In this posting we will study God’s Word relative the manifested return of His Son to the earth and what will take place afterward. We will come to know the identity of those He will bring with Him from heaven, as well as those who will rise from the earth to meet Him in the clouds. We will learn where He and they will go following their mid-air meeting, the exact location where He will stand upon reaching earth, who will be with Him upon His arrival at His destination, where they will go from there, the people’s reaction to His arrival, His reaction to their reaction, and His and His saints’ rulership over the people on earth.
In Matthew 24:27,30 we are told that the entirety of the world’s population will see Jesus upon His return following a mighty trumpet blast which will herald His arrival in the earth’s atmosphere (vs 31). His promised return will be anything but secret. We are told that “every eye will see Him” arrive. So much for a secret, silent “rapture” of His people. His return and what happens immediately thereafter will be unlike anything this world has ever witnessed. Jesus will return with well-deserved pomp and ceremony.
In First Thessalonians 4:14-17 the Apostle Paul goes into detail to tell us all that will take place upon the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth from heaven. He will arrive with the shout of the archangel and the trumpet of God. Then those who have lived and died in holiness from Abel unto that moment will rise from their earthly graves to meet Him and His mighty angels (Mat. 25:31/ Rev. 19:11,14) in the clouds, followed by those saints who are alive at His coming. These saints will include the holy prophets of old (Lk. 13:28). From that moment throughout eternity the Lord’s holy people will always be where He is. Nowhere are we told that Christ and His saints will return to heaven. The Scriptures tell us that only the man Jesus will have ever been in heaven or will ever go to heaven. Read about the heaven question. Key word–Heaven.
The “headline” found in verse 14 has been misunderstood to mean that, following the resurrection of the saints (the 1st resurrection), Jesus and they would return to heaven and live there forever. However, the Lord’s ultra-important “fine print” relative to the subject proves that, following their resurrection, God’s people will return to earth, specifically to the Mount of Olives just outside of Jerusalem–the “city of peace.” These Truths are explained in the series titled The Kingdom of God that I have referenced several times before. Read about God’s “headlines” and “fine print” using the key word Headlines.
When God’s saints of all time, both living and dead, rise to meet Christ in the air, they will be instantly changed from physical to spiritual bodily consistency. This bodily change from mortal (flesh–subject to death) to immortal (spirit–cannot die) is the born again phenomenon which will enable them to enter into God’s presence upon His (God’s) arrival in the Kingdom of God that will take place following the creation of the new heavens and the new earth, at which time He will arrive in New Jerusalem. Can you imagine it–God the Father coming to live in New Jerusalem with His saints. Read First Corinthians 15:50-53 and the Born Again series. Key word–Born. As Jesus told Nicodemus, we must be born again into spirit form in order to enter the presence of the spirit God. Following God’s descent into the Kingdom, Father and Son will forever serve as light for their people so that they will not need a sun. These holy acts are covered in the Kingdom of God series.
There is another important “headline” that is misunderstood by most people within the church. In First Thessalonians 4:14 it is written that Christ died and rose again (and went to heaven), and that “them also which sleep (are dead) in Jesus He will bring (to earth) with Him.” Without the “fine print,” this makes it seem that saints who had died and would return to earth with Him had been with Him in Heaven since their deaths. But we are told that the dead, including the ancient prophets, will rise from their earthly graves to meet Him and “His mighty angels.” From there they will accompany Him on His descent to the Mount of Olives. He will not bring to earth those who had been “asleep” in heaven, but rather those who had been dead and in the ground until His return, along with the living saints, both of which will be born again–changed from physical to spirit at that time. As Jesus told Nicodemus, the bodily transition will enable them to enter the Kingdom of God (Jn. 3).
We must understand that, upon His arrival, Christ will not be welcomed by most of earth’s people. Having been united into one religion, they will view him as an enemy and will fight against Him (Rev. 17:14). They will lose the war, along with their souls. Many of those who will fight against Him will have been church people who will believe that He is the antichrist. These will be rapturists who are still waiting for Jesus to snatch them up to heaven. Their hirelings–Satan’s “ministers of righteousness”–will have deceived them (2 Cor. 11:13-17/ Mat. 24:4,5) and turned them away from God’s Word and to church doctrine. These people will be spiritual goats who had believed themselves to be God’s sheep. Read “My People Who Are Called By My Name.” Key word–Called. The churches and the nations will be angry (Rev. 11:15,18), believing that, because He had not come for them, He must be the antichrist. They and the world’s military forces will fight against the Lord. This is when blood will flow as deep as horses’ bridles for 184 miles (Rev. 14:20).
Many of earth’s inhabitants will fight against Jesus and die as a result. Others will initially refuse to submit to His rulership. Over time, with the help of God’s true saints, they will come to realize that He wants only good for mankind as shown in The Three Resurrections. Note specifically the second resurrection whose recipients will be taught by God’s saints during the Millennium. Read about the Millennium. Key word–Millennium.
When Christ returns to earth He will cast Satan and His demons into a bottomless pit for 1000 years (during the millennium). During that period God’s saints will teach the people of earth about God, His will and His ways. The saints will also rule the earth during that time and will be given much responsibility for making and keeping God’s will in operation. The nations of mortals found throughout the earth will be given the opportunity to embrace His Law and receive eternal life on earth. Many will do so.
There will be a very unusual road that leads from all over the world to the Lord’s capital–Jerusalem (Zion), the seat of His government (Isa. 35:8-10). This highway will be called the “way of holiness” which only the holy will be allowed to use. Only the redeemed will be allowed to enter the Kingdom of God. These will be few in number (Mat. 7:13,14).
From their Jerusalem headquarters Jesus and His saints will operate throughout the earth in a state of holiness as they teach the nations God’s Holy Word (Isa. 11:2-5). The knowledge of God’s way will be taught throughout the nations of the world (Isa. 2:2-4,11:9).
Unlike ungodly man, including Christendom’s ungodly leaders, Christ and His saints will teach the way of God to all people. They will rule in love and kindness. Then, and only then, will there be peace on earth and good will toward others. L.J.
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