In the Garden of Eden the God of the Old Testament–the God who created all things, spoke with man face-to-face, led Israel out of Egypt, gave the Law to them and us from atop Mt. Sinai and later came to earth as Jesus Christ (the Word–Jn. 1:1-4,14)–shed the blood of animals in order to cover Adam and Eve’s sins–the breaking of His Law (1 Jn: 1-4,14). Reminder: Every word spoken and written in the Holy Scriptures is a vital part of the Law of the Godhead, composed of God and Christ. Read The Trinity. Key word–Trinity. God rules His people by His Law, which He condensed into the Ten Commandments and wrote in stone. God and His Law are inseparable. His Word is Him in written form, as Jesus was Him in human form. This Truth is proven in John 10:30 where Jesus said: “The Father and I are one,” and in 14:9 where He declared: “They who have seen Me have seen the Father.”
From the beginning (Jn. 1:1-4) God has never changed. The biblical God “is the same, yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). He said of Himself: “I am the Lord; I change not” (Mal. 3:6). “In him there is not even a shadow of turning (change)” (1 Jn. 1:5). Because of God’s unchanging nature Jesus said that man must live in this life “… by every Word that comes from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4) in order to live with Him in the next life. Where do we find the Words God has spoken? God spoke them to the Word, who spoke them to His prophets and apostles, who recorded them for us to use as our instructions (1 Cor. 10:11/ Jn. 14:10/ Heb. 4:2). They comprise the Holy Bible–God’s Law, His Gospel, not one word of which can be changed, not even a jot or tittle (the smallest articles of script, like a period or comma) (Mat. 5:18).
From Eden until this moment, the payment for sin has remained the same–the shedding of blood. Why? Because “… life is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11), which is why we are commanded not to consume blood from any source for it contains the life of the animal or person from whose body it came. The result of sin is death (Rom. 3:23). Jesus offers to the truly repentant sinner the removal of all of his PAST sins, thereby removing the PAST SINNER from the death penalty (Rom. 3:23), how? through His shed blood. The removal of past sins comes only by the shedding of Christ’s blood due to a spear having punctured His heart, thereby causing Him to bleed to death. The beating He previously endured was for the healing of our physical bodies: “for by His stripes we are healed” (Isa. 53:5).
Which presents a puzzle for me. When He heals a professing believer physically the healed one expects to remain healed without any more help from Christ. It is a done deal. But when He heals him spiritually, the healed one “knows” that he can continue sinning, and that Jesus will joyfully “heal” him again, and again, and again, ad infinitum. Man could not be more wrong.
We are told in Scripture that a divine healing brings about the forgiveness of sin, bringing about total physical and spiritual healing (Mat. 9:1-8). The physical and spiritual healing will remain in effect IF the recipient does not return to sin following one’s physical and spiritual healing. Notice that “men” (Christ’s apostles) have the same power that Jesus had–the same fullness of the Holy Spirit (vs 8/ Acts 1:8).
What the church does not understand is that the continuation of sin following conversion–the result of Adam’s supposed “miracle”–constitutes false conversion. False conversion–the result of false repentance–leads to continuous sins, which leads to the continuous recrucifixion of Jesus Christ by those whom Satan rules. These are they who call themselves “sinners saved by grace.” False conversion/repentance is the result of Adam’s supposed miraculous act that has supposedly tainted the life of every human being ever born.
At this point we need to establish the roles played by the entities involved in the Garden of Eden episode. God and the Word were from the beginning. Read John 1:1-4,14. The Word is the God of the Old Testament–read the series bearing that title. Key word–Old. The Word (Who became the man Jesus) created everything that is. He is also the God with whom Old Testament people dealt with personally, and in some cases, face-to-face. Read Psalm 110:1 where David calls Jesus “my Lord” (the Word) Who spoke to “the Lord” (God). Now let us examine Adam’s “miracle” that the counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Church System bases its “saved sinner,” “only believe,” “no Law,” “no works,” “just remember to repent” theology.
The universal acceptance in Adam’s sin gene transferal miracle is the brainchild of a Catholic priest serving in an area of Africa known as Hippo during the fourth and fifth centuries. Augustine found himself facing a crisis in the parish of which he was the leader. At the time there was a disease epidemic which was causing the deaths of many children. The parents of the still living children insisted that he baptize their children so that, if they died, they would go to heaven. The church believed in Baptismal Regeneration. The theological principle stated that water baptism itself removed sin from the sinner. It does not, but is rather an act that symbolizes sin’s removal from the sinner that is affected by God’s grace alone, which the Apostle Paul makes clear in the third chapter of the Book of Romans.
Augustine’s parishioners insisted that he baptize their children so that they would not die in a sinful condition. However, he knew that children had not committed sin. Therefore, he had to come up with a “truth” that would enable him to baptize the young ones and still remain in good standing with the church. His solution involved Adam’s sin. With Satan’s help, he concocted a “Biblical truth” in which Adam had transferred his sin gene into the spirit of each human being at the instant of conception, thereby making them sinners at birth and for the rest of their lives. Newborns needed a quick fix. The solution was baptism which would wash away their sins. The people accepted what he said. Not being allowed to read a Bible, they believed whatever their priest said. Satisfied with his new brainchild, Augustine began baptizing children. The new “Bible truth” caught on and is now believed by Catholics and Protestants of every persuasion. A rule of thumb among religious people is that if it allows them to do what they want to do, it is automatically “a gift from the Lord.” But there is more to the baptismal regeneration theory. An added “truth” would have Jesus becoming involved in the lives of the children as they grew up and began to sin.
The theory involved the fact that Jesus knew that man is born a sinner and his sin gene is permanent. Because of this, He would die so that, as an adult he would not be held responsible for what had become part of his nature. Like eye color, height, etc., there was nothing that can be done about the sin gene the infected victim had inherited from Adam. The “Bible fact” is as popular now as it was then. According to church doctrine, MAN HAS NO ALTERNATIVE. SIN IS IN HIS GENETIC MAKE-UP, MAKING SIN A PART OF HIS NATURE WHICH CANNOT BE CHANGED. THEREFORE, SIN IS INEVITABLE. AND THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH …. So church leaders came up with a solution to the problem. They claimed that Jesus died so that man need only to repent in order to receive forgiveness for his inevitable sins. Problem solved.
I had a Protestant seminary student tell me exactly that. I knew such Satanic garbage was being taught and believed throughout professing Christendom. However, I will admit I was shocked to hear someone confess it, especially when that someone was a close relative. She also confessed that the seminary taught that there was no such thing as the virgin birth. There’s more. I heard a pastor say that Jesus felt nothing during the beating He sustained prior to His crucifixion. Nor did He feel pain when the spikes were being driven into His hands. The spear entering His chest caused Him no pain. I heard another pastor say that seeking holiness was a waste of time, that one would only make the seeker sick. Obviously, I have much work to do. Pray that I am allowed to speak and write God’s Truth a while longer. I must work while it is day, for night comes when true ministers of God will be shut down (Jn. 9:4). L.J.
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