In this segment we will be examining the church’s false doctrine which states that one is saved and born again in this life. This is one of Satan’s most powerful lies in that it has caused billions of people to believe that once the prescribed ritual has been completed all is done that needs to be done in order to receive eternal life and be reborn, that one can merely show up, ‘fess up, pay up and get ready to go up. Following the so-called “salvation experience,” sin automatically becomes a meaningless concept in that “God can’t see through the blood of Jesus.” One standard bearer for a mainline church summed it up this way: “God doesn’t like sin, but He won’t do anything about it.” Why? Because church people have taken His Son as their personal savior. Therefore, “Come as you are” (a sinner), “stay as you are” (a sinner), “just remember to repent after each of your inevitable sins” is all one needs to do in order to spend eternity with Christ in paradise. After all, “Jesus paid it all so that I can do it all and get away with it all.” This should be the mantra of the Laodicean age church. Read Revelation 3:14-20 for Christ’s description of the modern day (Laodicean–Catholic/Protestant) religious system. However, as this website has proven Scripturally many times, it isn’t a question of who accepts Jesus as their Savior, it’s a question of whom Jesus accepts as His brethren. The difference between those two truths is the difference between life and death. Read about Christ’s brethren, using the Word “Brethren” as the key.
As the Scriptures tell us, saved and born again are one and the same spiritual act on the part of the Almighty. At the instant of rebirth one is saved. The act will take place at the return of Jesus Christ to earth when He will call to Himself those who have been dead and in the earth since Abel along with those “in Christ” who are alive at the time of His arrival. Read Born Again. Key word–Born. Now we will turn to Christ’s conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus for a look at the Truth which came straight from the mouth of the Master Himself. Billions of people know about this episode, but only a minutely few believe everything Jesus said because it does not fit the popular narrative. Relative truth (what one wants truth to be) dominants any discussion relative to the difference between Bible Truth and church truth. In such cases, God is inevitably “proven” to have lied and man has inevitably “proven” to have told the truth. This ministry was created to expose that heresy.
In John 3:1-8 we find Jesus talking with a Pharisee who is wanting information about the Lord’s message to the Jewish people. The Pharisees had seen Him perform miracles and had heard what He had been telling the people. Out of fear of being punished by his fellow Pharisees, Nicodemus has come at night and in secret to ask Jesus about His doctrine. We will pay strict attention to what Jesus says to him so that we can understand God’s “fine print” which is absolutely necessary if one is to receive His promises (“headlines”). Without finding his “fine print,” studying it, believing it and obeying it, His “Headlines” (promises, including salvation) will not be received. His “headlines” tell us WHAT He has PROMISED us; His “fine print” tells us HOW to RECEIVE them. This is a “fine print” ministry whose focus is the Institutional Church where everyone knows WHAT, but no one knows HOW.
My job is to inform truth seekers about the lies they are being told by leaders in the “unclean thing” (church) they “belong to.” Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 for God’s commands relative to that ungodly institution. What people do with what I show them in God’s Truth is between themselves and the Author of that Truth (Jn. 17:17). Note God’s instructions relative to His Word found in 7:1. This is the “fine print” relative to receiving the “headline” promise of salvation and rebirth. Now back to the Lord’s conversation with Nicodemus. Christ’s Words concerning salvation, rebirth and entering into God’s Kingdom are examples of classic “fine print” information which must be embraced and obeyed in order to enter His “headline” promised paradise.
In John 3:2 we find some valuable information relative to the Pharisees’ knowledge about the miracle worker from Nazareth. Upon meeting Jesus, Nicodemus makes a surprising confession. Notice that he calls Jesus “Rabbi,” meaning master, teacher, one who has the truth. This places Jesus in an exalted status in their view. Nicodemus immediately reveals three things the Pharisees know about Him. They know that HE IS A RABBI, that HE HAS BEEN SENT BY GOD, and that GOD IS WITH HIM. Let that sink in. These religious leaders have no doubt as to Who Jesus is, Who sent Him, what He sent Him to do, and Whose power He uses to perform miracles. So what is their problem with Him? THEY DID NOT LIKE HIS MESSAGE. Sound familiar? Today, billions of people know those same things about Jesus Christ. So what is their problem? THEY DO NOT LIKE HIS MESSAGE. THEREFORE THEY EMPLOY HIRELINGE WHO TELL THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR WHILE IGNORING GOD’S “FINE PRINT” SO AS TO REMAIN IGNORANT OF HIS WILL FOR THEM. The theory is that God will not hold them responsible for what they do not know. However, God said: “My people are DESTROYED for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE” (Hos. 4:6).
Through the power of the Holy Spirit which abode within Him, Jesus knew that Nicodemus had come to ask Him about entering into the Kingdom of God. Not waiting for the question, He proceeds to answer it by laying some “fine print” on him. He tells the Pharisee that before he can enter God’s kingdom, “YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN.” Jesus explains why:”… for flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God”–cannot come into God’s presence. Because He was a flesh and blood man like all other men, Jesus could not have entered God’s presence if He had wanted to. JESUS HAD TO BE BORN AGAIN BEFORE HE COULD ASCEND TO HEAVEN AND ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Being a man, He first had to die, “For it is appointed unto man once to die” (Heb. 9:27). Then judgment would come. Only following rebirth would He be allowed to enter God’s kingdom in heaven. All of which He would later do.
Now let us carefully examine Christ’s “fine print” (Jn. 3:3-8) in which He reveals to Nicodemus (and us) what it means to be born again (saved). Warning: IT IS NOT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD. Jesus says to Nicodemus: “Truly, truly I say to you, without being born again, a man cannot see (enter) the Kingdom of God.” At that point in time, and today, God’s kingdom was, and is, in heaven. Upon His return, Jesus will establish His Father’s Kingdom on earth (Mat. 6:9,10). Nicodemus did not understand how he could be born again. Jesus said: “Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a man is born of water (baptism) and of the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (where God abides now). That said, Jesus then hits him with some “super fine print,” saying: “What is born as flesh is flesh (the opposite of spirit), and what is born as spirit is spirit” (the opposite of flesh). Here He is referring to man’s bodily composition. Man’s body is either one or the other–flesh or spirit. Until Christ’s return and the first resurrection takes place, God’s people retain their flesh bodily composition. However, upon His arrival, His Very Elect saints will join Him in the air AS SPIRIT BEINGS, HAVING BEEN BORN AGAIN FROM FLESH TO SPIRIIT in the “twinkling of an eye.” THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BORN AGAIN. JESUS WAS BORN AGAIN IN THE TOMB WHEN HE CHANGED FROM FLESH TO SPIRIT.
In verse eight Jesus compares a born again being to the wind which cannot be seen. However, one can see what the wind is doing. Wind cannot be seen, but its effects can be observed (leaves moving, etc.). One cannot tell from where wind originated or where it is going, “SO IS EVERY ONE THAT HAS BEEN BORN OF THE SPIRIT”–BORN AGAIN–SAVED. If you can be seen, felt, held, etc.; if your comings and goings can be noticed; if you can feel pain, etc., YOU HAVE NOT BEEN BORN AGAIN; YOU ARE NOT SAVED. We cannot be saved until “the end” of the age (Mat. 10:22) when Christ will return WITH SALVATION (1 Pet. 1:5,9/Rom. 13:11).
The Apostle Paul tells us that until Christ returns, we have the “HOPE OF SALVATION” (1 Thes. 5:8). Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9) in many ways. He has deceived the church into believing that, upon performing a prescribed ritual and repeating a prescribed prayer, one is saved and born again. A couple of television soul winners” claim to be able to get one saved in approximately 10 seconds. THIS IS A LIE. In order to born again and receive eternal life we must “walk as Christ walked” (1 Jn. 2:6), “purify ourselves even as He is pure” (1 Jn. 3:3) and “… overcome (temptation) even as I (Jesus) overcame ….” (Rev. 3:21) in this life. Until we have proven allegiance to Him by obeying Him until the end of our lives, we are merely “heirs of salvation” (Heb. 1:14). An heir has the PROMISE of salvation which he/she will receive upon Christ’s return IF he/she DOES WHATSOEVER I (JESUS) COMMANDS HIM/HER TO DO (Jn. 15:13,14). Read the series on IF, using that Word as the key. Note that Jesus is talking to His disciples who had been preaching the Gospel, healing the sick, casting out demons, etc. He is telling them that if they did not obey WHATSOEVER He told them to do, HIS DEATH WOULD BE OF NO EFFECT ON WHERE THEY WOULD SPEND ETERNITY. L.J.
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