Germany, England, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Holland, Canada, Australia, Italy, Greece, France, Spain, Romania, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Belgium ad infinitum. These once God-blessed countries all have four things in common: 1) They all identify themselves as “Christian.” 2) They have all rejected God. 3) God has rejected them. 4) God is sending the Muslim hoards to destroy them. By looking at a map of Europe it becomes obvious why God is using these particular heathen to do His work. There is a landmass that connects the areas from which they are coming to the areas to which the Lord is sending them, making a foot-journey possible. The only European exception is the British Isles that lie only a short boat ride away from the continent. The above-mentioned countries have already been taken over or are in the process of being taken over by Muslims. Notice that Muslims are not going to Russia, China, Cuba, Japan and North Korea. Why? Because they are not self-professed “Christian” nations–the focus of God’s wrath. Unto whom much is given, much is required. God has given the “Christian” nations much. However, having replaced His Words with their own, they do not know His requirements and have therefore failed to meet them. Thus the outpouring of His wrath on them.
The United States is next. Because of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans the attack on her has so far been limited. This is about to change. What Obama began, Clinton will finish. President Obama has been seeding Muslims throughout the country with measured consistency. But with the election of Hillary Clinton and a change of both houses of congress to Democrat rule, the floodgates will be open. Freedom-loving Americans will watch in horror as the next administration ships in hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Muslims to bring to fruition what Obama promised: to “fundamentally change the United States of America.” Within four years we will look like Europe. Along with the flood of heathen will come gun confiscation which will strip Americans of the ability to defend themselves against the Muslims, who will have guns. They will rape the females and beat the males, and the politically correct government will do nothing about it. Proof? Check out what is happening in the nations mentioned above. WHAT I DESCRIBED IS NOW HAPPENING THERE. God is doing exactly what He said He would do to rebellious nations–paralyze the authorities and subjugate the populace to the instruments of His wrath–in this case Muslims. As God warns in 1 Kings 8:41-48, the instruments of His wrath will overtake their host nations and will consume everything while the citizens wonder what is happening. They will not understand that GOD IS PUNISHING THEM FOR THEIR INDIVIDUAL AND NATIONAL SINS. As the old song says, “You can run on for a long time, but be sure, God Almighty gonna cut you down.” The time for cutting has arrived. The hypocritical nations are going down. The seeds sown in the wind for many years are now returning as a whirlwind. God warns that what is coming will be worse than anything that has ever happened in the history of man (Mat. 24:21). All the catastrophies that have taken place on earth–wars, plagues, floods, earthquakes, droughts, etc. combined will pale in comparison to the tribulation looming ahead of us. Only God’s “little flock”–the “few” who enter His strait gate and walk His narrow way–will be protected during the Great Tribulation to come. Churchman’s “filthy rags” religion (Isa. 64:6) will be powerless against the onslaught.
Just as the Lord used the Assyrians to destroy the Israelites and the Babylonians to destroy the Jews, He is using the Muslims to destroy the so-called “Christian nations” of the world. And for the same reason–rebellion against Him. Church people, God’s message to you is this: SEEK HIM WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND. You will not find Him in your churches. You will not find Him on “Christian” t.v. or radio stations. Nor will you will find Him in your organization’s publications. You will only find Him in your “closet” (Mat. 6:6).
There are well-meaning souls on t.v. and radio telling us that the answer to the nation’s problems is unification. We are being told that if we would all come together in love and harmony, God would heal our nation. Not so. This nation, as well as those mentioned above, are beyond healing. Defeat, destruction and enslavement lie in the future of those who survive what is about to come upon us. God’s saints know that survival will be found only in that “closet” Jesus told us to enter. L.J.
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