One of professing Christianity’s most engrained traits is her service to any and all in need. Be it food, medicine, shelter–she stands ready to give and give some more to anyone with a hand outstretched toward her. Medical missionary efforts and food lifts to other countries are ongoing. Local food pantries, prison ministries, clothing outlets, etc. are efforts to entice people to become part of the provider’s religious organization. These physical efforts on the part of the churches are necessary in that the Lord has no part in their religions. In order to remain relevant in the religious community there must be some sign or indication that God is in their midst. He is not, therefore they must put forth various physical efforts to appear to be religiously involved in the world. Many sermons have been preached about the Good Samaritan and how the Christian must be ready to help anyone anywhere at any time. When word comes of a disaster anywhere in the world the church is quick to provide whatever is needed. But is this what God tells us to do in His Word? Let us carefully examine His instruction book to determine what He commands relative to those in need. To do this we must set aside what we have been taught and allow God to “speak” to us. What you read/hear will surprise you. The three passages of Scripture the church normally uses to justify her generosity to any and all concern the Golden Rule, the Good Samaritan and Matthew 25:31-46.
Relative to the Golden Rule, who are the “others” the Lord tells us to do unto? Matthew 25 will answer this question later. How many times did the Good Samaritan take care of the wounded man? Did he subsequently take care of all wounded people in the area and beyond? Surely the Samaritan knew of other people in need; did he meet their needs also? When he heard of other people in trouble, did he send help. Did he create a station where all wounded, hungry, etc. people could come and receive aid? There is no Scriptural proof that he did any of these things. The episode on the road was an isolated act of kindness God requires of His saints. His Word tells us what we are to do and for whom. Let us examine it.
In Matthew 25 we find Jesus explaining how He will judge people relative to providing aid to those in need. Note carefully the identity of the needy He requires His church to help. Note that He relates them to Himself–they are those with whom He shares a spiritual relationship. They are His saints. Let us now carefully study Matthew 25 to prove this.
Note: Jesus said that blessed were those who gave HIM food when HE was hungry, drink when HE was thirsty, shelter when HE was in need, friendship when HE was a stranger, clothing when HE was naked, care when HE was sick and companionship when HE was in prison. He then chastised those who had not done so for HIM. Each group then asked Him when HE was in such needs and they had either helped HIM or refused to do so. Note His answer: “Inasmuch as you have done it unto ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE MY BRETHREN YOU HAVE DONE IT UNTO ME” (vss 40,45). Here He makes it clear to whom His saints are to provide help when needs arise–HIS BRETHREN. Earlier He has identified His brethren. He was teaching inside a house when His mother, half-brothers and sisters arrived. They sent someone inside with word that His mother and brethren wanted to speak with Him. To which He replied: “Who are my mother? and who are my brethren?” He then pointed toward His disciples and declared: “Behold My mother and My brethren. FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN, THE SAME IS MY BROTHER, SISTER AND MOTHER”–HIS BRETHREN. Notice that He named neither His family members nor those listening to Him as His brethren–only those who obeyed God (Mat. 12:46-50). Nothing has changed; His brethren continue to be ONLY those who obey God’s Word in letter and spirit.
With this information in mind, let us now determine to whom God commands us to give aid, and then only “… when you can” (Mat. 26:11). Let us bear in mind that for three and one-half years Jesus passed by hundreds of beggars, widows, orphans, sick people, demoniacs, etc. and offered them no help. And these were among God’s chosen people–Israel. And when the Canaanite woman asked for His help, He called her an “dog” (Gentile/heathen). To the Jews, only swine were lower than dogs. He also pointed out that His ministry and the ministry of His apostles (Mat. 10:5-8) was to “… the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” (the ten northern tribes who had been scattered throughout the world–more on this subject in a later posting). He pointed out to the woman that He had come for “… the children” (Israel). With rare exception did He or the apostles gave spiritual or physical aid to anyone other than Israelites, which was the case for many years.
But what about prison ministries? some ask. Human reasoning dictates that we minister to those “… in prison” (Mat. 25:36,39). But remember that Jesus commanded that we visit “MY BRETHREN” who are in prison–those who do the will of His Father. Why would one of His brethren be in prison–for murder, theft, etc? God’s saints will be imprisoned for speaking His Word. This will take place here in the U.S. in the near future when the U.S., under the power of the United Nations, begins to enforce the Fairness Doctrine and the Hate Crimes Law. U.N. Resolution 1618 will eventually bring about the enforcement of those laws globally. Then saints will be imprisoned for speaking God’s Word. Caution: Do not assume that because one is imprisoned, tortured or martyred for “the Lord’s sake” that he/she belongs to the Lord. As was shown in a previous posting, only those who DO THE WILL OF GOD are His. Those who are involved in Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, etc. are not part of the Body of Christ. Their imprison- ment, torture, martyrdom, etc. does not equate to oneness with Him–ONLY OBEDIENCE TO HIM EQUATES TO ONENESS WITH HIM.
But, some will ask, what about all those souls who are “saved” in prison and in nature-ravaged areas where the church has brought help in the form of ministry and life-sustaining items such as food, med- icine, shelter, etc? This is irrelevant; only what God says is relevant. He does not tell us to go into all the world and meet people’s physical needs in hopes that, as one famous preacher said, some of them might be “saved.” God commands that “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached as a witness to every nation” (Mat. 24:14). He commands nothing relative to physical needs. Church endeavors involving food, medicine, etc. are merely substitutes for obedience to His Word. Lacking His power which comes from obedience to Him, the church uses such efforts to make up for her lack of spiritual power. These physical efforts constitute Satan’s “Social gospel” that has become universally popular because the church has nothing else to offer. As the church grows farther and farther from God she needs more and more such efforts in order to remain relevant in the religious world. The Day of Judgment will reveal how deadly wrong the Counterfeit Church has been. To be continued.
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