Knowing that mankind would grow progressively more wicked over the coming centuries, the Lord, through His prophets and apostles, prophesied that as the time of His return grew near, His curses on sinning man would grow ever more frequent and ever more deadly. These curses would take the form of “natural” occurrences whose meaning would not be understood by Satan-controlled man, including churchman.
History, both distant and near, has proven that man has learned nothing relative to the cause of the “natural” happenings that repeatedly take place in his life. The so-called “facts of the matter” supposedly reveal that man himself plays no part in what goes on in the natural world in which he lives. When “mother nature” smacks him, man “knows” that he was simply “in the wrong place at the wrong time.” “Everyone knows” that man is simply the victim in the various disasters in which he finds himself time and time again. And Satan smiles because he knows that he has separated 99.99% of mankind from God, just as the Prophet Isaiah wrote in 59:2.
This is the way is with man because he has become so wicked that most human beings do not believe that God even exists. Those who believe He exists and claim allegiance to Him have been deceived into believing that they have entered His gate (church) and are walking along His path (doctrines) which will lead them to heaven. Biblical Truth (Jn. 17:17) declares that such is the reality in which the human race finds itself. Jesus was right in Revelation 12:9: “Satan has deceived the whole world,” including the church world. For this reason, the Lord’s promised curses keep coming ever quicker and ever more deadly as man sows ever more vile winds and reaps ever more deadly whirlwinds (His. 8:7). In the eyes of God-rejecting mankind, this sowing and reaping cycle is totally “natural,” meaning beyond his control.
In the eyes of the world, “everyone knows” that man plays no part is the things of “nature.” This in spite of the fact that God warns man that his (man’s) actions dictate what goes on around him. At this point we will take note of some of the “natural disasters” that have taken place in modern times that were prophesied to take place as the world’s final (Laodicean) age nears its end and man rushes ever farther along his sin-ladened way.
We who are living in these final days of man’s vile effect on history need to be reminded that the Lord warned us time and again that just before Christ returned the world would become extremely wicked, causing God to express His wrath in various ways. In Matthew 24 Jesus foretold some of the signs of the end times” in this way: “Take heed that no man (false prophets) deceive you, for many will come in My name, proclaiming that I am the Christ, and will deceive many” (vss 4,5). He then goes on to warn about wars, famines, disease pandemics and other “natural” occurrences. The Apostle Paul warned that “In the last days, perilous times will come.” Let us examine some of the predicted events that have already come to pass and will continue to take place with more frequency and terror as the time of Christ’s arrival draws nearer. While doing so, let us remember that Jesus said that these were merely “THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS” (Mat. 24:8).
One of the main ways God “speaks” to sinning man is through what are called “natural disasters” that were prophesied to take place with ever more frequency and power as man became ever more sinful. In order to reveal the progression of such “natural” occurrences we will do some comparative analysis. Between 1950 and 1990 there were 142 occurrences that were classified as “natural disasters” in the United States. Note that during that 40-year time period 142 such disasters occurred. Compare this to the 1990 to 2000 record. During this 10-year period, a total of 72 “natural disasters” occurred. Doing the math reveals a dramatic up-tick in such occurrences. The Almighty was “speaking” to sinning mankind over those time elements and continue to speak to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see what He is telling us through those “natural disasters.” Read about His “voices” using Voices as the key word.
World-wide statistics reveal that between the years 2000 and 2009 a total of 3,852 “natural disasters” killed more than 780,000 people and affected over 2,000,000,000 more. Such events caused over $960,000,000,000 in damage. The following are some of the nations that were affected during the 1980-1990 decade: EARTHQUAKES: Chile, Haiti and Turkey. WINTER STORMS: Europe and the U.S.A. TSUNAMIS: Indonesia, Japan and China. During that time period there were many mudslides and much flooding world-wide. Recently a single mudslide killed over 2000 people. Tornados now come in clusters. Many American cities are flooding and suffering tremendous amounts of damage. Sizemetologist are warning that California could be divided in half by movement in the San Andreus Fault. Also, the New Madrid Fault in Missouri has reportedly been acting up. Experts warn that when, not if, the volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park will cause severe damage in five states. Is the Lord about to “speak” to us through those specific ticking time-bombs? As was prophesied to take place 2000 years ago Revelation 16:12, the once-mighty Euphrates River in the Middle East has dried up.
Due to real-time news coverage world-wide we are witnessing the altering of the world’s landscape and its effect on the masses. Look for more and worse “natural disasters” to take place as the time for Christ’s return grows near. Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28 and Matthew 24 tell us why such is the case. In most cases in which death and destruction happens to man they are due to man’s REBELLION AGAINST THE GOVERNANCE OF GOD WHICH HE ACCOMPLISHES THROUGH HIS LAW. BREAKING THE LAW IS SIN (1 JN. 3:4). THE WAGES OF SIN IS SPIRITUAL DEATH IN THIS LIFE. Recall that Adam and Eve did not die physically at the time of their sins. However, they did die spiritually. Billions of church people who are living by their “faith” are spiritually dead because their faith is not accompanied by spiritual “works” (obedience to God’s Law). Read James 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26. Note verse 14 where the apostle declares that faith without works cannot save the soul.
Both those in the counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Religious System and those outside of it are spiritually dead and do not realize it. For this reason God tells salvation seekers who have been lured into her to come out of, be separated from and not to touch that “unclean thing.” Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 and Second Chronicles 7:13-15. Also read Romans 5:21 and 6:22. Note in the Romans references that the END RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS ETERNAL LIFE. In Matthew 10:22 Jesus says that those who ENDURE TO THE END WITH THEIR RIGHTEOUSESS ENTACT WILL THEN RECEIVE SALVATION.
Note that a total life (“walk”) change must take place in the lives of those who seek answered prayers, Biblically promised blessings, eternal life, etc. Being super religious will not suffice. Read First John 2:6 and 3:1-10. Salvation seekers must learn this lesson, take it to heart and apply it to their lives if they are to have any chance of joining Christ in the air upon His return, descending to the Mount of Olives, entering Jerusalem and helping Him create the Kingdom of God. Read The Three Resurrections and The Kingdom of God. Key words–Three and Kingdom respectively. L.J.
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