In the financial world the word “denominations” refers to the various types of paper monitory notes a nation uses when conducting economic transactions. In the church world the word denotes the various and differing brands of professing Christendom. A relative once said to me while we were discussing religion in general, “Well, one thing I know for sure, a Christian can interpret the Bible any way he wants to.” It was from this universally-embraced heresy that the church world as it exists today came into being. It is from this blasphemous “truth” that the two-headed, multi-bodied abomination that calls itself “the church” captured the hearts of billions of people in the past and controls billions of their religious descendants today. A Biblically-proven fact pertaining to church organization concerns a powerful religious thread that binds all denominations, churches, faiths, cults, etc. together. That thread is IDOLATRY–religious man’s replacing the Biblical God with himself. What Lucifer (Satan) attempted to do (replace God) but failed, he has accomplished by having man do his dirty work for him. The irony is that he (Satan) succeeded by making religious man believe that he (man), by committing idolatry, is in fact obeying the Biblical God. In the series titled Bait and Switch (key word–Bait), I point out that the devil could only pull off such a ruse by keeping his congregations ignorant of approximately 99% of God’s Word. Let us journey back in history to see exactly how he tricked man into becoming his own god. During the time period 70 A.D. to about 170 A.D. the God-centered, Bible-obeying church of Biblical fame totally disappeared from historic view. During those years whatever was written about the church had deliberately destroyed. This historical blackout kept the activities of “the church” hidden from public view for about a hundred years. When the illuminating light of written history came back on the world found that the church that had entered that period of darkness was not the same church that exited from it. What entered the period–God’s true church–had been practically eliminated during that time. What emerged was a totally different entity known as the Catholic Church which in no way resembled the God-centered church that had disappeared some 100 years earlier. That period of church history remains a secret to this day. When the darkness was lifted, God’s true church, now consisting of only a tiny remnant of true saints, was being hunted like animals by the mighty Roman Empire (the “beast’ of Revelation 17:3). The spiritual power behind the empire’s murderous ways was the “woman” riding the beast. The woman (church) who had orchestrated the slaughter of millions of God’s people had become “drunk” on the blood of God’s saints (vs 6). During the previous 100-year period the Catholic Church had, through the power of the Roman Empire, had either absorbed or murdered most of God’s people. The false church had given them four choices. They could 1) voluntarily become Catholic, 2) become Catholic by force, 3) be martyred for refusing choices 1 and 2, or 4) flee. When the light of written church history appeared, God’s Very Elect saints were fleeing the church’s enforcement arm–the murderous military of the Roman Empire. God’s people would remain on the run and in hiding for hundreds of years. Over time some within Catholicism came the point of rebellion. Sickened by the sins of the priesthood, they left the church in “protest.” The problem was that, upon leaving, they took with them almost all of Catholicism’s basic beliefs and practices, several of which are listed in the Introduction to this website. Calling themselves “Protestants” (“protesters”), these people soon became divided according to various interpretations of the Holy Bible. In the final analysis, the “protesters” eventually began to “protest” the beliefs of their fellow “protesters.” A process of separation gradually took shape. Different men came up with different interpretations of the Bible. These men gathered like-minded people around them, gave themselves names based on their particular brand of Christianity, declared themselves churches and began spreading their version of the Gospel. This in spite of the Lord’s command not to interpret His Word. The Apostle Peter wrote about this command in his second epistle, saying: “the Word of God is of NO PRIVATE (PERSONAL) INTERPRETATION” (1:20). God spoke His Bible into existence. It needs no interpretation by mere men. The Bible interprets itself. Only God can dictate Biblical Truth. By interpreting His Word, man replaces God as the determiner of Truth. Adam and Eve’s religious children followed in their parents’ footsteps. As a result, churchman now worships and serves himself, which is by God’s definition, IDOLATRY. By declaring their various conflicting, contradicting, contentious versions of what God “actually meant,” man proclaims to the world that he knows more than God. Being more spiritually gifted than the Creator, idolatrous man has replaced Him as the ultimate proclaimer of Biblical Truth. Using their personal “apostolic interpretations” of the Holy Scriptures, men have rejected the Lord’s edict to “keep the unity of the Spirit” by believing and proclaiming that there is only “one body (of Christ), one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all” (Eph. 4:3-6). This Paulene Truth is repeated by the apostle using other words in First Corinthians 1:10: “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that YOU ALL SPEAK THE SAME THING, THAT THERE be NO DIVISIONS (DENOMINATIONS) AMONG YOU, THAT YOU BE PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHER, HAVING THE SAME MIND AND THE SAME JUDGMENT.” All true believers, having the “mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16; Phil. 2:5), are all in agreement. We all speak the same Truth and all use the same judgment in all spiritual matters. As Paul reminds us in Hebrews 2:10, those singular Christ-minds contain the Laws (commandments) of God, written in our hearts (minds) by the Holy Spirit (Jer. 31:31-34/ Heb. 8:8-10). According to billions of denominationalists (Catholics and Protestants), those Laws/commandments were nailed to cross of Christ. God commands us to obey His Law. Man proclaims that the Law is dead. Someone is lying. You must identify the liar. According to church truth (CT), “God gave us denominations because different people have different interpretations of the Bible” (have subjective “truths”). This posting reveals BT (objective Truth) established by God. As I have stated many times: EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO THE BIBLE WHICH CONTAINS EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT GOD’S WILL FOR MANKIND. Man, by cherry picking what to believe, what to change and what to discard, has made himself god. As First Corinthians 8:20, Paul said that at that time there were “gods many and lords many.” Their numbers have only increased, L.J.
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