In John 3:1 we find a Pharisee talking with Jesus of Nazareth. From the tone of the conversation it is obvious that the man and his fellow Pharisees had thoroughly investigated this miracle-working carpenter who was developing a dangerously large following. Everywhere Jesus went there were Pharisees in the crowd whose job it was to report back to those who sent them. Their fear was that the people would stop listening to and honoring them and turn en masse to this man called Jesus. The size of the crowds gave them cause to be fearful of losing their control over the people. Then there were the miracles.
The man who had come to Jesus at night was named Nicodemus. He had arranged to meet Jesus secretly and at night because no Pharisee could afford to be seen approaching Him and conversing with Him which would indicate a status of social and spiritual inferiority. We find this powerful Pharisee speaking to Jesus words that reveal the attitude toward Jesus that every church goer within the confines of world Christianity today would say when meeting Him: “RABBI, WE KNOW THAT YOU ARE A TEACHER SENT BY GOD.” If the Pharisees and their followers recognized Jesus as a RABBI (teacher) Who had been sent by God, the question arises that had to have been answered before this conversation took place: HOW DID THEY KNOW THAT GOD HAD SENT HIM? The answer then is the answer now, and it is voiced then as it is now by the Pharisees’ religious descendants: “… for we know that no one can do these miracles that You do UNLESS GOD IS WITH HIM.” Note it: THEY KNEW THEIR GOD WAS SPONSORING AND EMPOWERING THIS RABBI. By calling Him a rabbi, they were admitting that He was a teacher. A teacher has a message. They knew that His message was FROM GOD and FOR THEM–the Jewish people. And therein lies the problem that plagues professing Christendom to this day–FIFTY PERCENTERS.
The Pharisees, along with others who had seen Him perform miracles, knew that He had been sent by God. Great multitudes followed Him as He traveled from one place to another. At times they walked across the countryside for days. Jesus knew that His popularity was due to the fact that He healed physically and mentally all sick people who came to Him. He rejected no one regardless of their station in life or religious condition. The Pharisees, Sadducees and those in the priesthood were jealous of Him because He could do what they could not do–heal the sick, cast out demons, multiply food, etc. The people followed Him for the same reason. This those in religious power saw as a threat to the power they exercised over the people. The people flocked to Him wherever He went. They obviously adored Him.
BUT IN THE END THEY WOULD INSIST THAT THE ROMANS CRUCIFY HIM. Not only did they want Him dead, they wanted Him to die the most violent and painful kind of death. Recall that tens of thousands loved Him while in the countryside, but hated Him while in front of the Roman authorities. Of the masses who had worshiped Him for 3 1/2 years, only 120 were still with Him at the end. The question is: WHY? The Jewish masses and the Pharisees KNEW AND ADMITTED that Jesus had been sent by God, which should have been enough to enshrine Him in their hearts. They also knew that He had come with a message which, because it was from God, had to be GOD’S TRUTH. So why did they have Him crucified? It most certainly was not because of the miracles. Therefore, they had to hate Him …
Because He came speaking GOD’S TRUTH–the Truth that they did not like because it was not what they had always been taught. In fact, it diametrically opposed what the fathers had always taught them. Recall that the Apostle Paul had surpassed his fellow men in learning and obeying “the traditions of the fathers” (Gal. 1:13,14). The book used by the Jews at that time was the Talmud, a collection of the sayings and beliefs of the Jewish fathers religious fathers and wise men while they were enslaved in Babylon. They no longer looked to the Law and the writings of the prophets for their truth and guidance. For this reason Jesus announced that He had “not come to earth to destroy the Law and the teachings of the prophets,” but rather to fulfill them–TO OBEY AND DEMONSTRATE THEM TO THE FULLEST DEGREE (Mat. 5:17). This did not sit well with the people, who had for generations been taught from the Talmud. This was one of the reasons they rejected Him. Another reason they rejected Him was that He claimed to be the Son of God. That simply could not be true. Therefore, they called Him a blasphemer. Being fifty percenters, the accepted half of His ministry (what He did) but rejected the other half (what He said). The loved the messenger but hated His message. Nothing has changed.
For these reasons they KILLED HIM. But we must not forget that rejection of God’s message and those who proclaimed it was not a new phenomenon at the time Jesus walked the earth. Those whom God had sent with His Word had been rejected and treated harshly from early on. The Old Testament prophets had been severely persecuted, even killed, for speaking His Truth. Tradition holds that Isaiah had been sawn in two. We know from the Scriptures that Jeremiah had been thrown into a dry well to starve to death. God had arranged for him to be saved. Recall that Noah, “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5) had been rejected and ridiculed by the rest of the world’s population before God drowned all of them except his (Noah’s) family members.
The death of the earth’s population reveals God’s attitude toward those who reject His Words and the messengers who speak and write them. Remember His saying: “I am the Lord, I change not.” He is “the same yesterday, today and forever” and in Him there is “no shadow of turning.” His message and His attitude toward its rejecters has not changed. He tells us in Deuteronomy 5:9,10 and Luke 10:16 that those who reject His Words HATE AND DESPISE BOTH FATHER AND SON. The home page of this website lists some of the reasons why God despises the counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Religious System whose parishioners, like their ancient counterparts, have rejected His Words–Words by which we will all be judged (Jn. 12:48). Read verses 44-50.
Just as the Old Testament prophets, as well as Jesus and His apostles, were persecuted for daring to speak God’s message–the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Mk. 1:14)–others have suffered greatly for their words and deeds. Since the deaths of the original apostles there have been others who have believed God’s Word, preached it and worked miracles. Many of those hearty souls, along with those who believed and emulated them, have been hated and despised as did their predecessors. Rejection of God’s Law (Genesis to Revelation) is the reason behind the Catholic Inquisition which claimed between 50 and 150 million victims, most of them God’s people. I fully believe that there are two reasons God’s people are not being physically attacked and possibly martyred today. One, the law will not allow it; and two, we are so few in number that it is not worth the church’s time to openly attack us. If I am hearing the voice of the Lord, that will soon change. We will become such a thorn in their flesh that they will feel that they must punish us into silence–death being the ultimate punishment. The difference will be that in the future, we will do the punishing, howbeit in spiritual ways such as striking people with temporary blindness, muteness, deafness, paralysis, etc. Read about this revelation using Gun as the key word.
EXPECT THE WORLD’S SPIRITUAL SITUATION TO GROW MUCH WORSE OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS. If you think the world, including the church world, has gone insane, gird up the loins of your mind (1 Pet. 1:13) for things are going to get much, much worse. Along with a famine, spiritual warfare is on the horizon. The war will pit modern day David (God’s tiny church) against Goliath (Satan’s world-wide church). It will be Elijah vs the prophets of Baal all over again, this time on an international level. THOSE WHO BELONG TO THE LORD WILL BE TESTED. BUT WE WILL PREVAIL IF WE REMAIN TRUE TO HIM. PRAY, FAST, STUDY THE HOLY SCRIPTURES WITH EVERY OPPORTUNITY, FOR THEREIN LIES THE SOURCE OF OUR POWER. Jesus warned that only those who overcome such treatment AS HE DID will sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21). Read this verse.
Read Matthew chapter ten where Jesus is warning the apostles and those who will follow them about the latter days of this world, the days in which we now live. We are just now entering the final phase of this life which Jesus called “… the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:8). In Matthew ten Jesus warned that the church’s love for God will disappear, as will her belief in His Word. Note that family members will turn against one another and will betray one another as the political and religious powers unite and come against the saints like never before. The religious bodies of the world will come together under whoever is the reigning pope at that time. Those who formerly did not recognize a god of any kind, when confronted by the world-governing power, will get religion and will vigorously go with the religious flow of the one-world church which, under the sway of the false prophet, will worship the first beast. Empowered by the world’s governments, this church-state conglomerate will wage war against God’s tiny church. BUT SATAN’S PEOPLE WILL LOSE GREATLY AND PUBLICALLY AS THE WORLD WATCHES ON TELEVISION AND ON THE INTERNET. This is what I have been hearing from the Lord for the past several years. The Gun series explains everything. Scriptures reveal that this brief war will end with God taking His Very Elect church to “her place of safety” where He will protect and provide for her for the next 3 1/2 years during which the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord will take place. Read about the Tribulation, the Three Resurrections, the Kingdom of God and the church’s Place of Safety. Key words–Tribulation, Three, Kingdom and Safety respectively.
What we are watching so-called Christianity say and do is the church’s apostasy (falling away from God) on world-wide display. At present there is a modicum of resistance coming from what is called the “fundamentalist” faction. That will end when things get hot relative to Satan’s war against God’s people. Again, the question is, why? Why is the so-called church racing away from God? The answer has not changed. It is the same now as it was in the Garden of Eden and persists throughout professing Christendom today–THE CHURCH HATES GOD’S WORD–AND THEREFORE HATES GOD (LK. 10:16). Next question: why? The answer is the same as it has been since Eden–MAN WANTS TO BE THE MASTER OF HIS OWN LIFE. GOD INSISTS ON DIRECTING EVERY ASPECT OF MAN’S LIFE. GOD AND MAN POINT SALVATION-SEEKING MAN IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. GOD COMMANDS OBEDIENCE TO HIS HOLY SCRIPTURES IN ORDER TO BE SAVED. MAN INSISTS ON FOLLOWING HIS OWN DOCTRINES SINCE HE IS SUPPOSEDLY ALREADY SAVED, BORN AGAIN, ETC. GOD HAS ONLY ONE SET OF RULES; MAN HAS HUNDREDS OF SETS OF RULES. GOD DECLARES THAT IT IS HIS WAY OR THE HIGHWAY; MAN DECLARES THAT IT IS ANY WAY HE WANTS IT TO BE. AND HE WANTS IT HUNDREDS OF DIFFERENT WAYS. Ironically, though each church differ from all other churches, they each call themselves “the only true church” which has “the only Bible truth.” And Satan smiles.
The above-stated situation will change over the next few years as Pope Francis draws the world’s numerous religions into Satan’s singular religious web which will unite the world’s population, both religious and nonreligious, into a single religion under him (Francis) or the pope that succeeds him. Notice that one of his rules involves the Holy Bible, specifically how useless it is in today’s world. According to him, no one should conduct his/her life according to a set of rules that were written before they were born. He tells his rapidly-growing flock to look into their own individual minds to determine what is right and what is wrong for themselves. Adam and Eve would be proud of the direction the church world is headed today. They have taught their religious children well.
The irony is that, what Satan could not do on his own, he is accomplishing through his false prophets (Catholic and Protestant preachers, teachers, etc.). With the exception of God’s tiny, Very Elect group of saints, Satan has succeeded marvelously. For proof, look in any phone book under CHURCHES and count.
In the near future there will be one religion and it will have one leader. In the Book of Revelation he is called “the false prophet” (Rev. 16:13; 19:20; 20:10). In Revelation 13:11-17 he is pictured as the all-powerful “little horn” who, having the backing of the first beast (world-ruling government) the little horn (the papacy) will “cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand (he will exercise control over what people DO) and in their foreheads (he will exercise control over what people THINK). This will give the false prophet control over the world’s people. Understand this chronological pattern: what I have just described will take place AFTER THE SPIRITUAL WAR BETWEEN GOD’S TINY CHURCH AND SATAN’S ONE-WORLD CHURCH HAS ENDED AND GOD HAS TAKEN HIS PEOPLE TO THEIR PLACE OF SAFETY. In this paragraph I am describing the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord which will follow the religious civil war that will soon begin.
Following this 3 1/2 year tribulation/day of the Lord terror, Jesus will return, destroy the first beast, the false prophet and his church, build the Kingdom of God and begin His (Christ) and His saints’ millennial rule over the earth. Following their thousand year rule over the earth, they will then rule the entire universe forever. Read The Millennium and God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key words–Millennium and Caretakers respectively.
Understand this: the world-wide “natural disasters” we see taking place is not “natural.” It has nothing to do with “nature.” This is God’s “voice” shouting His warning to the sin-soaked world to turn to Him totally or suffer the global circumstances. Read Revelation chapters 6-9 and The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices. L.J.
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