“All faith–no Law” is one of the “anything except Law” mind-sets that has characterized professing Christendom for almost 2000 years. A study of the writings of the New Testament apostles reveals the on-going war they were waging within the early church to establish and enforce God’s Law among the original believers. That same war continues to this day and is becoming getting more fierce with the passage of time as Satan exerts ever more control over the church. One of the “truths” modern day apostles must continually battle against is the belief that faith, along with grace, render God’s Law null and void, its influence having died with it when it was supposedly “nailed to the cross” of Jesus Christ.
But the Biblical Truth is that there is no place for abolishing the Law in the true Church of God–not to be confused with the denomination by that name. The Apostle John wrote concerning this church “fact”: “And hereby we know that we know Him IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. He that says he knows Him and does not keep His commandments is a liar and the Truth is not in him” (1 Jn. 2:3,4). There is much talk ABOUT Jesus within professing Christendom. However, that does not prove that one KNOWS HIM. Only one thing proves that we know Him–OUR KEEPING (OBEYING) HIS TEN COMMANDMENT LAW.
Those who say concerning salvation is that “all you need to do is believe in Jesus” deliberately ignore all of His commands to obey His commandments. It is true that we must believe in Jesus and the effect of His shed blood. True faith means that we not only believe IN HIM, but that we also BELIEVE HIM. This requires that we BELIEVE WHAT HE SAID AND OBEY IT as did He while walking the earth as a man. If believing in the effect of His shed blood was all that was necessary, God did not need to give us His Holy Spirit by which we have the power to live in obedience to His Law.
Faith does not nullify the Law. Paul asked, “Do we nullify the Law through faith? God forbid? Instead, we establish the Law” in our hearts (minds) where the Holy Spirit wrote the Law (Jer. 31:31-34/ Heb. 12:10-12) upon our conversion. Our obedience to that Law, which the false church calls “works,” is proof that we know Him. Such works prove that we have LIVING FAITH. Living faith is active faith–faith that prompts us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to keep God’s commandments.
While He was on earth, multiplied thousands believed IN Jesus of Nazareth. Wherever He went He attracted “great multitudes” who followed Him, sometimes for days on end. Yet, when He died there were only about 120 who actually believed Him (Acts 1:15). Even Nicodemus, speaking for many of the Jewish scholars, said: “WE KNOW THAT YOU ARE A TEACHER SENT FROM GOD” (Jn. 3:2). Notice that he admitted that the Jewish hierarchy KNEW that He had been SENT FROM GOD TO TEACH THEM HIS TRUTHS. However, they were not among the 120. If Nicodemus had been among them the writer of the Book of Acts would have mentioned that fact in that he had specifically included his conversation with Jesus.
In James 2:17,18 the apostle addresses the futility of faith without works (proof of faith): “Even so faith without works (obedience), is dead …. Yes, a man may say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ If you show me your faith WITHOUT your works and I will show you my faith BY my works.” Truly, faith alone is not enough; it must be accompanied by works of obedience. James continues: “You believe that there is one God; you do well. However, the devils believe that, and they tremble. But you must know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead” (vss 19,20). Works of obedience are possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit which one receives at true conversion. False conversion is characterized by faith IN Jesus without obedience to His commandments. No obedience=no conversion. The false church is rife with false faith and false conversion which are revealed by her rejection of God’s Law. Demons believe IN Jesus. Unlike their human counterparts, they also BELIEVE HIM–AND TREMBLE, knowing the penalty for not obeying His commandments. I see no trembling within the church whose parishioners continue to spiritually crucify the One they claim has saved them. But all is well, they are told by their hirelings. The fix is in. Jesus forgives church sins the following Sunday. Read The Message of the Cross. Key word–Message.
Jesus is our example, our template in Whose spiritual footsteps we must walk if we are to sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21). If we call ourselves by His name we must “walk as He walked” in this life. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. While residing within us in the form of His Holy Spirit, He “speaks” to us relative to the “walk” we must take. We must obey His “voice,” which we have in written form. Only by obeying His Holy Word can we live eternally with Him in paradise. Those who hear and obey His spiritual “voice” are His true sons (Rom. 8:14). Do not allow Satan’s false prophets to lure you into his “all faith and grace–no Law trap.” Jesus warns us about such deceivers in Matthew 24:4. Paul warns us that they will present themselves as “ministers of righteousness.” They, too, will have been deceived by the “angel of light” into believing, obeying and serving him (2 Cor. 11:13-15). How does he do this? He convinces them to reject God’s “fine print.”
Faith does not automatically place us in good stead with the Lord. Satan has faith. We must obey God’s Law as proof that our faith is the faith OF Christ–living faith. “Only believe” is the siren call of Satan as he continues to lure the masses into his church system. Truly, he has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). We are commanded to come out of his false church. Again I ask you to read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1. L.J.
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