It was long ago established that the United States of America sets the trend for the rest of the world which follows her lead, whether for good or evil. In some aspects of social, economic, political and military life, America has been a fitting template for other nations to emulate over her relatively short existence. However, when the subject turns to the most important arena–morality–such is no longer the case. The “city set on a hill” for other nations to look to for moral guidance has, for several generations, been losing her spiritual glow. What was once her claim to fame within the world community (her Bible-based style of life) is now the joke heard around the world.
The once-blessed nation which has “In God We Trust” printed on her currency has done everything she can to distance herself from the God she indeed once trusted. For example, she has destroyed the institution of marriage by rejecting God’s definition of the family. She has glorified and exalted all manner of sexual sins which God condemns in His Holy Word. Her system of social law, which was originally founded on the Ten Commandments, has been set aside and replaced by the acceptance of lawlessness as nothing more than a harmless “oops” that oppressed people are allowed to practice in the name of “social justice.” Even her military has gone “woke” in an attempt to appease those whose goal is the transformation of America herself into a chaotic system of anarchy which is governed by each individual’s preferred mindset at any particular time and place. “It’s all good,” “if it feels good, do it” have become America’s mantras. Her current rules of behavior and consequences has resulted in a legal system in which Biblically-defined good is now viewed as evil, and evil has been declared good. And those who disagree with that dictum are silenced and hated by those who are “right.” As if those abominations were not enough, she leads the world in the murder of unborn children. Read Abortion: God’s Word on the Subject. Key word–Abortion.
All of the above is known by anyone who has a screen to observe. It is for this reason that God is raising up “voices” of light to expose the “why” behind the disasterous “what” that has taken over what was once a civilized society and world. Many are openly asking the same question: Why is America suddenly inundated with crime and immorality of all other types to a degree that would have been squashed a generation ago? What is happening to “America the Beautiful?” Why has she become America the ugly?
The “why” aspect to the decaying social, educational, political and economic condition of America and the rest of the Western World can be traced back to one globally-recognized, socially-embraced and greatly-followed source–THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. AS GOES THE CHURCH–SO GOES THE NATION. America is rotting from within. Such rot is Biblically known as REBELLION AGAINST GOD. America is the most religious nation on earth. But as Jesus said would be the case, the end-time (Laodicean) church is nothing more than vomit in His mouth which He will spew out into the soon-coming Great Tribulation. Read about the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord and the series titled Who Are God’s People? Key words–Tribulation and People respectively.
God established His tiny church (ekklesia–“called out ones”) which was filled with His saints (“holy ones”) for a singular purpose: to be the guiding light by which He would draw the heathen world to Himself. At first, the church fulfilled its commission beautifully. Over time, however, she became infiltrated with those who, under Satan’s leadership, proclaimed a “better way” than the way of the Lord. Jesus of Nazareth warned His disciples early on to be on guard against this apostasy which He saw coming. In Matthew 24:4 He said to His disciples: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many will come in My name, saying that I am indeed the Christ, and will deceive many.” He explained to them, and us, that few salvation seekers would choose His strait gate and walk His narrow path that leads to eternal life. Many, He warned, would choose to enter Satan’s wide (come as you are) gate and walk his broad (stay as you are) way that leads to death. Both groups would be searching for the same thing–eternal life. And both groups would “know” that they had found it. Today the wide gate, broad way outnumbers the strait gate, narrow way millions to one. It is for that reason that God is pouring out His wrath on America and those nations which follow her lead. Students of the Prophets and their prophecies are not surprised. God warned us what was going to happen and what He was going to do about it thousands of years ago. My question is: Why did it take Him so long to punish us nationally, which is what we see taking place around us today. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices.
As billions of believers have proven over the years, Satan’s self-pleasing, all-grace-no Law, you-want-it-you-got-it style of religion has produced hundreds of man-founded, man-led, Satan-controlled religious cults, each having its own god, its own savior and its own rules of engagement. Each believing that it is THE church, these cults proclaim their respective “truths” to be the word of God. Which is actually true. The problem is that their god is “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) who has “… deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9), including the church world. The following will help to explain how America went from the spiritual penthouse to the religious outhouse, and in record time.
Each “church” tries to out-liberal the others by seeing who can separate itself the farthest from the Biblical God and still call itself His church. This error has brought about a deep spiritual divide in the areas of the world where professing Christianity has gained a foothold. The divide centers around His Law. In the so-called “Christian nations” these there has developed a great spiritual gulf that separates God’s Law-obeying “few” from Satan’s Law-rejecting “many.” This phenomenon has ancient roots extending back to the Garden of Eden where man’s choice of which “voice” to obey resulted in the total destruction of God’s first church whose two parishioners rejected His voice of authority and embraced the voice that gave THEM the authority to decide for themselves what was right and wrong. Nothing has changed.
America, along with those nations who follow in her spiritual footsteps, have blindly followed Adam and Eve’s lead. The Lawless, God-rejecting, so-called civilized world is rapidly decaying before our eyes. This is the result of her two-step fall from grace:. In step she rejected the Biblical God’s Biblical Law. Step 2) revealed her total embrace of Satan’s church doctrine, which is man’s various versions of what God actually meant by what He said. For a condensed explanation of why America and others are rushing toward self-destruction read ALL of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. The first 13 and 14 verses of the references respectively tell us what God will do for those who obey His Law. The rest of the chapters explain what He will do to those who break His Law. The latter parts of the chapters will look very familiar.
The above truths explain WHY the world is losing her collective mind. MAN HAS ABANDONED GOD’S STRICT, “MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY” TYPE OF GOVERNANCE AND HAS EMBRACED SATAN’S “ANY WAY MAN WANTS IT” SYSTEM OF OPTIONS. Modern man, including religious man, does not feel the need for a God to tell him how to live his life. The church, by abandoning the Law by which God rules His true saints, has led the world into that mindset. In her vain attempt to fit into the world’s social system, the counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Religious System has led salvation seekers away from its Provider and into the arms of His enemy. This is exactly what happened to our original parents. What I call the “Eden Syndrome” has totally infected professing Christendom–the counterfeit church. The church loaf has become leaven. As a result, she is destroying not only her parishioners, but also the nations in which they abide. L.J.
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