In the previous posting we saw how God used the family of the Egyptian god known as “pharaoh” to save the life of a Levite baby whom they named Moses. This very unusual act on their part enabled the child to grow up and eventually lead his people out of Egyptian slavery. In this posting we will see how the Lord used the nation and its god to send a message to the entire world then and now. One of the messages these postings are designed to put forth is that God often uses the worst of people to perform the best of deeds. Another message is that, simply because one is used mightily by the Lord does not make one a child of the Lord–a lesson the masses of professing Christendom have yet to learn (Rev. 3:14-17). A great gulf separates man’s measure of spiritual success and God’s measure of spiritual success. What religious man believes will please God and what actually pleases Him are as different as light and dark. The Lord’s Biblical Way He calls “light;” man’s church way God calls not merely “darkness,” but “great darkness” because it is put forth as light: “If therefore the light that is in you (church light) is darkness (false light), how great is that darkness” (Mat. 6:23). This website was established by God to expose the “great darkness” the Counterfeit Church puts forth as “light.”
In the 4th through 14th chapters of the Book of Exodus we see how the Lord dealt with the Egyptians when He sent Moses back to the land to extract the Israelites. Those who, due to ignorance or unbelief of His Word, do not understand the ways of the Lord. Such people refuse to believe that God would do to someone what He did to pharaoh. Most church people have a totally wrong concept of the Lord and His Ways. Not having been “weaned from the breast” (Isa. 28:9), and unaccustomed to “strong meat” (Heb. 5:12-14), they refuse to accept the God of the Bible. I have personally heard Him called a “bully” and a “thug” due to His treatment of men.
Time and again the Lord moved on the Egyptian leader’s heart, causing him to do the opposite of what He (God) demanded. The following episode explains why. Moses and Aaron had gone before pharaoh to ask him to let Israel go into the desert to pay homage to the Lord. To which the king replied, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I KNOW (RECOGNIZE) NOT THE LORD” (5:21,2). The Egyptian king and his people were heathen to the core. They recognized only one supreme being, and it was not the God of the Israelites. This mind-set was repugnant to the Lord. Through a series of miraculously destructive acts He revealed His attitude to the people of the land. This is the same process by which He will teach America and all “Christian nations” the same lesson–and for the same reason. He promises that what is coming will be like nothing this world has ever seen. Rebellion against Him carries a heavy price.
The Lord did not have to do what He did to the Egyptians. He had a variety of options, any one of which would have allowed Israel to leave peacefully. For example, He could have blinded the Egyptians temporarily as He did the Syrian army (2 Ki. 6:18), moved the Israelites out, directed them away from the Red Sea and brought them to the Promised Land, a process which would have involved neither death nor destruction. So why did He do what He did the way He did it? One reason was to show the mightiest nation on earth that He was Lord of all, and that their primary god and secondary gods combined were nothing compared to Him (7:3-5), a fact which pharaoh’s priests eventually recognized (8:19). Another reason for doing what He did the way He did it was to teach the Israelites the same message. Yet another reason was to teach modern man that His ways are not religious man’s ways, that His ways are superior to religious man’s ways, and that His ways need not make sense to religious man. This is yet another lesson churchman has failed to learn. In a recent posting I wrote about a modern religionist who opined that church people need to stop looking to the Bible, that when determining right and wrong, EXPERIENCE, not that ancient, out-of-date book, should be their guide. In other words, if Scripture does not make sense in light of one’s experience, it is to be ignored. The church beat this false prophet to the religious punch hundreds of years ago. Churchman has been using his experiences to determine good and evil since the second century. The process looks like this: Man creates his experience; his experience determines right and wrong; man determines right and wrong. God simply needs to stay out of the way. The spirit of Antichrist rules Catholicism/Protestantism. To be continued. L.J.
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