Jesus is “speaking” to the church in Philadelphia. He introduced Himself initially as “He that is Holy.” He then described Himself as “He that is true.” Being true is not an isolated condition. One cannot simply be true; one must be true to another entity. Jesus is true to His Word. So true is He that He is called “the Word of God” (Jn. 1:1-4,14/Rev. 19:13). He is so true to His Word (the Scriptures) that He says of Himself that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life–His Word/Truth is the (only) Way which leads to eternal Life (Jn. 14:6). He cannot be separated from His Word/Truth/Way to which He is True. Only by believing and obeying Him/His Word/His Truth/His Way to the end of life or the age can one be saved (Mat. 10:17-22). At the time Jesus spoke these words to His disciples they alone comprised His church. Not even His mother, brothers and sisters believed in Him (Mat. 12:46-49). What He said was meant not merely for the disciples, but for every true saint that would live until His return. Notice that He warns true believers that the hallmark–outstanding sign–of their belief in and obedience to Him is persecution. Only those who endure persecution for righteousness’ sake until the end can be saved (Mat. 10:22).
Next Jesus said that He held the Key of David, which refers to the opening and closing of doors to ministry. I have found that only when I wait for Him to open doors to ministry do I have success. Most of the people who hear or read me are church people. I do not determine “success” by the number of them who chose to believe and obey God’s Word coming from me–one percent at most. I measure the success of this ministry by how many hear or read me. I have been preaching and writing God’s Truth for over a decade and I can count on my fingers the number of church people that I am aware of who have been converted, have left the false church and are following the Lord. I do not open doors of ministry–a lesson I learned the hard way. This website is a ministerial door opened by the Lord. I had nothing to do with it. Ironically, He used a stranger to open it, to whom I am eternally grateful.
In the next verse Jesus praises the Philadelphians for their works. He then tells them that He has opened a door of ministry for them BECAUSE THEY HAVE KEPT HIS WORD–HAVE NOT DENIED HIS NAME. Obeying the Holy Scriptures=declaring His name; disobeying the Scriptures in part or in whole=denying His name. He then warns the false Christians in the church that they will bow at the feet of the true saints and know that He has loved THEM (vs 9). Everything revolves around His Truth; we either uphold or deny His name by obeying or disobeying His Truth. Jesus–the Word–is the Truth of God (Jn. 17:17). In the Introduction to this website I listed several ways in which professing Christendom routinely, openly and repeatedly denies His name. Note that He promises to keep only THOSE HE LOVES safe during the troubling times to follow.
Jesus then warns the true saints in the Philadelphia church to “hold fast” to what they have been taught by the apostles so that false Christians would not be able to “… steal your crown” (salvation). Notice that not even true saints are guaranteed salvation. If salvation were guaranteed it could not be “stolen.” The Catholic/Protestant religious system–the Counterfeit Church–is the modern day crown-stealer. For this reason God commands those who seek Him to “come out of her.”
Everything Jesus said to the Philadelphia church can be summed up in one word: “OVERCOME.” We must overcome Satan’s false saints, their false church, false god, false savior and false salvation. Jesus again ends His discourse by admonishing those having spiritual ears to “… hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Those who do not hear, believe and obey those messages will not enter the Kingdom of God. L.J.
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