When a child is learning to walk he repeatedly stumbles and falls down, which is expected. Parents know that during that most difficult learning process they will have to help the child repeatedly. However, with the passage of time less and less help is needed. Soon the child ceasing stumbling altogether, which is expected. But what if the child continues to fall down at age five or six? If he was still stumbling at eight or ten panic would set in. Everyone would know that something is terribly wrong. Whatever steps necessary to correct the problem would be taken.
But what if the “stumbling” is spiritual (sin)? What is the reaction when a “saved” person is still “stumbling” five or six years after being “born again?” What about 10, 20 or 30 years later? The answer: THERE IS NO REACTION. There is no concern over repeated sins; there is no attempt to find and fix the “problem.” There is no alarm when churchman continues to stumble day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year …. Why? Because in the Counterfeit Church SINNING ON A CONTINUING BASIS IS EXPECTED! Being born a sinner due to a miraculous sin transferal from Adam, the churchite has no choice but to sin. But God knows this and has sent Jesus to enable him to sin and get away with it. He came to the alter a sinner and and is allowed to remain a sinner due to God’s grace. What has happened that enables the parishioner to continuously sin and not be held accountable for it? The answer: he is has been “saved” by the very God he repeatedly defies. This makes Christendom the most “user friendly” religion on earth. Satan’s lie that those who have “walked the aisle” are saved and cannot be unsaved is churchman’s security blanket. He simply wraps himself in religiosity and goes on his sinning ways. Adam having made sin his nature, he is merely doing what comes naturally.
The Institutional Church labels as a heretic anyone who believes that man is not a sinner at birth, and that sin is a life-long choice made by the individual. One of the most misquoted passages of Scripture in defense of the believer’s right to sin and get away with it is found in Romans 3:23. The popular version goes like this: “All sin and come short of the glory of God.” Though the statement is convenient for sin excusers, it is not Scripturally correct. The actual wording is: “… all HAVE SINNED and (have) come short of the glory of God.” Notice that God did not say that all “must” sin or “do” sin. Man’s version gives legitimacy to the statement: “The devil made me do it.” In putting forth this belief, the church labels as lies God’s statements that, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world” (1 Jn. 4:4) and, “Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy” (Lk. 10:19). According to the church, God, having injected sin into Adam and Eve’s reproductive mechanisms, walked away, leaving man at the mercy of His enemy. According to the church, the Lord lied when making the above statements. By rejecting 1 John 4:4 and Luke 10:19 and twisting Romans 3:23 man relieves himself of responsibility for his repeated sins. When his conscience reminds him of them, he simply says, “see Jesus.”
Because the Counterfeit Church has supposedly caught Jesus in a lie concerning the saint’s power to resist Satan (1 Jn. 4:4), it has become routine to accuse Him of lying about other matters (wherever His Words condemn man’s theology). Many of His “lies” were listed at the beginning of this website and will be discussed in future postings.
For those who desire to learn more about the difference between God’s church and man’s church the investigation is about to become more tedious as Satan will bombard the seeker with ever more church “truths” designed to refute God’s Truth. One such “truth” involves the qualifications one must possess in order to inherit eternal life. Converts are assured that salvation is guaranteed to anyone who believes John 3:16. Is it true that faith in Jesus is all that is required? Is Romans 6:19-23 true–that obedience to God’s Word, IF CONTINUED, results in RIGHTEOUSNESS which, IF CONTINUED results in HOLINESS, which IF CONTINUED, results in SALVATION? The church says “NO,” that faith in Jesus is all that is required to receive salvation which is awarded at the BEGINNING of one’s “christian walk,” not at the end of it. Does God agree?
Matthew 1:21–Jesus came to save people FROM their sins, not IN their sins. The word “from” refers to an act of removal of one thing from another. In this case it refers to God removing sin from people, then the people keeping sin from reentering them by obedience to His Word using His Holy Spirit power. In that sin separates us from God (Isa. 59:2), one must rid himself of sin and keep himself in that spiritual condition by the power of God’s Spirit in order to be at one with Him–to be “in Christ.” If one is separated from Christ one cannot be “in Christ,” which is where true saints, both living and dead, will be found upon His return (1 Thes. 4:16). These and only these will rise to meet Him in the air and will travel to the Mount of Olives where He will set up the Kingdom of God (Zech. 14:4). In that one cannot be delivered from nicotine if one continues to smoke, one cannot be delivered from sin if one continues to sin. If elimination of sin from one’s life is impossible, as the church contends, then why did Jesus say that only those who “… overcome even as I overcame” will sit with Him on His throne (Rev. 3:21,22)? Churchman contends that he must sin, and that Jesus died so that he would not have to obey His command to overcome Satan. To the church, Revelation 3:21,22 is a joke pulled on those foolish enough to fall for it. And Peter’s statement that “… only the righteous shall be saved … and they just barely” (1 Pet. 4:18) is just another of God’s pranks designed to reveal the foolishness of those who believe Him.
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