Easter and Lent are religious observances generated by man under the control of Satan who inserted both abominations into his church system at the same time. Easter is the climax of Lent. Both Lent and Easter celebrate the supposed resurrection of a counterfeit christ–a false Babylonian messiah named Tammuz. When confronted with this information, the typical response generally follows this form: “Even if both Easter and Lent are of heathen origin, that doesn’t count because I observe (one or both) in honor of Jesus.” This bit of human reasoning looks good on paper and makes for a good religious soundbyte. But it is God’s reasoning that matters, and He has much to say about mixing the holy with the profane (Eze. 22:26). Firstly, nowhere in the New Testament are saints told to observe either the birth or the resurrection of Christ. Instead, we are to commemorate His death (Lk. 22:19/1 Cor. 11:34,35). The early church memorialized neither Lent nor Easter. Early on God warned His people to reject all pagan ways: “Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them (heathen) … and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. THOU SHALT NOT DO SO UNTO THE LORD THY GOD: for every ABOMINATION to the Lord, which He hateth, have they done unto their gods” (Deut. 12:30,31). “Learn not the ways of the heathen …. For the customs of the people (heathen/Gentiles) are vain” (Jer. 10:2,3). What people think matters not. What God thinks does matter. He calls Easter, Lent, Christmas, New Years, Halloween, Valentines Day, etc. ABOMINATIONS. The Apostle Paul forbade the saints of the first century to observe these pagan “times” and “seasons” (Gal. 4:9,10).
The Lenten season has throughout history been observed by “fasting” various numbers of days. It was during the eighth century that 40 days became the standard. The reasoning behind 40 days is that Tammuz was supposedly killed at age 40. Therefore his followers honored his life by “… weeping for Tammuz” (Eze. 8:14) for 40 days during which mourners mourn and chastise themselves to gain his favor. Many in the Counterfeit Church do penance regularly by torturing themselves. In one place I lived the people walked on their knees from the parking lot to the sanctuary. Others use implements on their bodies that cause pain and injury, much like “flagelants” of old beat themselves bloody with thorn bushes, etc. In both cases the results are the same–much pain, nothing else.
Today, the period leading up to Ash Wednesday and the 40 days of penance for sins are typically associated with outward and public revelry, complete with the wearing of costumes and masks accompanied by much alcohol consumption and sexual promiscuity. In America we see the spectacle displayed at Mardi Gras which takes place in New Orleans and is routinely televised. Secular history reveals that Lent was being observed some 2000 years prior to the time of Christ. The question then becomes, how did this pagan observance become one of the most important holidays of professing Christendom?
Easter, Lent and Ash Wednesday are part of Satan’s plan to heathenize the church (2 Cor. 4:4/Rev. 12:9). Those who participate in Ash Wednesday and Lent believe that smearing some ash on the forehead and giving up a few enjoyable practices and items (food, sex, t.v., etc.) can be translated into repentance. Doing such acts of “penance” is an expression of one’s WORLDLY SORROW over the things that disturb one’s conscience. However, the conscience is not a sufficient guide to right and wrong. The penitence of Lent is a Satanic substitute for genuine repentance of sin–disobeying God’s Word.
True Christians are commanded to examine themselves by measuring themselves against God’s Word. If sin is found it is to be removed permanently as symbolized by the Days of Unleavened Bread following Passover–the coming out of sin (Egypt). Unregenerate man prefers to enjoy the pleasures of sin, then doing acts of penance for having committed them. Penance means to give up something in payment for sin. For this reason the pagans flocking en masse into the professing church ousted the celebration of Unleavened Bread and replaced it with Lent–40 days of penance, denying themselves various pleasures in return for enjoying sin during the other days of the year. Paul admonishes the church to “… let godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of (not have to repent of the sin again),” and how the “sorrow of the world” only “worketh death” (2 Cor. 7:10). God does not want penance; He demands repentance, followed by obedience. Recently I was listening to a religious radio program, which I rarely do. The minister was talking about church people who continue to sin, stating “… they need to repent.” God’s answer is, “They do not need to repent; they need to stop sinning.” The minister was simply voicing the mantra of Counterfeit Church. “One is going to sin repeatedly, but not to worry, repenting repeatedly makes the sin go away. The fix, we are assured, is in. And Satan smiles.
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