“And the Truth will make you free”–free from error IF you have wisdom, both of which are of God. Wisdom is the gift we need when acting on the Truth found in the Holy Scriptures. Truth is available to anyone who has access to the Holy Scriptures. Such Truth is a blessing from God which shows us the “way more perfect”–the way we must walk in order to receive eternal life at the end of the age (Mat. 10:22). Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope.
The Bible guides us straight to God’s Truth as well as His wisdom with which we know how to use His Truth. Through the examples He provides, we find proof of the rightness of His ways. There is no better example of this fact than the life of King Solomon of Israel, the son of the “man after God’s own heart”–King David. In First Kings 3:3 we are told that Solomon deeply loved and was obedient to the Lord who, because of these personal traits, told him that he could have whatever he wanted. Wisely, Solomon chose wisdom.
To get an idea of Solomon’s character we need only to observe what he asked for following the Lord’s offer. He said: “I am but a little child. I do not even know how to go out or to come in. Your servant is in the midst of a people whom You have chosen–a great people who cannot be numbered. Give Your servant an understanding heart by which to judge Your people so that I can determine between good and evil, for who is able to judge this great and mighty multitude? “(1 Ki. 37-9).
Because the son of King David was humble he knew what was most valuable and from Whom it must come. The rightness of this attitude is proclaimed in Second Chronicles 1:10; Proverbs 2:6 and Job 32:8. The young king knew that he, in himself, did not have what it would take to lead and judge the most powerful and most blessed nation on earth. Because of his humility, God made him the wisest man on earth. Only Jesus of Nazareth had more wisdom that Solomon. History bears witness of his wisdom in First Kings 3:12; 4:29-34.
Without knowledge, nothing else matters. Having electricity in my house does not help me if I do not know how to use it. Spiritually speaking, having the Word of God is useless to me if I do not know what to do with its Truths. Knowledge does not automatically come with wisdom. Scriptural wisdom from on high indicates that one knows how to use the Truths of God.
Knowledge of God’s Word is rare; wisdom is even more rare. A ministerial example will prove that Truth. As I have stated before, the Almighty is prone to placing me in the right place at the right time to hear or see something that provides an example for something He has shown Me in His Word. In this instance He arranged for me to “just happen to” hear a three-second-long statement which proves the Truth-wisdom connection. I “just happened to” be in a room in front of a television when a world-famous pastor said to his local and international congregation: “We must obey God’s Law.” He proclaimed that TRUTH on SUNDAY–Satan’s sabbath when he was holding his weekly meeting. I was shocked that he believed in obeying the Law. I was not shocked that his church met on Sunday in open defiance of the fourth commandment of the Law he declared his church must obey. Only Satan could orchestrate such a religious mess.
Though this pastor would deny it, he does not fear God. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7). He lacks the knowledge of God’s Sabbath because he believes the teachings of men rather than the fourth commandment of God’s stone-written Law. He fears the rebuke of men more than the curse of God. Also see Proverbs 9:10 ad Psalm 111:10. Wisdom, instruction, understanding, good doctrine and God’s Law are provided by the Lord (Prov. 4:1,2). In verse seven the proverbist tells us that: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all your getting, get understanding.”
The key to receiving everything that God has promised those who seek them is found in Matthew 6:33 where we are told to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and (then) ALL THESE THINGS (everything else we need) WILL BE PROVIDED TO YOU.” “All these things” includes wisdom. As is the case with every good thing God wants us to have, there is another side of the spiritual coin. That other side is the domain of God’s and man’s enemy–Satan.
Just as God calls out to us to seek and receive good from Him, Satan calls out to us to seek and receive his version of good from him. The god of this world promises intelligence, knowledge, sophistication, wealth and more if we will hear and obey his voice which leads us to rely upon our own intelligence and reasoning. This was the mistake made by our original parents. Read Bait and Switch. Key word–Switch.
The Scriptures reveal that, because Solomon asked for and received wisdom, the Lord helped and inspired him. However, the young king still had to do his part by APPLYING what he had received. He also had to remain humble in spite of the success he achieved, which was so incredible that people came from great distances just to see the glory of his kingdom. In spite of his monumental success, he eventually came under the spell of the devil and eventually led his nation down to the very bottom of his (Satan’s) moral pit by leading God’s chosen people to worship the gods of Solomon’s many heathen wives. The ultimate degradation was the sacrificing of the nation’s children to Baal and Molech–heathen gods that the people came to worship and serve.
IF we are serious about obtaining knowledge and wisdom, God will provide both (Jam. 1:5). However, as was the case of Solomon, we must do our part, which is to obey the Lord. The words of the Apostle Paul ring true for wisdom seekers who love the Lord and prove it by obeying His Ten Commandment Law, including #4. Paul wrote: “O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God,” which can be ours (Rom. 11:33) IF …. A limitless supply of wisdom is waiting for us to tap into IF we diligently, humbly and obediently seek it from its only Source–the Lord God Almighty. L.J.
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