What does an angel look like? Artists have a difficult time following the descriptions provided by the Holy Scriptures. Angels have a reputation for appearing as described in Ezekiel 1:13: “As for the likeness of the living creatures (created beings–angels), their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps that went up and down among the living creatures. And the fire was bright and out of it went forth lightning.” In other places we are told angels’ faces heir are bright like the sun. Their feet are pillars of fire. They are a majestic army who sometimes ride on horses or in chariots of fire.
“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. A rainbow was upon his head” (Rev. 10:1). And “he set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth” (vs 2). This huge spiritual being was preparing to deliver a message. “And [he] cried out with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. And when he cried [out], seven thunders uttered their voices” (vs 3). Angels have voices like thunder. Able to transform themselves, they sometimes appear in the form of human beings, as does the Lord Himself (Gen. 18). It is hard to imagine such incredible beings. However, as we are assured, God’s true saints will one day be much greater than these uber-great beings. As incredible as they are described in the Holy Writ, I know from experience that angels can appear in a much different form and can proclaim a much different message than those we think and talk about. It all depends on the situation.
Many years ago when our children were young I admittedly was not spending enough time in prayer. I have always been a heavy sleeper. I could sleep through anything. Well, almost anything. I ALWAYS slept on my back. But not this night. I was laying on my right side facing my wife when I felt a hard punch to my back. I was instantly awakened from a deep sleep. I assumed it was one of the girls wanting to get in bed with us. I rolled over expecting to see the sweet little face of one of my daughters, or maybe both of them. But that was not the sight that greeted me.
There, standing not more than three feet away, was an angel whose head reached almost to the ceiling. He wore a shroud from head to toe which extended out toward me, leaving his form inside it in total darkness. All I could see under the shroud was blackness. Though I could not visually see his features, I could “feel” his eyes boring into me. He was not happy. I could also “hear” his voice in the total silence. I “heard” his words perfectly: “GET UP AND PRAY.” Wanting my wife to see the angel, I turned to awaken her. When I turned back he was gone. His message was meant for only me. I looked at the clock. It was 4:30. Message received. Trust me, you do not want to be blessed with such a visitation. But I thank God that He cared enough about me to send an angel who, I assure you, performed his job perfectly. As I write this (4:30 a.m.) I can still “see” that dark, invisible figure in my mind’s eye and “hear” that silent voice. That is a spiritual sight and sound one never forgets.
And God’s Very Elect will one day become GREATER AND MORE POWERFUL than that majestic being. God’s saints will be superior to them in every way, even in character and mentality. SO SAY THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Though angels are remarkable, they are amazed at man’s potential. They look with wonder at God’s plan for those who, in this life, overcome Satan by walking in the power of His Holy Spirit. Hear what the Apostle Peter says about that: “Unto whom (the holy prophets) it was revealed that, not only unto themselves (the prophets) but unto us (apostles) also they (the prophets) spoke and wrote those things which they (apostles) now preach unto you (the church) through the power of the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven. THESE THINGS THE ANGELS DESIRE TO LOOK INTO” (1 Pet. 1:12). Though the angels are impressed with what they know, they do not know everything God is going to do with those who obey His Law and walk in righteousness and holiness throughout this life. Angels know that the end result of man’s obedience is ETERNAL LIFE FOR HIM–A LIFE OF BEING SUPERIOR TO THEMSELVES (THE ANGELS).
In his writings the Apostle Paul compared the power of angels to the potential of man. In Hebrews 1:5 he writes to overcomers: “For to what angel did God ever say, ‘You (obedient man) are My son, today I have become your Father?’ Or again, ‘I will be a Father to him and he will be a son to me.'” God calls man to enter into a family situation with Him. Angels do not have this potential. They are God’s sons in the sense that He created them, but they will never have the relationship the Very Elect will have with Him. It is the same relationship He had with the man called Jesus of Nazareth. Read The Unknown Power of God’s Very Elect. Key word–Unknown.
In verse 13 Paul writes: “To what angel did God ever say, ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a foot-stool for your feet?'” God’s loyal people today, called His “firstfruits,” are preparing and qualifying to rule the entire universe from Christ’s throne forever. God is recreating Himself in His true saints. He is preparing them to be the bride of Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:7). He does not offer that privilege to angels.
God’s “firstfruits” are those who will rise to meet Jesus in the clouds in the first resurrection–the resurrection of those, living and dead, who are “IN HIM” at the time of His return to earth (1 Thes. 4:15-17/ 1 Cor. 51,52). Read the previous series titled Gleanings from John’s Gospel. Key word–John’s. These first resurrectionists–Christ’s bride–will abide in the Kingdom of God–a walled city that will cover the Middle Eastern area known as the Promised Land. During the second resurrection all who have ever lived will be given the opportunity to accept what Christ has done for them and live an allotted lifetime (120 years) as flesh and blood human beings in obedience to Him. They will die and come back to life at the third resurrection. Those who accepted Christ during the millennium (their 120-year life) will be given eternal life on earth as God’s sons. They will live throughout the earth forever in joy and plenty. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
And what is the job of angels now and for eternity? “Are they not ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who will be heirs of salvation?” (Heb. 1:14). Angels are destined to serve God’s family members. And what is their reward? “For unto the angels He has NOT put in subjection (dominion/power over) the world to come (the new earth and new heaven), about which we speak” (Heb. 2:5). THE ANGELS ARE NOT DESTINED TO RULE THE UNIVERSE–GOD’S OBEDIENT SERVANTS ARE. AMEN. PRAISE THE LIVING GOD. L.J.
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