Faith is believing God’s Word. But faith alone is not enough to affect salvation. Faith must be exhibited, else faith is dead. How can one have dead faith? God tells us.
One of the favorite names by which man has labeled his religious organizations involves the word “Faith.” Yet approximately 90% of the foundation upon which those churches are supposedly built is rejected by those claiming to have faith. Failing to believe God, these parishioners also fail to do what Biblical faith demands of them. This not being a serious enough slap in God’s face, they also reject His messenger who tells them what God said in the very Book they claim is the basis of their faith. God calls this kind of “faith” DEAD FAITH. He uses His apostle James to explain dead faith in the most basic of terms.
In James 1:21-25 He says: “… lay aside all filthiness and … wickedness and receive the implanted Word that is able to save your souls.” Note that anything contrary to God’s Word is filthiness and wickedness. Note also that the Word must be implanted within the heart/mind. Cursory reading of the Bible is like laying a carrot seed on hard ground–it will not take root and produce. Diligent study of the Word places the “seed” (Mat. 13:3-13) in well-prepared ground (a hungry mind) where it can take root (be believed) and produce fruit (be obeyed). God requires that we be “doers of the word and not hearers only,” thereby “deceiving” ourselves. To know and believe the Word but not obey it is self-deception, causing us to forget what and who we are. Satan’s edifices are filled with super-religious believers whom he has convinced, like the Laodiceans of old, that they are one with the Lord. But as He points out, they are, as were their spiritual ancestors, wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked (Rev. 3:14-17). Note in verse 21 that the Word of God is ABLE to save the soul–merely knowing and believing it does not save. Multiplied millions reject these words of God to their peril. Verse 25 shows that God connects His WORD with His “WORK.” One must be a “DOER OF THE WORK,”–obey the WORD. Otherwise, self-deception is the result. The deceived do not know they are deceived. Having been deceived, I know from experience how convincing Satan can be. For that reason God left us His Rule Book. For years after I came to know the truth about God’s Sabbath I would still feel guilty for rejecting Satan’s call to Sunday services. But God’s Word is the final arbiter of right and wrong, not our conscience, preaching, reasoning, etc.
In James 2:14,17-20,24,26 God removes all doubt concerning the FAITH-WORD-WORK connection. James asks: Can faith save the person? Not without corresponding works-doing what God said. “Therefore, faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead”–DEAD FAITH produces a DEAD BELIEVER. We are to show our faith by our works (doing the Word). Satan’s demons believe the Word, and they tremble. “Do you not know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?” Faith without works is foolishness in God’s eyes. “The fool says in his heart there is no God” (Ps. 14:1). GOD VIEWS THE HEARER ONLY AND THE ATHEIEST THE SAME–FOOLS. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD ALSO.”
James 5:19,20 are verses usually ignored at best and rejected at worst by most Bible readers because they tell believers what they do not want to hear–God’s Truth concerning FAITH/HIS WORD/WORK AND SALVATION. Let us examine the passage with hearts hungry for His Truth. “Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the Truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death.” Did you hear God? First, notice about whom James is writing–his church “BRETHREN”–converted believers who have “WANDERED” AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, whom God calls a “SINNER” who’s SOUL IS “DEAD.” So much for “I’m just a sinner saved by grace.” God makes it crystal clear that CHURCH SINNERS WILL EITHER RETURN TO HIM OR DIE ETERNALLY. He who “turns him (the sinner) back to God has “SAVED A (CHURCH) SINNER FROM DEATH.” Note it: The most religious of us can be totally separated from God, spiritually dead and on his way to eternal death. How does a church sinner reverse course and live? By believing and obeying GOD’S WORD, which is ABLE TO SAVE THE SOUL (Jam. 1:21). Merely knowing and believing it does not save (2:14). To be continued. L.J.
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