Spiritual involvement in the life of human beings began in the Garden of Eden and has affected the deeds, words and thoughts of mankind since then. Adam and Eve believed the Words God spoke to them concerning every aspect of their lives. Initially they obeyed Him and life was good, and not merely good, but very good. Then Satan stepped into the picture, spoke to Eve directly, then through her to Adam. He persuaded the parents of mankind to dismiss the Words of the God Who had created them, the paradise in which they lived and the world beyond. Using five self-exalting, God-defying words, the Serpent persuaded them to abandon their Creator and throw in with His enemy. In a matter of seconds God lost His spiritual influence over them. Five words convinced them to choose another God. The Serpent (Satan) had simply said: “You shall not surely die.” He offered them sin without consequences. The rest is history.
God WILL NOT force His will on man. Satan CANNOT force his will on man. Adam and Eve’s own wills determined their ultimate choices. Ninety-nine percent of mankind has followed in their moral footsteps by choosing to obey the “voice” of Satan and to reject (overcome) the “voice” of God.
A third force is involved in the decision man makes relative to whose “voice” to obey and whose to “overcome” (Rev. 3:21). That third voice is man’s personal spirit–“the spirit that is in man” (Job 32:8). It is this personal “voice” from within that makes the final choice as to which god’s “voice” to heed and which to reject. The “voice” that man is commanded to obey is called the Holy Spirit–the “voice” and power of God. The voice that he must overcome is called the SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST. It is the SPIRIT THAT IS IN MAN FROM BIRTH that determines which god he will obey. In every instance, with every deed, word and thought, one obeys one of those two voices. There is a difference between the two voices: The God of Creation whispers; the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) Satan shouts.
Satan is against (anti) Christ. Everyone who does, says or thinks contrary to Christ’s will as written in the Holy Scriptures is anti (against) Christ. Law-rejecters are anti (against) Christ, as are so-called “sinners saved by grace.” Every deed, word and thought that deviates from (is against) Christ’s will is INFLUENCED by the spirit of antichrist. That spirit cannot force the doer, speaker or thinker to act, speak or think in a particular way. It can only ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE what one does, says or thinks. Again, it is man himself that makes the final determination. This was revealed in the final hours of Christ’s life when, in prayer and sweating great drops of blood, He asked the Father if there was any other way for Him to become mankind’s Savior. As would any other man, Jesus dreaded what was coming His way. At this point the war of the ages was taking place in His heart (mind). Two conflicting “voices” were competing for control of His mind. It was His will (mental decision), following the voice of his man’s spirit, that dictated His choice of Whom to obey. Jesus, like all men, had the freedom of choice. Thank God He made the right one.
For many years following her founding America had led the world in right behavior on both the individual and national level. Right acting, thinking and speaking was the “norm” (was normal) for God’s “city on a hill,” His “light to the world.” Her light shined brightly as His Word spread even into the darkest places on earth.
Then, in our time, something happened. Darkness took the place of light. Abnormal replaced normal and was accepted with open arms by the masses. I trace this transition back to the election of Bill Clinton to the presidency. Today America leads the world in deviant (abnormal) behavior. Something is happening to her that has never happened before. Even non-believers are openly opining that something seems to have taken over the nation. The word “possessed” is often used in reference to America’s slide into the abyss. People shoot, attack and kill strangers people for no reason. Businesses are ruined as hoards of thieves steal all they can carry and walk out as the police watch. The majority of voters in Left-led cities and states continue to elect corrupt, criminal-favoring district attorneys, mayors and council members. Governers are placed in office following promises to institute even higher levels of corruption. All manner of criminal activity takes place in the daytime while cameras roll and authorities watch. The few who are arrested are soon back on the street as Leftist D.A’s set them free so that they can continue to break the law, which they do. When people are not killing other people they are killing themselves as the nation’s suicide rate continues to rise. The list of America’s insane acts is too long to go into here. The nation is obsessed with committing deviant acts, saying deviant words and thinking deviant thoughts. America has become a deviant nation and is determined to become moreso.
The spirit of antichrist is not merely alive in America, it dominates the American mind-set. Having rejected her spiritual mooring (the Biblical God), she is being led into the devil’s moral abyss at a speed that surprises even me. Being a student of the Holy Scriptures and therefore knowing what was coming, I was sure that nothing could shock me. I was wrong. America is dying much quicker, more completely and much more publicly than I thought possible. But we who are living at the end of the age are not the first to see this type of thing happening. In First John 2:18 we are told that during the era of the original church many antichrists were already at work.
Generations earlier that same spirit had been active among God’s chosen people and to an even greater degree. King Solomon–the wisest man on earth–was seduced by the antichrist spirit which convinced him to marry hundreds of pagan women who brought their gods, religious beliefs and practices to Israel with them. Once the leaven of sin had penetrated the Israelite society, it did what God said it would do–multiply and control. At one point Israelites were sacrificing their children to Molech, one of the heathen gods Solomon’s wives had introduced to the people (Lev. 18:21). Solomon created special areas (mounds and forests) where the paganized Israelites worshiped their pagan gods. Read Ezekiel 8.
Spiritually, this is where America is today relative to her relationship with God.. She sacrifices her unborn children, who are created by Him in His image, on the alter of convenience, the people themselves being the gods that dictate the sacrifices. Those same people will call for fines and prison sentences for those who destroy an eagle’s egg. The church has also fallen prey to the antichrist spirit. A recent poll found that, among evangelical “Christians”–the most conservative of church groups–51% believed that abortion should be available on demand. The antichrist spirit has saturated the American mind and is turning the people away from God and His Truths. Unborn children are being sacrificed by the millions. American tax money finances the slaughter of millions more innocents around the world. Churches are ordaining homosexual pastors and performing same-sex marriages. Rainbow flags outside of their citadels of sin advertise the antichrist mindset of those meeting inside who have gathered to hear that God lied to them, followed by a blast of so-called “Christian rock.” The Satan-exalting rainbow flag is now being flown in the front of America’s foreign embassies around the world. Modern America is as God described Israel of old. Read Isaiah 1:1-17 for a perfect example of God’s attitude toward uber-religious America.
The spirit of perversion and deviance has permeated the minds of the American people. Though the perverted deviates are in the minority, they have the media behind them which exalts them in an attempt to make deviance and perversion the national norm. They are succeeding at an alarming rate. Anyone who speaks out against America’s deviations from God’s stated will is immediately castigated and put to open shame. Many of the haters wear crosses.
God-defined deviance is no longer considered deviant in the United States. Why? Why have so many Biblical Truths, spoken and written under the power of the Holy Spirit, been replaced by unscriptural “truths”? I saw this coming, but neither as rapidly nor as totally as is taking place. Years ago I told my college classes that the day would come when their churches would welcome sexual deviants, exalt them, marry them and place them in their pulpits. No one believed me. I warned anyone who would listen. Jesus warned that few would listen to sound teaching, that few of the listeners would believed His Words, and that of those who believe, few would obey (Mat. 7:13,14). He was right.
As did her ancient ancestors under Solomon’s kingship, America, under the power of the morally corrupt Democrat Party, has bowed the knee to deviant spirits which control more and more of her people as each generation proves to be even more liberal than its predecessor. This will continue as America’s children are being brainwashed into accepting perversion and deviance as normal, aptly called “the new normal.” Anyone who stands for God’s way is automatically labeled deviant, and rightly so for to obey God is to be deviant and perverted. Professing Christendom are among the leaders of the anti-Bible group. Scriptures written in olden times warned that the time would come when evil would be declared good and good would be declared evil. That time has arrived.
The spirit of antichrist has saturated the American society, including “the church” because those who know what is happening and are proclaiming it are outnumbered very many to extremely few. The Institutional Church long ago waved the white flag of surrender and bowed both knees to the antichrist spirit that has permeated every aspect of American life. Heathenism principles and beliefs have replaced the Word of God as America’s guiding truths. As in the days of Solomon, only a few people remain true to the Lord. These few–God’s Very Elect–continue to rule their own domain by the power of God’s Spirit. They are surrounded by those who are either actively involved in the nation’s deviance and perversions or are supporters of those who are involved. Those who continue to stand for God are persecuted by both the churched and the nonchurched. We must stand, and when we have done all we can do, must continue to stand (Eph. 6:10-18).
Hell has arrived in the U.S.A. But much more and much worse is on the way. What we are experiencing is merely “the beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8). More and greater sorrows are coming. God’s true saints must live in such a way that they will be counted worthy to escape the antichrist’s deadly force and be taken to a place of safety where God will care for and protect them during the final 3 1/2 years of the age as the world around them crashes and burns (Rev. 12:6,14).
I have stated, and continue to believe, that God is going to give America one final chance, just as He did Israel and Judah in days of old. We find His promise to do so in Second Chronicles 7 where, in verse 13, He tells those called by His name that it was He Himself Who had punished them for their sins time and time again. Then in verse 14 He makes this amazing promise: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, pray, seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. My eyes will be open to them and I will hear their prayers” (vs 15). Will America realize her sins, turn from them and to the Lord? I believe she will be given the opportunity. I am seeing the wickedness of the liberal Left being exposed publicly and globally on an almost daily basis. What the wicked Left has been doing in darkness is being brought out into the light. I believe that we will see much more of this between now and the next election cycle. I believe that America will turn back to God–but only briefly, ancient Israel being her example. We must work while it is day, for darkness comes when we will not be able to work. When that happens, people like me will not be allowed to do what I do. For this reason I work night and day to send God’s Truth out into the airways. Please pray for me and the few others who are doing God’s work. Pray that God will make His Word available to more people as the time of the end draws ever nearer.
I offer free of charge a listing of all series titles. For a copy email me at lpj4142@gmail.com L.J.
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