The Word divested Himself of His godly powers and came to live on planet earth in the form of Jesus of Nazareth for a variety of reasons, several of which are discussed in this series. Two reasons for His coming to earth previously discussed are 1) to provide the Holy Spirit for those who seek God and 2) to finish the work of God in the lives of all men by sending the Gospel to all of mankind. In this posting we will examine another reason for the Word’s 31-year life as a human being–to bring a SWORD into the world. It would be this sword that He would use to distinguish between those who hunger and thirst after righteousness which results in true salvation and those who hunger and thirst after sin which that results in false salvation. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13,14 that few would seek and find the former and many would seek and find the latter. The SWORD determines which is which. Let us now identify the sword. In Revelation 19:11-16 we find the Apostle John describing what he saw while in the spirit. In the vision depicting what would take place in the latter days of the age John saw the arrival on earth of the Lamb of God which will take place in the near future when He comes to “marry” the true church–His Very Elect saints–at the end of the present age. These white linen-clad (vss 7,8) saints watch as the Faithful and True Lamb of God descends from heaven to judge and make war in a state of righteousness (vs 11). His eyes are flames of fire and on His head are many crowns. His robe is dipped in blood “and His name is called THE WORD OF GOD (vss 11-13/Jn. 1:1-4,14). In John’s vision, Jesus–the Word of God–has arrived to deal with those who had brought the world into the chaotic mess that will characterize the end of the world as it has been known–the age in which we have entered. Following Him upon white horses are His armies of heavenly beings. “And out of His mouth proceeded a SHARP SWORD with which He will smite the nations and rule them with a rod of iron. “And He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.” This majestic Being is called the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. He is the Lamb, the Son of God (vss 15,16) Who has returned as the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. Question: why is God in such a rage? What is the SHARP SWORD that proceeds out of the Lamb’s mouth? God is angry because man has failed to obey His Word. The SWORD coming out of Christ’s mouth is the WORD OF GOD (Eph. 6:17). A sword is not used to punish, but to produce death. How can the Lamb make war with His Words? and why? As is always the case, God answers the questions with His “fine print”–those Truths that explain the who, when, how, why, where, etc. of His “headlines.” Let us examine some of those Truths. In Matthew 10:34-39 we find Jesus speaking at length about a Truth that is hard for peace-loving man to accept, even though it was spoken about by the “Prince of Peace” on several occasions Himself. In this jarring statement He tells us that He did not come to earth to bring peace, but rather a SWORD. Historically, a sword is an implement of war. Incredibly, JESUS CAME TO CAUSE WAR AMONG THOSE CREATED IN HIS AND HIS FATHER’S MOST PRECIOUS CREATIONS WHO HAVE BECOME THEIR ENEMIES. THE SWORD WOULD BE USED TO MAKE WAR WITH THEIR ENEMIES. THE SWORD IS THEIR WORD. In verses 35 through 39 the Lord makes some extremely harsh statements that go against everything religious mankind embraces. He tells us that He did not come to make peace among men. HE CAME TO PIT PEOPLE AGAINST EACH OTHER. And not just any people; He came to set relatives against each other: fathers against sons, sons against fathers; daughters against mothers, mothers against daughters; daughters-in-law against mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law against daughters-in-law. Jesus warned that the contention within families would become so serious that “… a man’s enemies will be those of his own household” (vs 36). He goes on to say that if we do not choose Him over those we love and cherish the most we are not worthy of Him. This rule applies even to one’s spouse and children. Knowing how hard this would be for those who are forced to choose Him over their loved ones, Jesus calls this act of sacrifice the believer’s CROSS, saying: “… he who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. He who does not bear this cross will lose his soul” (vss 38,39). Many a tear has been shed by those who have had to choose between obeying the God of the Bible and obeying the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) as does the believer’s family. But as He promised to do, the Lord wipes away the tears and empowers the cross-bearer to soldier on in his constant war with Satan and his fallen angels who routinely use the saint’s family in their effort to draw him/her away from God. This war will continue until Christ returns to cast the devil and his disciples into the Lake of Fire where they will be tormented for ever. Question: what does the saint’s continuous warfare with family, friends and acquaintances have to do with God’s SWORD–His WORD? Answer: EVERYTHING. “For the WORD (SWORD) OF GOD IS QUICK AND POWERFUL, AND SHARPER THAN ANY TWO-EDGED (PHYSICAL) SWORD. It CUTS even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart (mind).” Man’s thoughts, words and deeds are all known by God and are “naked before HIM TO WHOM WE ALL MUST ANSWER” (Heb. 4:12,13). God’s SWORD/WORD separates Truth from lies, wheat from tares, sheep from goats, true saints from false saints. In John 12:44-50 Jesus tells salvation seekers why His SWORD/WORD is so important relative to qualifying for eternal life. Recall that He Himself is called THE WORD (Jn. 1:1-4,14). Recall also that the WORD is also God’s LIGHT: “While I am in the world I am the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.” “You (apostles) are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD” (Jn. 9:5/Mat. 5:14 respectively). THE WORD IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. JESUS AND HIS ANOINTED APOSTLES ARE, EACH IN THEIR TURN, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD IN THAT THEY PROCLAIMED GOD’S WORD/LIGHT THEN AS THEIR SPIRITUAL DESCENDANTS DO TODAY. They are the only light the world sees. Again, God’s light is His Word that all are commanded to believe and obey. This is brought out clearly in John 12:44-50 where Jesus tells us that we who believe in Him also believe in His Father, and that when one sees Him one is seeing His Father. Jesus came as a light to those who want to separate themselves from the darkness of the world. He goes on to say that neither He nor the Father will judge mankind. MAN WILL BE JUDGED BY HIS WORDS (vs 48). The man Jesus spoke what the Father told Him (vs 49,50). In verse 50 Jesus says: “… HIS (THE FATHER’S) COMMANDMENT (WORD/LAW) IS EVERLASTING LIFE ….” NOTE IT: GOD’S WORD IS ETERNAL LIFE. JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE (JN. 14:6). JESUS CALLED GOD’S WORD THE TRUTH, WHICH JESUS SAID WAS HIS (GOD’S) WORD (JN. 17:17) BY WHICH WE ARE SANCTIFIED (SET APART FOR HOLY USE. In summary, Jesus was the WORD of God made flesh. He was the LIGHT of God make flesh. He was the TRUTH of God made flesh. That WORD/LIGHT/TRUTH is the SWORD OF GOD that exposes the darkness of this world. His true disciples are His living SWORDS, LIGHTS AND TRUTHS MADE FLESH. They are also His WEAPONS OF WAR that He uses against the forces of evil. It is for this reason that the church world hates, rejects and despises His Word, except the parts she agrees with. Jesus warned that this would be the case because no one wants to be opened up by His sword, specifically the “fine print” portion of it. Jesus said that, because the world hated Him–the Light of the world–the world would hate His light-bearing apostles also. Darkness, He reminds us, hates light. Let us be that hated light. But did He not promise peace? Peace and war are antithetical to each other. The peace that Christ promised is internal, not external. We will always be at war with the “prince of the powers of the air” who uses our fellow man to wage war against us. Until Christ returns His saints will be at war against God’s enemies. Though we war against the forces of evil in high places, we always have the “peace that passes all understanding.” God’s Very Elect will continue to wage war against Satan, his devils and his people, and will do so without fear. There is coming a time, and soon, when God’s true soldiers will wage such warfare face-to-face with Satan’s people and will do so in public forums while all the world watches. I see the seeds of this type of spiritual warfare developing daily. Only the toughest will be able to face Satan’s henchmen in Spirit-to-spirit, Word-to-word combat. God’s servants will win, just as did Elijah did on Mt. Carmel when he defeated the 400 prophets of Baal publicly and put them to shame. I look forward to it. All true believers will be involved in these public battles either directly or indirectly. Therefore, let us stay prayed up, studied up and fasted up. Let us not be like the five foolish virgins. Let us be God’s continuous light in this world of perpetual darkness. LET US BE HIS LIVING SWORD/LIGHT/TRUTH AS DID THE MAN JESUS OF NAZARETH. L.J.
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