What is true, Biblical, God-commanded faith that must be lived in order to receive eternal life upon the return of Jesus Christ? Upon what is that faith based? In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve based their faith on what Satan told them rather than on what their Maker had told them. Why? Because it made more sense and was much more pleasing to their egos. Satan told them what God would have said had He fully grasped the situation. The Church of Eden embraced his soothing words. Nothing has changed. Since that time Satan’s representatives have told their congregations what God should have said, and would have said had they been around to advise Him. Peter temporarily descended into that mind-set on two occasions; he was graphically dressed down in both cases. In one instance he corrected Jesus Who had stated that He was about to die. Jesus revealed to Peter and us who was behind his error–Satan. In the other instance He reminded the disciple, using merely a look, that he (Peter) was not what he thought he was. From the beginning God has reminded mankind of Who He is and what is to be man’s relationship with Him. That relationship revolves around FAITH, without which no man can be saved. The next question is: What is faith? Ask leaders of the various religious sects comprising professing Christendom about God’s definition of faith and most will recite Romans 10:17: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” All professing Christians know this Scripture. However, minutely few believe and obey it. The religious masses have been led astray by false prophets who sell them on their respective church’s doctrines while guiding them through its version of “the door” and along its version of “the way” that leads to destruction (Mat. 7:13-15). The Lord warned that a house divided against itself will fall (Mat. 12:25). The Counterfeit Church is such a “house.” Its divisions/ denominations/sects/churches/faiths, etc. guarantee its ultimate failure. What is lacking, what separates Christendom from God is ONE FAITH that would meld the various groups together. Why? Because God-commanded faith is based on the very foundational entity that not one person in one of those hundreds of religious organizations obeys–THE WORD OF GOD. For the purpose of convincing the reader that there is only one basis upon which true, saving faith is built, let us examine what God said about the foundation of Bible-based faith that one must exhibit in order to be saved. The following Scriptures are presented in no particular order in that each stands alone as God’s commands to any and all who would come to Him, believe Him and obey Him unto salvation.
Romans 10:17 is the perfect summary of all of God’s statements concerning faith: Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” FAITH COMES FROM GOD’S WORD. Also of importance is Hebrews 11:6: “Without faith it is impossible to please Him.” The Counterfeit Church refutes both statements. To her, faith is believing that Jesus exists and that He came to save mankind. Obedience is not an option. According to church doctrine, God sent Jesus to die so that churchman could continue in sin (disobedience of His Word–1 Jn. 3:4) and get away with it. The introduction to this website lists some of the church’s many sins. As to pleasing God, she believes that attending services on Satan’s Sabbath, Christmas and Easter, reading a few verses of Scripture and praying on a regular basis are all He requires. She is doing him a favor by spreading her false gospel about her false god. See Christ’s Resurrection.
Upon watching many of His disciples leave Him and return to the world, Jesus asked the remaining 12 if they too were going to leave Him, to which Peter replied: “Where shall we go; Thou hast the Words of eternal life?” (Jn. 6:68). Though brash and impulsive, Peter nevertheless knew that eternal life and God’s Words were inseparable. Note in the passage that there is a strict dichotomy between walking with Jesus and walking with the world. Those disciples who had joined Him had come out of the world in order to walk with Him. When they left Him they returned to that world, they “walked with Him no more.” To walk with Jesus is to obey His Word. To obey His Word is to come out of the world. The false church has effectively blurred the line between the Word and the world. She watches the same t.v. programs, listens to the same music, reads the same books, rejects the same Scriptures, etc. as the world. She believes that being super religious legitimizes her world-walk in the eyes of God. In other words, she rejects sanctification. To be continued. L.J.
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