As goes the spiritual, so goes the social, so goes the national. That rule was first introduced in the Garden of Eden where God’s nation consisted of two persons, and one serpent. As Bible students know, the serpent won the war for the soul of the nation by deceiving her citizens into committing spiritual suicide. What was designed to be a world under the rulership of its Creator soon did away with itself by replacing their Creator with the serpent who had deceived them. What Adam and Eve did resulted in the production of a Satan-led elder son who sacrificed his brother on the alter of ego. Later, God’s Chosen People, called the nation of Israel, did the same thing to herself by obeying the same serpent (Satan). This time suicide took place through the worship of and service to a variety of heathen gods, at least two of which required the sacrifice of children.
Then later, the United States of America, recognized by Bible believers as the Lord’s creation of Israel II, began the process of self-destruction by following in the moral footsteps of her predecessors. She suffered at her own hand what can only be described as spiritual suicide as she turned further and further away from the God Who had created her. Ironically, in all three instances it was the same “serpent” who enticed God’s people to reject their Creator and to serve him. The serpent became so efficient at deceiving mankind into worshiping himself that he became Biblically known as “The god of this world.” The key to his success is in hiding the Words of the true God from those whose minds (“hearts”) he has “blinded to the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ” so that they cannot escape from his (the serpent’s) spiritual darkness (2 Cor. 4:3,4) which he calls “the word of the Lord.” Because the blinded have never heard God’s Word/Truth (Jn. 17:17), they know only the words of Satan’s false prophets. Their false “truths” are collectively known as “church doctrine.”
The first Christians to come to what would become the United States of America were still observing the Lord’s 7th day Sabbath and did not celebrate such heathen holidays as Christmas, Easter, etc. But as has always been the case, the Lord’s new world people eventually bowed to Satan, embraced heathenism and began their slide into Satan’s religious sewer, taking the nation with her. Nothing has changed. As has gone the church, so has gone the nation. Which brings us to today.
One need only to turn on the evening news to realize that America is destroying herself through self-cannibalization–AMERICA IS DEVOURING HERSELF. SHE IS DECAYING FROM WITHIN. And the culprit is the same as it has always been–SIN–learned from the father of sin–Satan. Her sins have increased in number and deadliness as the serpent (Satan) has enticed generation after generation of church people to follow him ever deeper into his abyss–each generation going further into it than its predecessor. The nation, in turn, follows the church’s lead. The result of the “sewer slide” is known as “current events.” I will mention initially four of those “events” as an introduction to the rest of this series.
Our current president continually wages war against God as he gleefully encourages the murder of millions of unborn children world-wide. Our nation’s currency, on which is written “In God We Trust,” is used to finance child slaughter. The highest court in the land has decreed the removal of the Ten Commandments from federal buildings. That same court decreed as legal the marital union of two people of the same sex. ALL FOUIR OF THESE EDICTS ARE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN BY THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE.
These, and many other, examples of the nation’s turn from God form the foundation on which the nation’s civilization rests. There is more, much, much more of Satan’s influence involved in the nation’s conduct on both the individual and corporate levels. This series will bring many of these moral failures to light in the hope that the reader will examine them and make sure that they play no part in his/her life.
Any nation that takes good for evil and evil for good, the sacred for the profane and the profane for the sacred and life for death and death for life is a nation in the deepest of trouble–she has mistaken sweet baby Jesus in the manger fame for the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This describes the United States of America who is at war with the Creators and Rulers of the universe, whose Holy Bible has proclaimed her to be at war with Themselves, a war she cannon win.
As did her ancient Israelite ancestors, America now finds herself in metamorphosis mode as she transitions from one individual and national mind-set to another. At one time America had two Gods–God the Father and God the Son Who ran the universe through Their Holy Spirit. Read The Trinity and Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man. Key words–Trinity and Nazareth respectively.
No longer does the One Nation Under God exist as such. America has morphed into a pantheistic, mongrelized nation of numerous gods, cults, faiths, denominations, etc., complete with shrines, alters and idols everywhere one looks. Turn on the television and one finds mythological beings filling the screen in both regular programming and even in advertisements. Today in the nation that was created to be God’s light to the nations we find heathenistic forms and messages dominating the airwaves along with pagan values and rituals being proclaimed and performed in both public and once holy places.
As did her ancient ancestors, America has embraced the morals of the heathen nations with which she associates. The Almighty had warned her ancestors to remain a goodly distance from the spiritual Gentiles next to whom they lived. As has always been the case, His people disobeyed Him. Nothing has changed. One who has eyes to see will take note of the deification of nature and the material world, the rapid rise in moral relativism, the sexualization of popular culture, the turning away from reality and the creation of easily changeable realities. One can see the anti-God worship of graven (man-made) images along with the acceptance of and service to various spiritual entities which are not of the Godly kind. While these “truths and realities” are on the rise, one notes the corresponding rejection of Biblical standards, values and teachings. This is a deadly combination that will lead to only one end. It is toward that end that America is rushing blindly pursuit of whatever satisfies each individual’s inner demons.
And, as the true Bible student will agree, it all began in what is commonly called “the church.” As stated previously, as goes the church, so goes the nation. No nation exemplifies this truth more profoundly and openly than the United States of America. A while back I watched a young man from another country being interviewed on television. He ignored the first question the reporter asked him. Instead he looked into the camera and asked the ultimate question: “AMERICA, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?” He then voiced the truth about America’s God-exalting past, followed by questions concerning why she fell away from that history and from that God. What has happened and is happening to America is the subject of this series. L.J.
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