The United States has followed the church’s lead into the abyss known as apostasy–falling away from God. First, the rejection of God’s Sabbath, then the establishment of other of paganism’s doctrines and practices. But perhaps the most heinous of heathen observances embraced by the church is the celebration of Easter. See Passover versus Easter. By participating in the various observances of heathenism the church has followed her hirelings “into the ditch” (Mat. 15:14). The transition of the church and the nation from God’s Light to Satan’s darkness did not happen over night. So the question arises: where was God during Satan’s takeover of all things spiritual? Not where the church thinks.
Those who do not know God and His Word are unaware that the church and the nation are in Satan’s abyss, that the claim that we are “One nation under God” and that “In God we trust” are no longer true–the nation’s once bright light has gone out. Many of those who know there is a problem blame the devil for the church/nation’s demise. But God warned the world that HE would bring physical, mental and economic disaster upon those who claim to be His people but refuse to obey Him, who partake of Satan’s leaven while rejecting the Bread of Life, who announce the truthfulness of “doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. 4:1) such as the celebration of Christmas, New Years, Easter, Valentine’s Day and Halloween, who embrace such doctrines as original sin, instant salvation, denominations, the death of the Law, etc. in direct defiance of God and His Word. Most professing believers can only see Jesus as that sweet baby in the manger whose birth, life and death revolved around love for the human race. Few see Him in His present form as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah whose wrath will be felt on the masses, many of them church people who have called Him “Lord, Lord” but have refused to make Him their Lord, who reject His governance over their lives but keep Hi on as Savior. Easterists proclaim loud and long their salvation and rebirth because of His sacrifice. This while refusing to submit to Him (His Word), thereby refusing to make Him their Lord. There is no salvation from Him without Lordship of Him. He is either one’s LORD AND SAVIOR, or He is neither.
In Second Thessalonians there is a passage that most believers, when exposed to it, reject it outright because they do not know the Lion of Judah. Because the church has rejected God’s Word, and therefore both Father and Son (Jn. 12:44-50), GOD has sent her “STRONG DELUSION (so) THAT SHE WILL BELIEVE A LIE” (2:9-12) Do you see that? While the church and the nation were spiritually hanging themselves God was providing the rope, the tree and the stool. GOD IS NOT THE TOTALLY INDULGENT WUSS THE CHURCH MAKES HIM OUT TO BE. HE IS NOT FEVERISHLY GRASPING AT PEOPLE’S HEARTS IN A DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO SAVE THEM. HE IS NOT THE “ANY WAY YOU DO IT IS OKAY” SUGAR DADDY HE IS PURPORTED TO BE. Understand this: GOD DOES NOT NEED US; WE NEED HIM. It is WE who must obey His Word to assure our acceptance upon Christ’s return. We must “Work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12) by obeying His Word–His will and way to eternal life. The “lie” Paul was referring to is the universally-accepted doctrine that one need only believe in Him and what He did, complete a prescribed ritual and presto, salvation is the instant and unfailing result–the fix is in. From that point on one need only show up, ‘fess up, pay up and get ready to go up. Easter is one of those days when the church feels one must “show up” in order to worship the Goddess of Fertility–God’s supposed sex queen. “But that’s not why I observe Easter” is the mantra heard throughout the world. THAT IS IRRELEVANT. It does not matter why one defies God. God notes only that one does. To observe Easter in order to honer Him is like robbing banks to support the church. It is like Aaron building a golden calf, then leading a service in honor of the Lord (Exo. 32:4,5). God’s reaction to this worship service–He “plagued the people-vs 35). When one studies the Scriptures one finds that, in the eyes of God, THE END DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS. Celebrating Easter is an idolatrous abomination in the eyes of God. Unless, as the church claims, she has caught Him in yet another lie. L.J.
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