This is my most emotionally-charged posting to date. I ask the reader not to pass judgment until the entire presentation has been carefully studied. As in all things presented on this website, please study each reference thoroughly. Those who do not do so invariably miss important nuggets of God’s wisdom that tend to lie just beneath the surface. This is the reason why God commands us 1) to STUDY to show ourselves approved of Him, rightly dividing (examining) the Word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15) and 2) to PROVE ALL THINGS, rejecting the bad (church doctrine) and retaining the good (His Word) (1 Thes. 5:21).
In John 10:30-36 we find Jesus being confronted by a group of Jews who are furious because He had stated that He and the Father were one (meaning one in character, purpose, etc.). Jesus further angered them by stating that He was the Son of God. They were ready to stone Him because, as they said, “… you, being a man, make yourself God.” In response Jesus quoted a statement He had made to Israel as recorded in Psalms 82:6: “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I (Jesus) said, Ye are gods?’ If He (Jesus-the God of the Old Testament) called them gods, to whom the Word of God came (and the Scriptures cannot be broken), do you say of Him (Jesus-the one speaking) Whom the father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God?'” Notice that Jesus used the state- ment, “I said,” when referring to words spoken by “God” to the Israelites as recorded in Psalms 82. This can be confusing unless one realizes that Jesus is referring to Himself as God when speaking about His relationship with ancient Israel. His saying, “I (Jesus) said, ‘Ye are gods’ reveals Himself (Jesus) as Israel’s God–the One Who called Israelites gods. When Jesus used the word “Him” in the following statement: “… do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the World …,” He was also referring to Himself. Because God makes no difference between people (Acts 10:34), meaning that what He will do for one He will do for anyone, we know that if an Israelite (of the 12 Tribes of Israel) can be made a god by Him, then anyone can. For this reason I was shaken to the core when the Lord opened my spiritual eyes to the following Scripture.
In First Timothy 2:5 we find the Lord speaking through Paul, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men (anthropos), the MAN (anthropos) Jesus Christ.” Now, as you are reading this posting, the MAN Jesus serves as mediator between God and men. Note that He is also now a GOD (Jude 1:25/Titus 1:3). JESUS CHRIST IS BOTH GOD AND MAN AS HE SITS AT THE FATHER’S RIGHT HAND. Bear also in mind that Jesus was the FIRST man to be raised from the dead (born again) (Acts 26:23). “First” indicates that others will also be born again. Remember also that true saints are “… JOINT HEIRS WITH JESUS CHRIST” (Rom. 8:16,17). In a joint (equal) heir situation, ALL HEIRS RECEIVE THE SAME (AN EQUAL) INHERITANCE. The man Jesus, upon being raised from the dead (born again) received God status from the Father as He brought His Son to Him. SAINTS–ALSO SONS OF GOD–WILL RECEIVE THE SAME GOD STATUS FROM THE FATHER WHEN THEY ARE RAISED FROM THE DEAD (BORN AGAIN) AND JOIN THE LORD IN THE AIR (1 THES. 4:16). HALLELUJAH!
When Jesus called the Jews “gods” He was referring to their potential future status. Saints have that same potential status–JOINT GOD/MAN STATUS WITH JESUS. As with Jesus, they will continue being men, only then they will be god/men, as is Jesus, the Head God/man. The word “man” in First Timothy 2:5 in reference to Jesus is “anthropos” in the Greek language–the same word used to describe the men (anthropos) for whom He mediates. In every reference to Him in the New Testament, the word “anthropos” is used–the same word used in reference to all other men. The message is as follows: Those who overcome (Satan) as Jesus overcame him, who will sit with Him on His throne (Rev. 3:21), will also become god/men, even as He did upon His resurrection. Can this be true? Listen to what Jesus said to Mary Magdalene at the tomb: “… go tell My brethren … I am ascending to MY FATHER AND YOUR FATHER, TO MY GOD AND YOUR GOD” (Jn. 20:17). He is telling His saints then and now that HIS GOD AND FATHER IS THEIR GOD AND FATHER–THAT HE HAS THE SAME RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FATHER AS DO THEY. At Christ’s coming His saints will become exactly as He is–born again humans who have become gods–god/men. When He said, “Ye are gods” He was speaking to every saint who, having “… endured unto the end” (Mat. 10:22) will be (saved/born again) transformed into a spirit being–EXACTLY AS HE IS NOW. This is part of the saint’s inheritance which he/she will share with Him jointly (Rom. 8:16,17).
In John 1:1-4 we are told that the Word (Who became Jesus of Nazareth) was a God before coming to earth and had been a God from the beginning. Notice that prior to coming to earth as a man He was a God. A God has neither a God nor a Father. Nowhere in Scripture do we find a God/Father relationship existing between the Word and God prior to the Word coming to earth as a man. Scripture tells us that, prior to coming to earth, the Word was “… equal with God” (Phil. 2:6). He was not God’s Son until “this day” when God became His Father by begetting Him: “Thou (Jesus) art My Son; THIS DAY I have begotten thee” (Ps. 2:7). Here God was looking into the distant future when He would send the Word– the other God–to earth as a human-birthed man. God became the Word’s Father and God only when He was dispatched to earth to be born of a human woman, at which time He divested Himself of His Godness by making Himself “… of no reputation”–emptying Himself of all God characteristics (Phil. 2:5-7). See Jesus Christ: God, Man or God-man. God was His God and Father while He was on the earth AND, LIKE HIS EARTHLY BRETHREN, REMAINS HIS GOD AND FATHER TO THIS DAY. Remember that, following His resurrection/rebirth, He told Mary Magdalene that God was His God and Father just as He was her and the disciples’ God and Father (Jn. 20:17).
Summary: True saints are gods in the making. Upon rebirth at the Lord’s return they will join Him in the air, then descend to the Mount of Olives (Zech. 14:4) where they will establish the Kingdom of God. There these god/men will rule and reign with Jesus Christ–the Head God/man–forever. But there is a caveat: IN ORDER TO RULE AS HE RULES IN GOD’S FUTURE KINGDOM, WE MUST WALK AS HE WALKED IN SATAN’S KINGDOM. Questions or comments? Contact me at or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751 U.S.A. or (903) 677-5642. English only.
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