By instituting His Passover the Lord pictures man’s escape from sin, Satan’s attempt to regain him, and man’s eventual victory over the forces of hell. The Children of Israel obeyed God by obeying His rules for partaking of the Passover feast and placing lamb’s blood on their doorposts–accepting the Truth of God’s Word concerning their deliverance from Egypt (sin). Note that they did not merely believe God, they OBEYED His Words perfectly. THEN He forgave their sins, cleansed them and prepared them to leave Egypt (escape slavery to Satan). In Numbers 33:3 we are told that they went out of Egypt with a “high hand”–in joy and elation just as all who follow the Lord out of the Institutional Church feel initially. But then Pharaoh (Satan) and his army (his demons) pursued them–tests, trials and temptations begin immediately after leaving “the church.” Satan does not want to lose even one of his former slaves. The Israelites, seeing the pursuing Egyptian army, began to think about returning to Egypt–modern escapees begin thinking about returning to “the church” where they were accepted. In the series of postings titled Bait and Switch, I explain how God-seekers are initially lured through Catholicism/Protestantism’s wide gate and along its broad path leading to destruction. Having left that path, entered the strait gate and having begun to walk the narrow path leading to salvation, new converts are hit hard by the keeper of the wide gate as he tries to lure them back into his religious web. Having pulled his Bait and Switch routine on them initially, he tries to lure them back onto that path (Mat. 7:13,14) by using those who have remained on it–family, friends, etc. Due to Satan’s persuasive powers, many relent and return to the Institutional Church. This comes as no surprise to Bible students.
God tells us that, due to this Satanic pressure, only a few escapees will remain with Him. These are they who realize that they cannot overcome Satan by their own strength. Notice God’s Words to that effect as the Egyptian army bore down on the Children of Israel: “Fear ye not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord … for the Egyptians (Satan’s church system) … you shall see no more for ever. The Lord shall fight for you” (Exo. 14). Being helpless before the devil, we are told to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. He will deliver the trusting saint in the midst of the trial as He did by opening the Red Sea for Israel. We, in and of ourselves, cannot overcome Satan by our own strength. We must allow the Lord to supply the needed strength. We are not alone in this regard. Jesus said: “I can of Myself (His human strength) do nothing” (Jn. 5:30). See Jesus Christ: God, Man or Godman? Not even Jesus of Nazareth could overcome Satan by His own strength. He depended totally on the Father. When His mother, siblings and friends tried to persuade Him to return to the fold Jesus had to rely on the Father’s strength to resist them (Mat. 12:46-50). We must follow His example. Like being caught in the midst of an EF-5 tornado, we are helpless. But if we are walking with the Lord He will still the storm, just as He did on the Sea of Galilee. Just as He did for the Children of Israel, He will part the Red Sea and allow us to escape. He always provides a way of escape if we will wait on Him in the midst of the trial (1 Cor. 10:13). There will always be trials, tests, persecutions, etc. as Satan sends his minions (demons and people) after escapees. PERSECUTION, TESTS, TRIALS, ETC. WILL END ONLY AT DEATH OR THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST. So, gird your loins and stay prepared. See Persecution. We are commanded to rejoice in the midst of the turmoil, knowing that victory is assured if we depend on the Lord (1 Pet. 4:12,13). To be continued. L.J.
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