Having posted two series dealing with personal self-deception, I will now show how this global phenomenon has resulted in national deception which will soon lead to national destruction on a global scale. The introduction to this website highlighted many of the doctrines and practices of heathenism that have come to dominate the Institutional Church (Catholicism/Protestantism). Through vast missionary efforts, she has spread her religious poison throughout the world, causing hundreds of millions of God-seekers to embrace Satan and his religious program. Having been convinced that they are following the Biblical God and His Son, blind believers have followed their blind prophets into the “ditch” (Mat. 15:14). So pervasive, thorough and successful has been Satan’s Bait and Switch tactic that 99.99% of professing Christendom has DENIED THE BIBLICAL CHRIST. God speaks to this heinous sin in 1 John 2:22-26: “… who is the liar? It is the man who DENIES THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST. Such a man is the ANTICHRIST (opposer of Christ) who DENIES THE FATHER AND THE SON. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whosoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also …. I am writing these things to you (the New Covenant Church) about THOSE WHO ARE LEADING YOU ASTRAY. Therefore, let (man’s choice) this (God’s Truth) abide in you WHICH YOU HEARD FROM THE BEGINNING. IF what you (the church) heard from the beginning ABIDES IN YOU, you will also abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that He has promised US–ETERNAL LIFE. These things I have written to you concerning THOSE WHO TRY TO DECEIVE YOU.” Note it: eternal life depends on our continued belief in and obedience to what God has revealed to us through His prophets and apostles. But alas, the world’s churches have failed to heed Peter’s admonition to “… grow in grace and in the KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST” (2 PET. 3:18). Instead, church members in particular and the Institutional Church in general have rejected Jesus Christ as their Savior and Messiah by rejecting the only “sign” He gave to prove His Sonship–that He would be three days and three nights in the tomb. In His stead they have embraced Tammuz, whose “sign” of Sonship is one day and two nights in the tomb. See the posting on the resurrection of Jesus. Because of the rejection of Jesus as Savior/Messiah on the personal and institutional levels, entire nations have fallen under Satan’s web of deception by ignoring God’s commands such as, “Learn not the ways of the heathen,” for their ways are an abomination to Him (Jer. 10:2-5), and “… do not inquire after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods. I will do likewise …. for every abomination to the Lord which he hates they have done to their gods …. Whatever I command you, be careful to observe IT; you shall not add to IT nor take away from IT” (Deut. 12:30-32). But alas, the masses comprising the various church cults have failed to heed the Lord’s Words. Due to this personal and corporate apostasy, entire nations have followed the devil into his religious pit. It is to this subject that we now turn. But first a short history lesson.
God used Abraham to engender a special group of people whom He would use as “lights” to the Gentile world to bring them to Him. The reader is well familiar with the fall of the sons of Jacob who not only refused to recognize Joseph for who he was, but tried to destroy him. Having seen the error of their ways, his brothers came to bow before him. After 400+ years in Egypt, they were miraculously delivered from the belly of the beast and placed at the gate of the Promised Land, only to fail God once again. Forty years later they were allowed to enter with specific instructions as to how to conduct themselves relative to the native Canaanites. Once again they failed. Then later the nation of Israel split into two groups over taxation. Years later the northern tribes–the House of Israel–were defeated, enslaved and scattered throughout the world. A hundred+ years after that the southern tribes–the House of Judah, nicknamed “Jews”–were defeated and taken into slavery, most of whom would eventually be scattered throughout the world.
But before the Children of Israel left Egypt, God designated the two sons of Joseph to be the ones who would carry His gospel message–His “light”–to the world. On his death bed Jacob declared that Manasseh and Ephraim would be the ones to be called his name–Israel–from that time onward. He declared that Manasseh would become the world’s greatest single nation while Ephraim would become the world’s greatest company (commonwealth) of nations. This happened exactly as God had prophesied through Jacob. First, Ephraim miraculously morphed from a tiny, insignificant island into the world’s most powerful company of nations–a commonwealth (company of nations) that would come to be known as the British Empire. So vast was England’s hegemony that “the sun never set on the British Empire.” Many of the children of Manasseh would eventually leave England, cross the Atlantic Ocean and settle in a new land which they would call “New England.” Then later the descendants of Joseph’s brothers (Christians) would immigrate to the New World where they would eventually become the world’s most powerful, most successful single nation of all time–the United States. For years God’s gospel “light” to the Gentiles glowed brightly from these children of Israel. But, as had been the case of their ancient ancestors, Satan injected his divide and conquer program into the church, beginning with the ministry. Like cancer that devours its host from within, heathenism raised its ugly head and began to consume the church. Today those with eyes to see and ears to hear know that the once-great Christian nations, with America and England in the lead, have unwittingly slid into the devil’s spiritual abyss, the Counterfeit Church in the lead. It is the current condition and the soon-coming end of the world’s so-called “Christian nations” that the following postings are dedicated. To be continued. L.J.
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