In the first verse of the first chapter of His book, the Prophet Amos emphasizes that the reader is about to encounter, not his words, but rather God’s Words written by him. Initially, the Lord, through Amos, warns the heathen nations relative to His wrath toward them. Then He addresses Judah, the southern kingdom consisting of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and some of the Levites. Then, beginning in chapter two verse 6, the Lord warns the other tribes of Israel from whom modern Israel sprang after the original tribes were scattered throughout the world due to their sins. Recall that it was to these tribes that Jesus sent the original apostles as recorded in Matthew 10:6. It was through their ministerial work that the world came to know about the true God and His Law by which He governs His true saints. It is this tiny group whom Jesus will call to join Him in the clouds at the first resurrection–the resurrection of the firstfruits of His creation (1 Cor. 15:23/ Jam. 1:18/ Rev. 4:14). These are the faithful whom the Apostle Peter describes as a chosen generation, a holy nation, a peculiar people” who, during their post-conversion lives, “showed forth the praises of Him Who called them out of darkness and into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9). This group will contain every holy saint beginning with “righteous Abel” and ending with those who are alive at Christ’s Second Advent. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
Beginning with chapter two verse six the Almighty expresses His condemnation of both ancient Israel and modern Israel. Here He reminds them of their many sins by which they “… PROFANE MY HOLY NAME” and worship “THEIR GOD” in “THE HOUSE OF THEIR GOD” (vss 6-8). In verses 9-12 God reminds them that He destroyed their enemies, delivered them from Egyptian slavery and raised up priests to lead them. The people’s response was to make drunkards out of them and to tell them to “Prophesy not” (vss 9-12). In verse 13 the Lord reminds them that they had been a terrible burden to Him because of their rejection of His rulership over them. Then in verses 14 through 16 He warns them that, because of their sins (transgressions of the Law–1 Jn. 3:4), He would send the heathen to defeat them. He would hobble their swift of foot and weaken their strong men. Their archers would not hit their targets and their horsemen would lose their skills. As a final insult, “… the courageous among the mighty will flee away naked in the daytime.” Do not forget that God is also addressing the modern day church–the “Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16, also known as “spiritual Israel.”
In the first three verses of chapter three, Amos delivers the words of the Lord to the Israelites of his day and to the “WHOLE FAMILY” OF ISRAEL–meaning those who claim to be God’s people today. Amos, as do the other Old Testament prophets, speaks to us through his book. In those verses God said that He is “against you” (Israel–His chosen people), against the whole family, including the descendants of those “which I brought up from the land of Egypt. You only have I known of all the families of the earth, “THEREFORE I WILL PUNISH YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR INIQUITIES (TRANSGRESSIONS OF HIS LAW).” Keep in mind that the Lord is addressing Israel of old and their descendants–the Israel of this Laodicean age.
In 3:3-8 God reminds us that we cannot walk with Him unless we agree with Him (know, believe and obey His Law–the instrument by which He RULES His true saints). These are they who will rise to meet Him in the clouds upon His return to earth to establish the Kingdom of God in the Promised Land headquarted in New Jerusalem which God will bring with Him from heaven where it is now located. From that incredible city, Father, Son and Their Very Elect will rule, first the earth for 1000 years, then the universe forever. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers.
In chapter 3:4 through 9:10 God warns the sinners who are called by His name of what will come upon them. Then, beginning with verse 11 He tells about a tiny remnant of people whom He will raise up from the ruins of the once-blessed nation of Israel. These are His Very Elect, saints who, throughout the centuries, have remained true to His calling to obey His Law. Many, He laments, will have been called to do so but few will have been chosen for having answered His call (Mat. 22:14). This small cadre of true believers (Mat. 7:13,14) will include those Gentiles (heathen) who will have manifested the holiness and righteousness necessary in order to receive eternal life upon Christ’s return. For proof that we are not saved and born again in this life read Born Again. Key word–Born.
Warning: SATAN DOES NOT WANT YOU TO READ THE BORN AGAIN SERIES. He is the god of darkness. What you read will shed light on his lies concerning salvation and rebirth. Those who love darkness reject God’s light. If you believe that you are saved and born again, he has you where he wants you–in darkness. Defy him and obey God. Open yourself to God’s light by reading the Born Again series.
There is a way to avoid the terror, death and destruction that will soon come upon the earth during the 3 1/2 year period known as The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Read about this terrible time using the key word Tribulation. Also Read God’s Place of Safety. Key word–Safety. It is there that the Lord will take His Very Elect saints where He will protect and provide for them during the Tribulation Period. As the Apostle Paul tells us, one’s first act is to leave the counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Religious System known as “the church.” Then the salvation seeker must embrace the teachings of God’s true apostles, of which there are few. Study the references I provide carefully and with an open heart. Read Bible Study the Lord’s Way. Key word–Study. L.J.
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