had recorded several visions and prophecies. They were to be kept under seal–hidden from human understanding–until “the end of the end times” when He would spiritually break the seals, allowing those with ears to hear and eyes to see what had taken place in the world and what would take place before His return. That time is now.
Not only was the Revelation given by God to the Apostle John in the form of symbols, IT WAS SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS. In ancient times seals were used for various purposes. Relative to printed material, a liquid material would be poured on the object and allowed to dry and harden. The seal was designed to keep people from opening the scroll and reading what had been written thereon. Only when the item was to be examined was the seal to be broken. God told Daniel to seal up the book (scroll) until the end times in order to keep men from knowing what He had shown him until the appointed time. That we are living in the end of the end times is proven by the fact that God’s men have been given understanding not only of Daniel’s vision but John’s vision as well. As prophesied by the Prophet Amos (8:11,12), the time has come when men run to and fro in search of the Word of God. This is evidenced by the proliferation of various and sundry religious groups, each one calling itself “the church.” Rapid transportation, television, the internet, radio, the print media, etc. allow man to seek out, find and embrace that which scratches his itching ears (2 Tim. 4:3). However, the apostle warns that these seekers will be “ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth that can be found only in God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:7), most of which they reject. While this is going on, man fails to realize that God has broken the seals of Daniel and John so that true Truth seekers can understand what has been hidden from mankind for thousands of years. What a time we are living in; I am so grateful to be able to see the prophesies of God come to fruition before my eyes. Though it is devastating to watch my beloved nation slide into Satan’s abyss with ever-increasing speed, I am thrilled to be able to witness what men have been wondering about since the days of the prophets. Prophecy is being fulfilled all around us. And because of God’s revelation, I am able to understand what is happening. My goal is to share with the readers of this website what God has given to those who earnestly seek Him.
Realizing that the world is changing for the worst, the modern church has begun to listen to her leaders as they explain what is happening and what they must do to prepare for the future. From the hoarding of food to the stockpiling of weapons, parishioners are being led to prepare spiritually and physically for what is coming. For example, many leaders are telling their followers to get ready for a secret “rapture” that will supposedly snatch them away to paradise, thereby saving them from the ravages of the Great Tribulation. The problem with these messengers and their messages is that God has not sent them; nor has He given them the messages they deliver (Jer. 26:16,17,21). God’s Truth concerning the final days of this age remain spiritually “sealed” to them and their parishioners. Because they have rejected God’s Word, their minds have been “seared as if with a hot iron” (1 Tim. 4:2). Being manipulated by the devil, they view those who speak God’s Truth as heretics while summarily dismissing His Word delivered by them. In the messengers and messages sense, the New Testament is being repeated. To be continued. L.J.
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