Tragically, the professing church does not believe Jesus Christ. Millions have figured out that the Friday to Sunday death-resurrection configuration put forth by the Counterfeit Church contradicts the Word of the Lord–the same Word by which we will all will be judged (Jn. 12:44-50) and by which Jesus is named (Jn. 1:1-4,14;Rev. 19:13). So why do those who call themselves by His name, with extremely rare exception, choose to believe Satan’s lies relative to a variety of subjects? I personally believe it is due to the Catholic tradition that the Pope is incapable of being wrong. Traditionally, his word, no matter how anti-God and anti-Bible, has been presented to the people as God’s Truth. Being closet Catholics, Protestants have retained the notion that anyone in the ministry has been called of God, speaks God’s Words and is not to be questioned. As the Lord repeatedly states in His Word, this is not the case. He continually warns the saints about false prophets who come as His messengers but are in reality the agents of the devil. For this reason we are commanded to TEST THE SPIRITS of those who lead us (1 Jn. 4:1). The test is a Scriptural one–do their fruits (teachings and lives) line up with the Word of God? If not, they are false prophets, which characterizes the vast majority (I say 99.99%) of those who claim to be “called to the ministry.” These wolves in sheep’s clothing lead the flock astray relative to a number of subjects–the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth being one of them. Most in the professing church do not want to know the Truth and avoid discovering it through diligent, open-minded study of the Bible. Others know the Truth but refuse to obey it for various reasons–pride, fear and instant salvation (“the lie”) being the top three. “The lie” involves Satan deceiving the church world that they are saved and born again upon completing a prescribed ritual and being immersed in water. See Hope and Salvation.
The irony of my situation is that I find myself trying to convince professing Christians that they can take God at His Word. With extremely rare exception I fail in my God-assigned quest, as did the prophets, Jesus, the original apostles and the men who have been speaking His Truth ever since. Church people will accept anything as truth–books, magazines, tapes, CD’s, movies–but not the Bible. They will take the word of anyone–pastor, Sunday School teacher, evangelist, missionary, parent, friend, stranger–but not the Word of the man who speaks and writes God’s Word as He presented it in His Holy Bible. Among church people, in the battle between God’s Word and Satan’s word, God loses 99% of the time. I have found that the more religious the person, the greater is God’s defeat and Satan’s victory. This is especially true of ministers. I will here issue a warning to those who are determined to discredit God’s Word concerning Christ’s resurrection. I am about to prove that what you believe is not only wrong, but is in fact heresy which has led you into idolatry. Before continuing in this detailed presentation, I want to give credit and express my gratitude to my spiritual superiors for doing the historical research upon which the following is based. Their God-given abilities and access to historical documents has made it possible to pinpoint the exact dates on which Jesus died and was resurrected. The wise will take heed.
Step one in proving Christ’s honesty concerning His own resurrection is to determine the exact year that His crucifixion, burial and resurrection took place. One must keep in mind that secular science has proven that man was keeping exact times and dates some 600 years before the birth of Christ, meaning that scientifically-based calendrical information was available at the time of His birth. Once the time of His birth and death were determined, the exact days and nights He was in the tomb came to light. I am grateful that those much more learned than I have chosen to share their findings with the world.
As with any Biblical endeavor, there must be harmony of the Scriptures concerning the subject under investigation. Scripture must also harmonize with secular history and scientific facts whenever either of them is available. God has provided historical, scientific and Scriptural proof that Jesus was in the tomb exactly three days and three nights. There is Scriptural proof that He died in 31 A.D. Proving this fact, along with the dates that several of His Holy Days (Sabbaths) were celebrated that year, will dispel the myth that He died on Friday and arose on Sunday–a configuration taken from the heathen world. Facts will prove that He died on Wednesday at sundown and arose on Saturday at sundown. I will end this presentation at this point in order to include all calendrical proof of Christ’s three day and three night stay in the tomb in one posting. L.J.
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