Though world leaders continually speak of peace and international cooperation, war has been waged continually on earth as long as anyone can remember. Man does not know how to wage peace, only war (Rom. 3:16,17). Man simply does not know the way to peace (Isa. 59:8) because he has never walked it. Isaiah 33:7,8,10 tells us that those who seek peace will weep bitterly as they watch their nations being destroyed. Due to man’s lust for power, greed, pride, etc., he does not have the capability to create that which he promises–peace. He speaks of peace while preparing for war. A perfect example of this took place prior to World War II when Adolf Hitler signed a peace pact with England, all the while preparing to invade Poland, which would automatically draw England into the war. Hitler also signed a peace pact with Russia just before Germany invaded her. The world has many Hitlers today. Soon they will all rise at one time and the world will never be the same.
The intelligent conclusion is that man is incapable of waging peace. Without God as his commander, man is at the mercy of Satan. And no world leader obeys God, or even knows Him. So the picture is clear–man and war are conjoined. But hope rises on the horizon. The Lord has promised an eternity of peace upon His Son’s return to earth. The question is, how will He do this? He tells us.
God lets mankind know what He is going to do before He does it. He promises this in Amos 3:7: “Surely the Lord will do nothing before He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets.” Many years ago God revealed to the Prophet Isaiah that He was going to establish a world-ruling kingdom here on earth (2:1-3). He also informed Daniel, Micah and David of His plans (Dan. 2:44/Mic. 4:1-4/Ps. 67:4). In that world there will be no war, only peace (Isa. 2:4) because Jesus Christ will rule the world (Isa. 11). And who will share rulership with Him? His saints who, through obedience to Him during their human lives, proved themselves worthy of such honor (2 Tim. 2:12/Rev. 5:10;22:3-5).
Let us conclude this series by answering a most important question: WHO ARE GOD’S SAINTS WHO WILL RULE AND REIGN OVER THE EARTH IN THE COMING KINGDOM OF GOD? This website has shown time and again that God’s “little flock” will be that tiny “remnant” who BELIEVE AND OBEY HIS GOSPEL in this life (Mat. 7:13,14). This is the same gospel Jesus taught and left for mankind in written form as the road map to His Father’s kingdom (Jn. 12:49;14:24). The gospel is the good news about the coming Kingdom of God on earth. This is the gospel Jesus preached (Mat. 4:23;9:35/Mk. 1:14). He would later send His apostles throughout the known world to preach that same gospel first to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel (Mat. 10:6/Lk. 9:1-6/Mat. 28:19,20), then to the Gentiles (Acts 8:12; 19:8; 20:17,25/28:23,28-31). Then, as now, false prophets in the church perverted God’s gospel by presenting “another gospel” to the people, one much more suitable to their taste (Gal. 1:6-9). Then, as now, the majority embraced the perverted version. Today that majority is known by mankind as Catholicism/ Protestantism. A tiny minority is known by God as His church. One day, soon I believe, Jesus Christ will return to clean up the mess man has made. At that time He will award each person “according to his deeds” (Rom. 2:6). Those whose deeds consist of knowing, believing and obeying His gospel will join Him on His throne where they will assist Him in ruling and reigning the world. L.J.
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